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Chapter 287: Who was offended?

At the entrance of Longcheng University, Xiao Qing stood on the roadside, leaning against a telegraph pole.

Not long after, a beautiful woman about 1.65 meters tall stood in front of him.

Xiao Qing looked her over and saw that it was Wu Sisi, Wu Teng's daughter.

"Are you the superintendent's man?"

"No, but I am someone you can trust. Let's go quickly. Your father is at the city hospital!"

Xiao Qing took a taxi without saying anything.

Although Wu Sisi felt a little strange, she was more worried about her father's safety.

Because there was a driver along the way, Xiao Qing didn't ask any questions.

Even though there is only one driver, the speed at which taxi drivers spread information is comparable to that of an intelligence agency!

If you ask a few questions now, almost everyone in the city will know about it in a short time.

This is why the boss's personal driver is usually a close confidant.

When they arrived at the hospital, Wu Teng had already gotten off the operating table. Although he was very weak, his life was not in danger.

Although the suicide note was taken away by the superintendent's people, Xiao Qing took a photo in advance.

Because Wu Teng was still in the ICU, Wu Sisi was not able to stay with her father. After being taken out by the nurse, she saw Xiao Qing in the corridor.

"You say you are my father's friend, but I have never met you!"

Seeing Wu Sisi's somewhat scrutinizing gaze, Xiao Qing looked around and whispered: "There is something I want to show you!"

Wu Sisi blinked in confusion, but still followed Xiao Qing to the hospital stairwell.

Xiao Qing found the suicide note stored in his mobile phone and handed it to Wu Sisi: "Look, is this your father's handwriting?"

Wu Sisi frowned and looked at it carefully, and asserted: "The handwriting is almost the same, but the words are completely different from what my father said, and he has no reason to commit suicide at all. He is much stronger than any of you think."


Xiao Qing suddenly became more confident in his guess!

"Has your father offended anyone? Think about it carefully!"

Wu Si thought without thinking and immediately said: "Some real estate developers are my father's colleagues. He has a piece of land. He heard that a foreign company was going to build a commercial plaza and he took a fancy to this land!"

Commercial plaza?

It seems that this is the cause of the problem. Although Xiao Qing is a traditional Chinese medicine doctor, he still knows something about real estate.

"Then they want your father to sell this land and then wait for foreign companies to raise the price?"

Wu Sisi nodded: "That's what I mean. However, my father's company has not been very prosperous in recent years and is about to go bankrupt. If this land can be sold at a suitable price, the company will hopefully return to life!"

It turns out that’s the case. It seems that the real contradiction is actually right in front of us!

This is why some people want to take action, which makes sense!

"Do you know who these people are specifically?"

"There are a lot of people, but I talked to my father, there was a man named Ye Xiao, I met him, and there were three other people. I don't have a very clear impression."

Ye Xiao?

Isn't that a member of the Ye family?

Although the Ye family has now been wiped out and dispersed, it has a very strong foundation after all. After the carving up, many Ye family members have the most basic guarantee.

Xiao Qing is not very familiar with this guy named Ye Xiao, but Mr. Lin should know something!

"I will investigate this matter, please take care of yourself during this time!"

After saying this, Xiao Qing turned around and left. Wu Sisi looked at his back blankly, feeling that this person was so strange.

Suburbs of Longcheng, Shuguang Network Company.

Zhou Shen went downstairs and held a regular meeting, which was nothing more than a few brief remarks on the company's goals for the next stage.

As a result, when the meeting ended, I heard the conversation between Wang Changxing, Qian Mao and others.

"Have you heard that something happened at Wangshan Garden?"

"It seems that the boss of a construction company was stabbed, but he is still alive!"

"That's weird, the boss of a construction company, who did you offend?"

"That's not right. I heard that the knife was right on the main artery. How could a person survive?"

"I heard that Dr. Xiao from Huichun Hall was at the scene and we met him!"

"If you don't think you should die, this boss Wu is also very lucky!"

When Zhou Shen heard this, he immediately raised his eyebrows!

Xiao Qing is at the scene?

But what is the relationship between Xiao Qing and the boss of this construction company? Xiao Qing doesn’t live in Wangshan Garden, so how did they meet him?

His intuition told him that there was something fishy about this matter!

"Who is Wu Teng and what does he do?"

After hearing Zhou Shen's words, Wang Changxing suddenly became interested and said with a smile:

"When the Ye family was here before, most of the small bosses of construction companies like Wu Teng were transparent, but now that the Ye family has collapsed, Wu Teng has the opportunity to develop!"

Qiao Xing took over the conversation and continued:

"Actually, Wu Teng is a very ordinary construction company owner, but he has a piece of land in his hands, which is very popular. It is said that a foreign company wants to build a shopping mall and has taken a fancy to this land!"

Immediately, Zhou Shen connected the news he had received from Wang Jingyun's birthday party!

That guy named Qiao Sen, his father seems to be the person in charge of this matter, right?

Is there any connection between this?

"Many people in the real estate industry or construction companies are starting to get jealous. The value of this land can reach at least tens of billions. Who wouldn't be jealous?"

Qian Mao's analysis is very accurate. Even though he only earns around 200,000 yuan a year, it does not affect his judgment of the situation.

Wang Changxing sighed and said:

"I heard that some remaining construction companies and real estate companies from the Ye family are also eyeing Wu Teng, and they seem to have met Wu Teng. Among the people who have been in contact with Wu Teng, they are the most suspicious!"

Hearing this, Zhou Shen immediately raised his eyebrows!

It seems that this matter is much more complicated. What role does Xiao Qing play in it?

You have to figure it out, otherwise you will always feel like you have trouble sleeping and eating!

While thinking this, Zhou Shen quickly returned to the studio on the top floor and began to search for some information about Wu Teng on the Internet.

This matter needs to be mixed up!

The information about Wu Teng on the Internet is very detailed. He is an ordinary construction businessman with a company registered capital of 10 million, but he is now on the verge of bankruptcy.

She has never offended anyone. She has a daughter who is currently studying at Longcheng University and is about the same age as Yang Waner.

According to rumors, the relationship between Wu Teng and his daughter Wu Sisi is not very good, but the strange thing is that they went to the resort together a month ago!

This information cannot be found online. Zhou Shen found it from consumption records.

If you don’t have a good relationship with your daughter, why would you go to the resort together?

There are so many doubts!

This chapter has been completed!
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