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Chapter 78 Tony: I Almost Thought I Was Green A New Q{xml}A

Chapter 78 Tony: I almost thought I was green, new Q&A

Seeing the new Peter's speech, Tony suddenly raised his eyebrows and asked in surprise: "Are you sure? They really look the same?"

"Um..." New Peter was stunned for a moment and continued hesitantly: "It looks a bit similar at first glance, but it's still different when you look closer..."

Tony immediately breathed a sigh of relief. When he heard this guy just said that they looked the same, he subconsciously felt that the top of his head was green.

[Just when Tony and Tony were getting tired of each other, a golden portal opened next to them, and the figure of Stephen Strange came out of the portal, claiming that the universe was in danger at the moment, and Tony must go with him


[But for Doctor Strange who suddenly appeared, Tony pushed back unceremoniously: "Excuse me, are you here to sell some show tickets? And who are "we"?"]

[As soon as he finished speaking, Tony saw an acquaintance walking out from behind Strange.]

【It's Banner!】

[Seeing Banner, Tony also had an expression of disbelief on his face, and subconsciously asked: "Is it you? Bruce?"]

[Due to Banner’s appearance, Tony Stark followed Doctor Strange and the others back to the New York Temple. 】

[And Master Wang also used magic to show the origin of the infinite stones:]

["The Big Bang created six elemental gems, which are wandering in the newborn universe. Each infinite gem controls an original attribute of the universe."]

[Strange also spoke slowly, and with each word he uttered, each illusory infinity stone lit up for a moment: "Space, reality, power, soul, heart...and time!"]

[At the end, Strange made a hand with his hands and opened the Eye of Agamotto hanging on his chest, revealing the green time stone inside. 】

[Banner also told Tony about the seriousness of the matter at this time, telling him about Thanos' cruelty: "...he plundered everywhere among the planets, and half of the creatures wherever he went were brutally killed..."]

At this moment, the scene in the live broadcast room suddenly stopped.

[Current video paused]

[Q&A begins]

[Question: In this universe, why does Thanos only kill half of the population every time he invades a planet?]

[A: In order to curb the birth of the Celestial Group and protect the universe from destruction. 】

[B: He believes that the resources of the universe are limited. Only by controlling the population can resources be distributed in a balanced manner and the balance of the universe be maintained. 】

[C: To please the death of one of the legendary five creation gods]

[D: Thanos rules the entire universe in order to spread fear]

[Please start answering! Everyone in the live broadcast room only has one chance to answer. Those who answer correctly will receive 100 live broadcast points and random rewards. 】

[Random rewards may come from any multiverse, and failure to answer questions will trigger unknown penalties. 】

The Q&A came so unexpectedly that several people in the live broadcast room were stunned for a moment.

"Listen to what this is saying. Is there a reason why the murderer kills people?"

Quill said with a look of disdain on his face: "This guy just didn't touch me, otherwise I, Star-Lord, would make him look good."

"Give him a good look?"

Tony snorted disdainfully, pointed at Loki with his left hand and said to Quill: "Young man, please don't talk nonsense. You know, Loki, the prince of Asgard, will die at the hands of Thanos in the future.

Here, and Loki was able to torture you with one hand yesterday, do you think you can beat Thanos?"

"Ah this..."

Star-Lord was immediately choked, and he covered his "pig head" in embarrassment and took a few steps back.

Captain America also looked at the mighty Loki holding the Eternal Spear in surprise, and thought to himself: "This guy will die in the hands of Thanos? How powerful must this Thanos be?"

After the introduction, he already knew the secrets of this live broadcast room, and although he did not have extraordinary power, he could still feel the strong pressure on Loki, so he was also shocked that Loki died at the hands of Thanos.


"Okay guys, should we choose to answer the question..." Strange interrupted everyone's chat and pointed at the four options on the screen.

Tony shrugged: "I think the last one is the most correct answer. For this war madman, the other three options are really unconvincing."

Bruce Banner heard the words and said: "Isn't this too hasty, especially the death of this group of gods and one of the creator gods? We haven't figured it out yet!"

Tony waved his hand: "No need to figure it out, trust me, just choose D"

[Ding~Tony Stark has finished answering, the system begins to judge...]

[Ding~Tony Stark answered incorrectly.]

[Get random punishment, Tony Stark will be completely paralyzed for 7 days after exiting the space.]


Tony screamed when he heard this. The punishment of losing his male sex function for a month last time was already painful enough for him, and now he is paralyzed for another week. Are you, the system, discriminating against me?

Carol shook his head speechlessly at this time: "Reckless man!"

Clearing her throat, Carol said: "I have heard about the names of the Celestials during my travels in the universe over the years. It is said that they are giants, two thousand feet tall, wearing armor, and with many heads.

Eyes, the most terrifying thing is that when a god is born, the planet it is on will be completely destroyed, so so far, only the legends about them have been handed down. As for the images..."

She shook her head: "Not at all."

At this time, Loki walked a few steps in the live broadcast room holding the Eternal Spear, took a slight breath and said: "Actually, there are some. In the library of Asgard, I once accidentally saw something about

There is a hand-drawn picture in the records of the Celestial God Group, but at the time I mistakenly thought that these guys were also beings from the Nine Realms."

"Because it is recorded in that book that thousands of years ago, my father and the gods in the atrium had a battle with the gods in order to protect the atrium... But it is a pity that the result of this battle...

It’s not recorded in the book!”

Odin in front of the screen heard Loki's words, closed his one eye slightly, and his body trembled for a moment, as if he remembered some horrific scene. After a long time, he slowly opened his eyes, exhaled, and whispered softly: "The God Group...

Is it going to make a comeback?"

"Thor, Loki, for Asgard...can you stop me?"

Odin's old one eye became piercing. At this moment, he suddenly felt that he seemed to be unable to die, at least until Thor and others grew up...

"Wait a minute, according to what you said, Thanos's cruel massacre was actually to resist the more terrifying group of gods?"

Tony suddenly screamed with disbelief on his face: "This is too ridiculous."

Coulson and Lu Dan on Earth were also very surprised by this, and Lu Dan even wrote down the rumors about the Celestial Group in a small notebook.

They also couldn't believe that the earth had been invaded by the Celestials before.

Master Modu and others are still gathered in the main hall of Kama Taj today. Listening to the analysis of the God Group in the live broadcast room, Modo turned to look at Ancient One: "Supreme Master, what do you think of this question?"

Master Ancient One shook his fan slightly, closed his eyes and meditated for a few seconds, then opened his eyes again: "Looking at the entire timeline, no matter what the reason for what Thanos did, his choice was not correct.

As for his fight against the God Group, it can only be said to be the result of a strange combination of circumstances and cannot be regarded as the main reason. As for the death of the legendary God of Creation..."

Master Ancient One squinted his eyes and showed a Mona Lisa-like smile on his face: "Here, they have no intersection!"

Mordo and Casillas looked at each other, and then asked cautiously: "So, do you think the answer is B? This is too crazy, killing half of the population to maintain a balance in resource use?"

"Nothing crazy!" Master Ancient One put away his fan: "Thanos is just a poor guy who has gone astray. Answer the question, Modo."

Although he couldn't believe it, Master Modu still spoke in the chat channel: "I choose B."

[Ding~ Master Modu has finished answering, the system starts to judge...]

[Ding~Master Modu’s answer is correct.]

[Master Modu gets 100 live broadcast points and can always watch clips of the past and future related to him. 】

[Get random rewards... "Powerful Potion" "Potion Making - Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced"]

[The two sets of books on powerful potions and potion making come from the wizarding world of Harry Potter and are essential potions textbooks at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.]

Along with the sound of the system, four thick, simple-looking books appeared in front of Master Modu.

Looking at the magic books that appeared out of thin air, even the ancient mage couldn't help but cast an interested look, and waved his hand to summon these books in front of him.

After briefly browsing the contents of the book, Master Gu Yi sighed with emotion: "I didn't expect that this magic book from another world would be so wonderful. Ordinary herbs can be blended together to form potions full of magical power!"

(End of chapter)

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