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Chapter 89 He just died in my arms Live Iron Man

Chapter 89 He just died in my arms, live broadcast of Iron Man 1+2

As Nebula finished speaking, the screen above also finished playing and fell into darkness.

Tony stared blankly at the screen, his ears still ringing with the cry of the young man just now, and the expression on his face as he calmly apologized to himself.

'I'm sorry (I'm sorry)...'

"Hey, child, why are you sorry for me? It's obviously my fault for not being able to protect you!"

Tony shook his head heartbrokenly and beat his chest to let his breath flow more smoothly. He suddenly felt regretful for his future self. He should have taken stronger measures at that time and confirmed that the child had returned to Earth before entering the spacecraft.

Perhaps Tony himself didn't realize that after watching the spoiler images of the future in the live broadcast room one after another, his nature had subtly changed.

Whether it was his attitude towards Loki from the initial sarcasm to the previous empathy and comfort, or his own transformation from the playboy Tony to the responsible Iron Man now...

The saying "With great power comes great responsibility" actually affects not only the extraordinary Peter, but also Tony Stark himself.

Just because he is still in the greenhouse of the live broadcast room, Tony has not yet shown his changes.

Strange, who was on the side, noticed that Tony was not in good condition, bumped his shoulder lightly, and asked with concern: "Are you okay? I see you look ugly."

Tony came back to his senses and smiled: "It's okay, I just feel a little uncomfortable thinking that the child died in my arms. I was thinking, if I don't let him participate in this battle, will he die?"

You can live safely on earth, blame me..."

Extraordinary Peter heard the self-blame in his words, and came over to comfort him: "Don't be too sad, Mr. Stark, I believe that the me in your universe will never blame you. After all, you advised him back then.

He's back on Earth, but he didn't listen to you."

The newly joined Peter Parker also spoke: "Yes, and listening to what he told you, this 'I' should also be a principled and responsible person. Even if you drive him back to Earth, he will definitely find a way."

If I catch you again, don’t forget, doesn’t that fat mage on Earth have a portal?”

Bruce Banner: "That's right, Stark, you can't stop a child from being brave enough to protect others. And if you think about it from another perspective, didn't I snap my fingers with the Infinity Stones and resurrect them later? This child will

Came back."

Tony fell into silence as he listened to their words of comfort. After a long time, he finally gritted his teeth and showed a firm look on his face: "Nick Fury, and Coulson, I know this.

The child's information must have been hidden by you. I'm not a threat, but if I don't see his information in the mailbox after I go back, don't blame me for asking Jarvis to take a walk in your SHIELD database."

"Scaring me?" Nick Fury sneered disdainfully: "You'd better sort out your own mess! If I remember correctly, the system just gave you a lot of punishment!"


Tony suddenly remembered the punishment for his previous failure to answer the question, and suddenly he felt annoyed.

[Avengers 3 (part of the content) has been played, and the second sequence - Tony Stark's future - Iron Man 1 + Iron Man 2 will be played soon]

[Starting to invite special viewers to join the live chat group. Specially invited viewers will not enter the live broadcast slot this time. 】

[Ant-Man—Scott Lang joined the live chat group]

Huh? Ant-Man? Scott Lang?

Phil Coulson and Nick Fury looked at each other in surprise, then turned to look at Hank Pym's information that was still open on the computer, both looking confused.

"Boss, who is this Ant-Man?"

Colson cleared his throat and asked curiously, which also made Lu Dan's face darker.

This question... People in the live broadcast room were also very curious. After all, Coulson just said that Ant-Man's name is Hank Pym.

Captain America is more upright and directly expresses everyone's doubts: "Strange, didn't Coulson just say that Ant-Man is Hank Pym? Who are you, Mr. Scott Lang?"

But Scott did not answer Captain America's question. Instead, he shouted in the chat channel in surprise: "Captain America? Are you Captain America? You actually survived?"

Steve Rogers was stunned when he heard this and asked curiously: "Do you know me?"

"Of course..." Scott Lang said excitedly: "The instructors in San Quentin State Prison like to show us your documentaries the most, and you are also my idol."



Tony, who had looked sad just now, suddenly couldn't help but laugh out loud, but he felt that the impact of laughing out loud at this time was really bad, so he covered his mouth and suppressed it.

But then he discovered that not only himself, but also Strange and Captain Marvel Carol had very strange expressions on their faces.

"I remember, isn't Captain America a hero?" Loki also said with a smile, looking like a curious baby: "Especially that brave agent Phil Coulson of S.H.I.E.L.D., your madness is even more

Fans, I carried a set of your out-of-print picture albums with me before I died, but why does another criminal fan appear now?"

"Um..." Scott Lang broke away from the excitement of meeting his idol and said with an embarrassed expression: "I was too impulsive back then and made some mistakes."

"Ugh, you're not wrong at all!" Nick Fury also said in the chat channel at this time: "The master of electrical engineering was dissatisfied because he was fired. He failed to blackmail his former company, so he transferred the money on the company's account in the middle of the night.

Money being stolen is a big news recently."

"However, many people on the Internet call you a gangster. After all, it was Vesta Company that broke the law first. You reported them to no avail, and then hacked into the company's system and returned the defrauded customers' money to them. This is very good!"

Nick Fury said with a smile: "You have very good abilities. If you are interested, I can rescue you from the hard prison life, as long as you are willing to join SHIELD and serve us."

"Oh, the fox's tail is up!" Tony Stark suddenly shouted: "Seriously, if Scott really joins you, it will be difficult! With his ability, what can he do if he joins you?

?Create a terrifying system to monitor the whole world?”

Tony Stark adjusted his suit and said to Scott Lang in front of the screen: "Your matter is completely trivial in my opinion. I think it is better for you to join the spy organization S.H.I.E.L.D."

We at Stark Industries, after all, as a master of electrical engineering, your major is more suitable for us!"

Seeing Tony and SHIELD competing for people, no one else in the live broadcast room reacted for a while, but soon Strange understood something.

Yes, the answer just now revealed the special nature of this Ant-Man. Even his future self had to fight the 4-gem Thanos to protect him, and did not give up resistance until he was sure that this guy was safe.

Then such a person is naturally very attractive to all major forces!

Faced with the recruitment of S.H.I.E.L.D. and Stark Industries, Scott was a little confused for a moment. When did he become a hot commodity? By the way, what is this live broadcast room, and why did it suddenly appear in him?

in the cell?

【Video playback starts】

As the cold voice of the system sounded, the picture that had just been silent began to appear again.


[As Tony Stark screamed, the silver steel armor Mark 2 spun and fell downwards.]

"Hey, this is the continuation of your last fall from a high altitude, right?"

Looking at the familiar scenes and screams, Strange suddenly remembered the plot and said curiously: "You wouldn't just fall and become paralyzed, or would you break any part of your body?"

"screw you!"

Tony couldn't help but raise his middle finger to him, and spat disdainfully: "You think I'm you, and you hurt your hand while driving while playing with your mobile phone?"

[Calling Jarvis one after another to no avail, Tony could only fumble for a switch on his leg, twist it hard, open the glider of the armor, and also break the ice on the armor.]

[The cold subsided, and the armor's system came back online, providing power to the thrusters again, allowing Tony to fly again. 】

[Seeing that he had saved the day, Tony couldn't help but let out an excited howl, and then flew back to the sky above his big villa.]

[But he forgot that his armor was very heavy. After turning off the jet power, his whole body was like a weight, smashing through several ceilings one after another, and hit the luxury sports car in the basement hard. 】

[Tony had just changed out of his armor when he saw the gift given to him by Pepper Pepper. After opening it, Tony was surprised to find that it was the old Ark reactor that he had replaced before. 】

[And above, there is a line of words engraved by Pepper: "This thing proves that Stark is a thoughtful person."]

[The screen changes. In the base of the KB elements, several people are surrounding a pile of steel parts. They are piecing together the steel armor according to the drawings left by Tony Stark in the cave. With their efforts, Mark 1

More than half of the armor has been restored by them.]

Strange asked curiously: "By the way, after you read the spoilers last time, did you find any trouble with these guys when you went back?"

"Looking for trouble?"

Tony sneered and said with a proud face: "I just drove the Gundam and blew them all up into the sky, especially this bald guy, I just gave him a laser beam."

Several people who later joined the live broadcast room also learned about the first half of the plot of Iron Man 1 from the mouth of the extraordinary Peter, and also learned about Tony's experience in that different universe. Everyone was also interested in the way Tony dealt with them.

No opinion was expressed.

Only Captain America frowned a little unbearably, but he didn't express his opinion. He only said silently in his heart:

'This Tony Stark seems to be really not as good as Howard.'

I will take the expressway back to Suzhou today. The update may be later. Sorry, it takes more than 4 hours to drive.

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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