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Chapter 83 The Silver Guard of the Funny Heavenly Group Strikes Thor and Doesn't Die

Chapter 83: The funny heavenly group Silver Guardian attacks, Thor is not dead

[After destroying Ebony Maw, Doctor Strange proposed to return to Earth, but this made Tony Stark unhappy, and the two even had a quarrel about it. 】

[Tony thinks that if Strange had escaped with the Time Stone, there would not have been these troubles later. It is because of Doctor Strange's insistence that he is now trapped in this spaceship. 】

[Seeing that the atmosphere between the two became tense, Little Spider immediately came out and started joking. 】

[Under his gag, Tony and Strange also put aside their quarrel.]

[But then they have to face a more serious problem, whether to face Thanos directly or find a way to return to Earth. 】

[Concerning this issue, the two once again had new differences.]

[Doctor Strange: "No matter what, we can't give up the Time Stone to Thanos...you still don't understand how serious the situation is."]

[Seeing the indifferent look on Tony’s face, Doctor Strange’s tone became serious at the end.]

["I don't know?" Tony became excited when he heard this. He stepped in front of Doctor Strange in three or two steps and growled in a low voice, "You are the one who doesn't understand. The shadow of Thanos lingers in my mind.

It’s been six years...”]

[Tony spoke very quickly. He believed that it would be more appropriate for the battle to take place on Thanos's territory. He thought that they should take advantage of Thanos's failure to react and launch a surprise attack on him. 】

[After hearing his plan, Dr. Strange was silent for a while, then nodded in agreement, but he warned Tony: "We can take the initiative, but you'd better be mentally prepared. If I let you, this child,

And if you choose one of the three time stones, I will give up both of you without hesitation. I have to do this, because this is related to the fate of the entire universe."]

[For his warning, Tony didn't take it seriously at all. Instead, he turned around and announced to Little Spider that from today on, you are a member of the Avengers. 】

Bruce Banner: "After working on it for a long time, it turns out that it was Stark who took the initiative in the end and changed the battlefield. So we had misunderstood Strange before? I thought it was his plan."

Reed Richards: "Hey, I remember someone just insisted that he had the time stone and must have seen the future, but it turned out to be a slap in the face! So the ancient one is still great, and I suddenly

Some people don’t understand why Master Ancient One passed the position of Supreme Mage to Strange.”

Master Modu did not express an opinion, but still silently gave Reed a thumbs up.

Strange raised his head unwilling to admit defeat: "Oh, I don't believe that as the Supreme Mage, I have no preparations. Besides, it may be that I know Stark's plan after seeing the future through the time stone.

And follow him!"

Peter Quill bumped Captain Marvel's arm with his elbow in admiration, and asked curiously: "Has this guy always been so shameless?"

Team Shock shrugged and pushed Quill aside: "I'm not familiar with you, so I don't know!"

[As soon as the screen changed, the circular spacecraft quickly arrived at the set destination. Looking at the ground getting closer and closer, the three people in the spacecraft suddenly panicked. ]

[They don’t know how to handle this spaceship yet!]

[With the diligent operation of Iron Man and Little Spider, the spacecraft finally crashed into the ruins of buildings on the planet without any accidents and fell apart.]

[At the critical moment, Doctor Strange quickly cast a super large magic shield. 】

"Shet, I don't want to take any transportation you drive anymore!"

Strange rolled his eyes speechlessly: "What you did just now made me think you really knew how to fly a spaceship."

Tony Stark shrugged his shoulders: "Everyone has a first time, right? Besides, I am different from this variant. I can now fly a Gundam, and this little spaceship is no problem."

[After the spacecraft landed, the little spider suddenly hung upside down to remind him that something was approaching.]

[As soon as he finished speaking, a round grenade rushed over and exploded between the three of them, sending them all flying away. ]

[Three figures appeared at the hatch of the spaceship, and with a roar, Drax the Destroyer threw two daggers at Doctor Strange.]

[Seeing the flying knife coming, Strange quickly deployed his magic shield to stop it, and then threw out his magic floating cloak to trap Drax.]

[Star-Lord Peter Quill also struggled with Iron Man. During the close fight between the two, Quill used a magnet to attach Iron Man to a nearby steel instrument. Then, together with Mantis, he controlled Peter.

Parker, and put the gun to his temple.]

["Everyone, stop moving, everyone, calm down!"]

[Seeing that Star-Lord kidnapped Spidey as a hostage, Tony also broke free from the magnet and pointed his palm cannon at Drax the Destroyer lying on the ground.]

"Holy shit, is this me?" Peter Quill saw himself unmasked on the screen and screamed in surprise. Then he looked at Strange and Tony with a strange expression: "I'm actually on the stage.

picture, then the next step will definitely be for me, Star-Lord, to shake his body and accept you as my younger brothers."


[With the mask off, Star-Lord pointed his gun at Iron Man: "I'm only going to ask you once, where is Gamora?"]

[Iron Man also removed his mask, revealing Tony's face, and looked at Star-Lord with a confused expression: "Then let me ask you a more advanced question, who is Gamora?"]

[The two also fell into a stalemate. Star-Lord looked at the uncooperative Iron Man in front of him and said harshly: "Okay, you won't tell me her whereabouts, right? Well, I'll kill all three of you."

Then go find Thanos to settle the score yourself!”]

[Hearing this, Tony and Strange immediately understood the situation and asked Star-Lord: "It's my turn to ask, who are you loyal to?"]

["You asked me who I am loyal to?" Peter Quill was still emotional: "How to answer this question? Jesus Christ?"]

[Tony put down the weapon in his hand speechlessly after hearing this, pointed at Star-Lord and said: "Are you from Earth?"]

["No, I'm from Missouri!"]

["Isn't Missouri just on the earth? Idiot!"]


Wanda: "Why do these questions and answers sound familiar to me?"

Reed: "If we didn't have auditory hallucinations, Loki had an exact same conversation with Star-Lord in the live broadcast room yesterday."

Colson: "Coincidentally, based on the name and area he provided, we actually found out about him. Peter Quill died in 1988 when his mother died. He rushed out of the hospital in grief, and then disappeared. Someone

You said you saw an alien spacecraft passing by in the sky when you disappeared, so during the investigation, many nearby people insisted that you had been abducted by aliens. Now it seems that this is a fact!"


Seeing the message sent by Phil Coulson, Peter Quill suddenly murmured and took out an old-fashioned Walkman from his pocket.

"God, does anyone still use such an 'ancient' thing now?"

Peter Parker looked at the old-fashioned Walkman and exclaimed in surprise, then took out his ultra-thin Walkman from his pocket and handed it to Peter Quill: "Seriously, you have already

It has been out of use for many years, but now it is popular, and you can download thousands or even tens of thousands of songs."

Star-Lord curiously took the ultra-thin Walkman and looked over it several times before asking in confusion: "Don't lie to me, it's so thin, how can you put a tape in it?"

"Tape? No, no, no, we all download songs here to listen to." With that, Peter Parker showed Star-Lord how to use the Walkman, and then asked doubtfully: "Is it possible that the universe

Don’t those aliens in there listen to music?”

"OK, kid, you are going too far."

Tony Stark pulled Peter Parker and motioned for him to continue looking at the screen.

["So, you are not with Thanos?"]

[Little Spider Peter also doubtfully asked Star-Lord behind him who was controlling him at this time.]

["Along with Thanos?" Star-Lord's expression looked like he had stepped on shit: "Of course not, we are here to kill Thanos. He took my girlfriend away, and I was about to settle the score with him, but what the hell are you doing?

who is it."】

[Peter also took off his helmet at this time and introduced himself proudly: "We are the Avengers!"]

[Mantis, who was bound by the spider web, suddenly shouted excitedly: "You are the group of people Thor mentioned."]

["Do you know Thor?" Tony became excited when he heard Thor's name. You know, Banner said that he was dead before. 】

[Star-Lord nodded, the expression on his face was full of disgust: "Of course, he is tall, not good-looking, and particularly in need of love."]

[Strange also asked curiously after hearing this: "So where is Thor now?"]

Thor: "Huh? I heard my name? So I'm not dead? Haha, brother, did you hear it? I'm not dead."

Loki slowly twitched the corners of his mouth, took a breath slowly, and sighed in his heart.

The explosion of the spaceship and the vacuum of the universe did not kill Thor. How far has this future brother grown?

This physical strength is already a monster!

But Loki then fell into deep thought. If Thor is so powerful, why was Asgard actually destroyed?

Could it be that Thanos really used the Power Stone to attack Asgard?

In Asgard, after hearing the news that Thor was not dead, Odin and Frigga finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Frigga held Odin's hand tightly and sighed slowly: "Thor is not dead. I should sound happy about this news, but when I think of Loki dying in that world, I can't help but feel uncomfortable."

Odin also held the queen's hand and rubbed it. He was also very excited when he heard the news that Thor was not dead. In his opinion, as long as people are still there, Asgard can be re-established even if it is destroyed.

As for Loki...

Seeing the queen beside him wiping her tears, Odin sighed, his one eye shining with golden light, and he looked at the screen in the room: "Don't worry, my queen, as long as I am alive, I promise not to let Thor

And Loki suffered harm."

Please order first, thank you all

(End of chapter)

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