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Chapter two hundred and twentieth: smashing the place and doing things

Lin Qingyu was very unhappy with her grandfather's idea of ​​making Xiao Qing her grandson-in-law. She had to make her own decisions about her own marriage.

Therefore, the way she looked at Xiao Qing was wrong.

Thinking of this, Lin Qingyu immediately took out her mobile phone from her pocket and sent a message to Zhou Shen: "Are you there?"

After more than ten minutes, Zhou Shen replied slowly and leisurely. "What are you doing at work?"

"I'm at the hospital, and Xiao Qing is there too. He's sitting in the hall treating patients!"

"He is also a traditional Chinese medicine doctor, isn't it normal to treat people?"

"I don't like this Xiao Qing. My grandfather said that I have an engagement with him!"


Zhou Shen suddenly frowned. Does this guy have such a main plot?

Of course, that wouldn't allow him to succeed, and it could be heard from Lin Qingyu's tone that she didn't like this guy very much.

If this is the case, then you can only intervene yourself.

"What do you mean, why are you looking for me when we have an engagement?"

"Come here and help me, I don't want to watch this guy show off how powerful he is in front of grandpa all the time!"

Hearing this, Zhou Shen sighed helplessly.

I looked at the competition schedule on the dark web in front of me. The latest knockout match is tomorrow, so there is plenty of time.

Originally, he was browsing some research on hacker masters in Jiangnan Province, but it seemed that he could only put it down for the time being.

Dealing with the threat of the Son of Destiny is the top priority!

Choosing Mr. Lin to show off his medical skills these days, this guy must be very confident!

At this time, you need to give him a little blow!

"Sanchuan, keep watching, I'll go out for a while!"

Zhang Sanchuan was writing code at the moment, and he responded directly without raising his head when he heard the words.

Zhao Chong is currently studying with Li Mi how to make the system compatible with the machine, while Jiang Yeming is sleeping.

There is nothing that can be done about it, Jiang Yeming has always worked at night, and the jet lag problem is not so easy to solve.

With them taking care of the company's affairs, Zhou Shen didn't need to worry too much, so he immediately decided to go to the Lin family's traditional Chinese medicine clinic.

Helping Lin Qingyu is the next best thing, but you can get a feel for it!

Zhou Shen drove to the entrance of Huichun Hall and saw a long queue at a glance.

I parked my car on the side of the road and walked down, took a closer look, and sure enough I saw Xiao Qing who was treating someone.

Xiao Qing sat behind the table seriously, with the air of a famous doctor.

"Ding! The son of luck has been detected, luck has been suppressed, and the villain's experience gain has been suppressed!"

As soon as he heard the system's electronic beep, Zhou Shen felt very unhappy.

Xiao Qing's aristocratic look can easily make people uncomfortable. In addition, Zhou Shen is originally a villain, which makes him even more distasteful.

So Zhou Shen walked directly into the medical center!

Many Chinese and Western medicine clinics today have become marginalized.

Young people who have headaches and fever like to go to the hospital, and the people waiting in line outside to see a doctor are all older people like this.

As soon as they saw Zhou Shen walked in without queuing up, they immediately became unhappy and said one after another:

"What do you mean this young man is not waiting in line?"

"That's right, what kind of quality is this?"

"There's no politeness at all. I've grown so big in vain..."

Of course Zhou Shen heard what these old men and women said, but he didn't care at all.

"Ding! The host successfully angered the supporting character, which is consistent with the villain's identity, and the villain value is +999! (Suppressed by the Son of Destiny, the villain value experience gain is halved!)"

Joining a team can actually add villain value, which can only explain two problems. One is that this group of people is not very popular, and the other is that the system has relaxed some requirements.

Unfortunately, the system never gives away villain points for free, so this group of people is really not very popular.

Mr. Lin was surprised by Zhou Shen's appearance.

But it’s not a bad thing. Since people are here, they are guests, right?

What's more, Zhou Shen is also very accomplished in medical skills...

Wait, is Zhou Shen coming here this time...

An ominous premonition suddenly appeared in Mr. Lin's mind!

Could this guy be here for Xiao Qing?

At this time, Xiao Qing had just treated an old man and prescribed a prescription. At this moment, the clerk behind him was about to get the medicine.

At this moment, Zhou Shen's voice rang out at an inappropriate time!

“The main symptom of this disease is nausea and vomiting, but there is no need to take medicine, only acupuncture can solve the problem!”

The old man was stunned for a moment when he heard this. He was already preparing to take the medicine and leave. This young doctor has a pretty good eye...

But why does another doctor appear?

And also so young?

I have never heard of two doctors showing up at the same time to see a doctor, let alone seeing it!

Mr. Lin was too late to stop him. Xiao Qing's expression was calm, but there was a bit of dissatisfaction in his tone.

"Brother Zhou, are you going to choke?"

"It's not that serious. I just want to help the uncle avoid detours. Taking Chinese medicine costs a lot of money!"

Then Zhou Yang said calmly: "This minor illness can be cured by a few acupuncture treatments here without spending any money. It will save you a lot of trouble!"

Zhou Shen didn't care what Xiao Qing thought, he wasn't here to make friends anyway.

He is a villain, and he and the Son of Destiny are not destined to be on the same page, so of course you don't have to be polite when speaking.

Besides, it doesn't matter what Mr. Lin thinks. Anyway, on the surface it's just a dispute between young people.

"Young man, who are you?"

The old man looked at Zhou Shen with some confusion. He was not the kind of person who would risk his life just for the sake of petty gains. He had to at least find out where this young man came from, right?

"I am a doctor!"

Then Zhou Shen said again: "Uncle, your illness is actually a stomach flu during the change of seasons. In addition, you are weak due to sweating these past few days. I will give you acupuncture. You don't have to pay for it. I guarantee that the disease will be cured at your fingertips."


Seeing that Mr. Lin didn't say anything, the old man naturally believed it.

And they are both young people. Maybe these two people sitting in the hall are from the same school!

So Zhou Shen fooled around for a while and lured the uncle away and took him to the back for acupuncture.

This uncle's disease can actually be cured by taking medicine. Xiao Qing is not good at acupuncture, but with so many patients, acupuncture is a waste of time.

Zhou Shen just came to mess with him, so he didn't care what time it was.

Less than half an hour later, the old man walked out of it, and his face looked much better!

"Thank you, thank you, doctor, the effect of your acupuncture is really extraordinary!"

"If so, uncle, just go back and pay attention to your diet and have a good rest!"

"Okay, then I'll leave now..."

Seeing this scene, everyone knew it. It turned out that this guy looked quite handsome, but he didn't expect that he was also a miracle doctor!

Mr. Lin originally wanted to say something, but this situation really made him a little confused!

"Xiao Zhou, what's the matter with you coming here?"

Intuition told Mr. Lin that if he didn't speak, this guy might cause trouble again!

Zhou Shen said with a smile: "Aren't you afraid that your medical clinic will be too busy, so I will help you?"

Then Zhou Shen looked at Xiao Qing again, which made Mr. Lin's heart skip a beat!

This chapter has been completed!
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