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Chapter 165: Undercurrent

Southern Suburb. Longcheng Club!

Ye Fan sat on the sofa, frowning, looking at Ye Xiao in front of him.

"You mean, Zhou Shen went to Tianxia Shipping and said he was some kind of psychiatrist?"

"That's right, although I don't know what Zhou Shen's situation is, this guy is obviously colluding with Ren Changfeng, so our plan will be affected!"

Ye Xiao's face was also a little ugly. Every time their plan was about to succeed, this Zhou Shen would appear!

Ye Fan leaned against the window, frowning and thinking carefully for a while.

It seems that Zhou Shen and Ren Changfeng have reached a cooperative relationship. This is not surprising. After all, the Ren family has a relationship with Zou Hu and Shen Bao, and Shen Bao has a relationship with Zhou Shen. It makes sense for them to hook up.


Moreover, he also conducted an investigation on Zhou Shen during this period and found that this boy did not seem to be simple.

"We haven't been exposed yet, but Zhou Shen guessed that there is a problem with the top management of Tianxia Shipping. This is indeed a problem!"

"Master Ye, do you think we should speed up the plan and take the final step? In this way, even if Zhou Shen knows something, he will never be able to react!"

"No, it would be a bit too hasty to take the last step now. Let's just let the financial officer reveal some information!"

Finance Zhang is Ye Fan’s move!

Originally, he wanted to use Xiao Zhang as his trump card and show up at the critical moment!

But now it seems that the situation seems to have changed, and it seems that this chess piece has to appear early.

"Okay, then I'll make arrangements!"

Ye Fan waved his hand, indicating that Ye Xiao could leave.

Ye Xiao also realized what was going on and turned around and retreated.

However, not long after Ye Xiao left, Mr. Qi's figure appeared in the room.

"Brother Ye, given the current situation, what are you going to do next?"

Ye Fan smiled and said in a deep voice: "Don't worry, Third Master, we can just go through the process as planned."

Mr. Qi nodded. In fact, he felt very calm in his heart.

In his opinion, if it really doesn't work out, he should just show up with the old guy Nintendo.

It doesn't matter, anyway, the Ren family's current strength is declining.

Ye Fan has different ideas from him. He must stand firmly on the moral high ground!

Tianxia Shipping. General Manager's Office.

Ren Changfeng sat on a leather seat, leaning against a beautifully made cushion.

And his eyes were fixed on the middle-aged man in front of him without saying a word.

This middle-aged man's name is Wen Chuan, and he is actually one of the old employees of the company.

I have worked diligently over the years, and although my performance is not very good, it is still quite stable.

"Mr. Ren, why did you call me here?"

Wen Chuan asked with a smile, his expression looking the same as usual.

Ren Changfeng rubbed the tea cup in his hand without saying a word. He was playing with his mobile phone with the other hand, as if Wen Chuan was not there in the office.

After a while, Ren Changfeng's secretary walked in and put a pile of documents on the table.

"Mr. Ren, this is the capital flow situation in the past month!"

Ren Changfeng nodded, and the secretary turned and left the office.

Wen Chuan frowned, not knowing what Ren Changfeng meant, but he couldn't turn around and leave, so he simply lowered his head and waited.

By this time, he had begun to feel uneasy.

Time passed like this, and two hours later, Ren Changfeng finished sorting out the documents in front of him and finally looked at Wenchuan.

"Wenchuan, you have been working in the company for a long time, right?"

Wen Chuan nodded subconsciously when he heard this and said, "Yes, it's been more than five years, almost six years!"

"Then you should know what my character is, right?"

"How...how do you say this?"

"Have I ever treated you badly in these years?"

"No...the general manager has always been very nice to me!"

Ren Changfeng nodded and said with a smile: "It seems that I have a good opinion in your mind, right?"

Wen Chuan vaguely noticed something, but still nodded.

Ren Changfeng smiled again and said: "Then why did you do such a thing?"

Wen Chuan's heart suddenly thumped, secretly thinking it was not good!

Could it be that he noticed some clues?

It shouldn’t be, I clearly didn’t leave any trace during this time!

How did Ren Changfeng know what he had done secretly?

He has absolutely no evidence, he is just deceiving himself!

Yes, absolutely!

So Wenchuan smiled bitterly and said: "Mr. Ren, just say it if you have anything to say, I can understand!"

Hearing this, Ren Changfeng was a little disappointed.

Although he is only in his twenties now, he has experienced a lot, and he is not an ordinary young boy.

From the moment Zhou Shen pointed out Wenchuan, he knew how things would develop next.

As an old employee, Wen Chuan suddenly turned into a spy planted by someone with intentions. Whoever it was he would not be able to accept it for a while.

However, for the sake of world shipping, Wenchuan must be cleared out!

"Wenchuan, go to the financial department and settle this month's salary. I'll give you three more months' pay, and you can go!"

"This...Mr. Ren, what do you mean?"

Wen Chuan's expression suddenly changed. This guy really knew that he was a spy!

But how do you know?

When did the truth come out?

Ren Changfeng said with a gloomy face: "Wenchuan, the reason why I fired you is because for the sake of our past friendship, if you let me speak out, your face will not look good!"

"Mr. Ren, you can't do it just because of the villain's instigation..."

"Shut up, you are addicted to being a ghost, right?"

Then Ren Changfeng said coldly: "Even if you tell me the name of the person in charge behind you for the sake of my friendship, it won't reach this stage!"

Once this sentence is spoken, it is actually a clear sign.

Wen Chuan pursed his lips, nodded, and said, "I did accept money from others, but there's nothing I can do about it. You all know the situation in my family!"

"I can forgive your behavior, but I will never agree with the things you do!"

Ren Changfeng's face slowly calmed down and he responded calmly.

Wen Chuan stepped forward, placed his employee ID card on Ren Changfeng's desk, and said in a deep voice: "Thank you, Mr. Ren, but I have to make a choice. Please be careful during this time!"

After saying such seemingly meaningless words, Wen Chuan left the company without looking back.

Ren Changfeng looked at Wenchuan's employee ID card with a complicated expression on his face, edited a message to Zhou Shen and sent it out.

"It's confirmed that Wen Chuan is a ghost, but I still don't know who is behind it."

It didn't take long before Zhou Shen responded to the message.

"Leave it to me and wait for the news."

On the other side, Wenchuan walked out of Tianxia Shipping and dialed a number.

"Hello? I was exposed and now I have been fired."

"What did you do? Didn't I tell you to be careful?"

"I can't help it. Ren Changfeng has already confirmed that I am a ghost. I will try my best!"

"Okay, but you can only take half of the reward I promised you!"

"Why? It was agreed at that time..."

"The six million I promised you back then will come true. Has it come true now?"

"Okay, three million is three million, don't even think about going back on your word this time!"

After Wenchuan hung up the phone, his expression was complicated.

This chapter has been completed!
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