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Chapter 99 Two Starks' Horrifying Discovery of the Time Tube

Chapter 99 Two Starks, Shocking Discovery, Time Administration

[Just as everyone on the screen screamed for Stark who collapsed on the ground, Ant-Man suddenly appeared and kicked out the box containing the Cube.]

[Loki, who was handcuffed and gagged, opened his eyes in surprise. He glanced at the box that was kicked away, and then turned to look at Stark. From his perspective, he naturally saw that Ant-Man was

It emerged from Stark's body, which also made him suspicious, mistakenly thinking that Stark who fell to the ground was causing trouble.】

[The silver-white box slid some distance away and was picked up by a soldier wearing a special forces uniform.]

[The "soldier" who picked up the box walked outside and said to the communication channel: "Good job, we will meet in the alley, I have to eat something first!"]

This familiar voice and tone!

Everyone in the live broadcast room immediately turned their attention to Tony Stark, and even he looked confused.

this is me?

No, wasn't I lying on the ground twitching all over? Why is there another me here?

Are there two me in this world?

"That's wrong!" Reed Richards was the first to react and asked Master Modu in the chat channel: "Master Modo, didn't you just say that two identical individuals cannot appear in the same world, otherwise

Will it cause a time paradox? So what's going on?"

"Tony Stark slapped you hard in the face!"

Modu: "..."

Loki also sneered: "Someone also said that if two identical individuals appear together, the world will be destroyed. After doing this for a long time, this professional does not look professional!"

Master Modu: "Shut up, you have already been shackled by your brother Thor, and you are still so unstable."

After retorting harshly, Master Modu quickly turned to look at Master Gu Yi, but before he could speak, Master Gu Yi shook his head and said, "Don't ask me, I don't know!"


Master Modu's shoulders instantly slumped, and he looked speechlessly at the Supreme Mage with a wicked smile on his face.

Well, now even the Supreme Mage wants to see him having fun...

But just when he was dejected, Master Gu Yi, who was sitting on top, smiled again and said to all the mages in the hall: "Today I have to teach you a lesson again! In the face of unknown things, we cannot be proud and complacent.

, especially when they may be an extremely powerful existence, you must remain humble."

All the mages nodded in agreement, and even Master Modu lowered his head in embarrassment: "What's more, this time they did not guess wrong. These guys in the image are indeed from the future."

When Master Modu heard this, his expression froze and he said in disbelief: "How is this possible? Even the previous supreme mages have not been able to do this matter of physically traveling through time and space. How could they..."

"Modo!" Master Ancient One interrupted his murmuring, opened the fan gently, and fanned himself comfortably: "After the live broadcast is over, go visit Stark. It seems that in the future

It’s been a tough week for him!”

Upon hearing Gu Yi's instructions, Master Modu quickly nodded in agreement, and then looked at the live broadcast screen again.

According to Master Ancient One, the reason why these people traveled through time and space could not be because of Stark, right?

Is that why I was asked to approach him?

[As soon as Stark reached the stairs, he was immediately knocked out by a huge force.]

[It turned out to be Hulk, who was refused to take the elevator and had to go down the stairs. He pushed open the door, knocked Stark away, and roared to vent his rage. 】

[The box flew back again, opened with violent turbulence, and the blue Cosmic Cube fell out again, sliding all the way to Loki's feet. 】

[Seeing that no one was paying attention to him, Loki quickly bent down to pick up the Cosmic Cube, opened the portal and left here.]

"So, you know how to use the Rubik's Cube to teleport yourself away!"

Tony suddenly turned his head and glanced at the expressionless Loki, and asked with a strange look: "Then you were on the spaceship at the time, why didn't you escape? There shouldn't be any problem with the Cosmic Cube taking two people away, right?"

Loki pouted, you ask me, how do I know?

Super Peter also expressed emotion: "So the brotherhood between Mr. Loki and Mr. Thor is really touching. I really envy your relationship."

"Shut up, stupid kid, Thor and I have no feelings!"

Loki raised his finger and pointed at the extraordinary Peter, and then turned around in the live broadcast room: "If anyone mentions this matter again, I will directly summon Saron and beat you until you can't take care of yourself."

Thor once again shouted in the chat channel: "Loki..."

"Shut up, you idiot..."

[The scene changed and Loki fled into a desert. Just as he was announcing his identity to several confused herders around him, a golden portal suddenly opened not far away, and several fully armed warriors

Came out of it.]

["It looks like just an ordinary time series violation!"]

[A burly black woman walked out of the portal and read to a mobile phone-sized screen held in her hand: "The development speed and slope of time branches are stable."]

[After saying that, she put away the screen and pronounced the verdict to Loki: "The time criminal has been identified. On behalf of the Time Variation Administration, I am here to arrest you for violating the sacred timeline. Hands up!"]

[Loki laughed with an unhappy face after hearing this: "It's really annoying today. I've had enough of armed idiots telling me what to do, so this is my last warning to you!"]

【"Get out of my way!"】

[Seeing Loki rushing towards them, the black woman in the lead raised the stick in her hand and hit Loki hard on the cheek. 】


[Loki immediately floated up after being hit, and the flesh on his cheeks rolled like waves. His whole body seemed to have fallen into deep water, and the speed was extremely slow. 】

Looking at the miserable look of Loki being beaten on the screen, a burst of laughter couldn't help but burst out in the live broadcast room, which also made Loki's face turn livid.

What's happening here?

How could he not withstand the attack of an ordinary woman?

["Your speed is slowed down 16 times, but your pain is indeed real-time."]

[While Loki was floating in the air and bound by the power of time, the black woman took out a collar, slowly put it around Loki's neck, and then canceled his time delay. 】

[The next moment, Loki lost his restraints and collapsed on the sand. The severe pain that lasted for tens of seconds made him almost completely lose his resistance. 】

[The other two warriors came over and set up Loki without saying a word, while the black woman looked at the Cosmic Cube on the ground and ordered the remaining male warrior: "Reset the timeline."

[After giving instructions, the black woman picked up the Cosmic Cube. Her companion also placed a golden device on the sand and pressed a button to activate it. ]

[Loki, who was held by the soldiers, looked back, a look of astonishment suddenly appeared on his face. 】

"Reset timeline?"

There was a loud roar in the live broadcast room, and everyone asked each other in disbelief, thinking that they were hearing hallucinations.

Tony frowned and asked with a suspicious look on his face: "I want to know what kind of reset method this is... Is it like when we can't beat the computer when playing a game, we restart a game?"

Reed Richards shook his head wildly: "That's ridiculous, it's impossible. How many lives must there be in a universe? I feel like at best it's just to reset the time after Loki emerged from the desert. After all, Loki shouldn't be there at this time.

Just run away, right?"

"Then a new question is coming!"

Strange pointed at Loki who was standing aside and asked Reed: "Where is Loki?"

"Being taken away..." Reed Richards replied subconsciously, and then his expression suddenly changed: "Wait, you mean, the 'Loki' of this world?"

"We all know that the Cosmic Cube and Loki will not disappear in the future. If Loki is taken away by this so-called Time Administration, then who is the Loki who appears in our minds after the time is reset? That one?

Who died resisting Thanos?"

Strange's words fell in the live broadcast room, but they rang in the ears of everyone watching the live broadcast.

An indescribable strange emotion arose in everyone's mind.


Loki spat out this answer that shocked him word for word, and his eyes widened in disbelief.

The mages of Kama Taj also whispered among themselves. Ever since the Time Management Bureau showed what seemed to be the power of time, they had looked at the Eye of Agamotto worn on the chest by Master Ancient One from time to time.

"Time Management Bureau!"

Nick Fury also squinted his eyes and looked at Coulson. After listening to the analysis of everyone in the live broadcast room, they all felt that this organization did not sound like a good thing, and Fury even had a keen sense of smell.

There's a bit of a conspiracy vibe.

Odin also blinked in confusion, Time Administration?

In my million years, I have never heard of such an existence! Could it be a scam?

In the entire live broadcast room, Thor was the only one who was still confused about this. He could only look at Dr. Shavig and the other three people with dull expressions with an ignorant face: "What do they mean? Why did my brother say that he is not him?"


Jane Foster finally recovered after being silent for a long time. Looking at the naive Thor, she replied with an unbearable look on her face: "They said that your brother, after the Avengers battle in New York,

You were kidnapped by a being called the Time Administration, and then those people reset the timeline and created a Loki to replace your kidnapped brother...until he died at the hands of Thanos for you.


Thor frowned and looked at Jane with a puzzled expression: "What nonsense are you talking about? I don't even dare to say that when I'm drunk... Are you drunk?"

(End of chapter)

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