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Chapter 110: Stock Market Chaos

Suburbs, Ye family villa.

After Ye Fan analyzed all the stocks, he selected one of the stocks with the greatest profit and bought one hundred lots, almost using the one hundred thousand.

According to my own speculation, this stock will rise by this afternoon.

And within three days, my one hundred thousand will be doubled several times.

When the time comes, I can make a backhand of 1.8 million easily.

Then use the money you earn to snowball, and it won’t take long for you to win this competition!

And now I just need to wait quietly. Such an easy way to make money is probably something only he, a big boss with the aura of the protagonist, can think of.

Therefore, Ye Fan was too lazy to continue paying attention to the stock market. Instead, he poured himself a glass of red wine and sat on the sofa to enjoy it.

At the same time, Ye Fan is also reviewing what happened today!

After the intelligence-lowering effect of the villain effect talisman disappeared, Ye Fan realized that everything about today was weird.

Zhou Shen's plan was not clever. With his intelligence in two lifetimes, he couldn't even see such an obvious trap. Instead, he was directly angered by that guy. This was completely inconsistent with his style.

And isn’t that guy a fool? Why doesn’t he look like that today?

Which link caused the problem? Ye Fan couldn't help but frowned!

However, what he didn't know was that while he was reviewing the trading while sipping red wine, the stock market was bustling because of the stocks he was paying attention to.

These stocks that Ye Fan thought no one would pay attention to at all have attracted a lot of attention because of Zhou Shen's intervention.

Investors were originally skeptical about the content of the post. After all, there were too many hot-mouthed experts online who analyzed the awesome and practical practices. Therefore, when Ye Fan started buying it, others did not follow suit.

However, investors soon discovered that the analysis in that post was too accurate.

At least in the past hour or two, the trend has not deviated much at all, and now stock investors went crazy instantly.

Everyone took action one after another and began to buy in large quantities, fearing that they would buy too late and make less money!

This also caused stocks that were supposed to rise steadily to immediately rebound violently.

And this also made several stocks that were originally underperforming suddenly become active.

Soon, those few stocks that didn't seem to be outstanding at first all suddenly rose sharply, each of them increased by a few dollars.

This kind of thing is not common in the stock market, and it is too illogical.

But the stock market is like this. If it goes up, you will follow up like crazy. If you lose, you will close your position immediately and stop the loss.

A large number of uninformed people followed suit, and soon these stocks unexpectedly reached their daily limit.

The stock investors were very satisfied with this, and everyone was very grateful to the great poster. He really didn’t lie to everyone!

To reach the daily limit so quickly is something they never dare to dream about.

Therefore, many people immediately boarded the forum and began to express their gratitude to the great god on the post.

A small stock investor: "Master, you are so awesome. This stock really hit the daily limit. I have never been so happy."

I'm not a leek: "I'll go, no, it's really up to the limit, I thought it was another prank!"

Rijin Doujin: "Look, someone is kind enough to show you the way. You were gossiping before, but now you have nothing to say."

I’m not a leek: “Hey, hey, hey, upstairs, that’s not what you said this morning!”

Making money every day: "You don't care, I'm buying it anyway. I feel like if I follow the master, I will buy a car and a house sooner or later."

I'm not a leek: "No, count me in. How can I buy it tomorrow? Can you give me some instructions..."

When I see online people giving me likes and @posters, it’s like treating the posters like gods.

After all, who would have trouble with the God of Wealth!

As a result, a lot of complimentary words were used on Zhou Shen.

After receiving praise and adulation from these people, the system prompts in Zhou Shen's mind kept ringing:

"Ding! The host successfully used other people's labor to deceive ignorant people and steal the fruits of other people's labor. This is consistent with villain behavior, and the villain value is +99999!"

"Ding! The host deceived the investors who were part of the sidekick. I am not a leek. The villain value is +999!"

"Ding! The host deceived the investors who were part of the team to earn more money every day, and the villain's value is +999!"

"Ding! The host deceived the investors who were part of the package..."

Zhou Shen really didn't expect that he could get villain points by doing this. It was just a matter of playing catch-up!

However, the reason given by the system is correct. He did steal the fruits of Ye Fan’s labor and deceived these small investors!

The sin is so serious, the villain deserves to be more violent!

But thinking about what he had to do next, Zhou Shen immediately logged into the computer and left a message on his post.

"The above content is for reference only. I will update the content every day. Friends who want to make money, please follow my instructions."

Seeing that this mysterious person on the Internet actually spoke, the old and new investors in the investor forum immediately became excited.

Everyone responded with their voices:

"Master, we all listen to you!"

"Yes, we will never move around, and we will ask God to take us to the pinnacle of life."

"Yes! Reaching the pinnacle of life..."

Looking at these people's crazy replies, it seems like they have been brainwashed!!

Zhou Shen wanted to laugh just looking at it. Could it be that he still has talent in this area?

Doesn’t the system want us to be villains? Otherwise, we can train a xx by ourselves, and then we will kill a million people.

Not only making money, but also increasing the villain value, killing two birds with one stone!

But Zhou Shen just thought about this matter. He had thousands of ways to make money, so there was no need to deal with this matter.

As for the villain value, there is no need to worry about it. With Yang Waner, that stupid girl, and Ye Fan, the big fat sheep, as long as you do something casually, there will be no shortage of villain value.

It is said that this gentleman loves money and gets it wisely!

Although I like the value of villains, I can't help but be offline. He is a good...good villain!

As soon as the thought flashed across Zhou Shen's mind, the system's crazy notification sounded:

"Ding! The host is shameless and has no lower limit. It conforms to the villain's behavior and gets the villain value +999!"

"Ding! The host is despicable and has no lower limit. It conforms to the villain's behavior and gets the villain value +9999!"

"Ding! The host is despicable, shameless and has no lower limit. It conforms to the villain's behavior, and the villain value is +99999!"


Zhou Shen was also confused by this dog system. Is he still anxious?

I'm just saying that I want to be a villain with integrity, right?

Forget it, let’s not mention it anymore, the net is already down anyway, just waiting for the fish to come to your door!

But what Zhou Shen didn't know was that because he was busy doing these trivial matters these days, it affected the tasks of the dark network and caused quite a stir there!

This chapter has been completed!
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