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Chapter 306: Wen Qingquan helps

The county road was very bumpy, which made Wu Sisi feel a little uncomfortable. This was not the road to the city hospital, and she had already noticed that there were people following behind.

But Wu Sisi rarely rides in a car because she gets carsick!

Especially this kind of bumpy road section is more likely to cause discomfort to people.

Fortunately, Wu Sisi didn't eat much at night because her father was lying in the hospital, so she was very worried. If the school's lectures had not required attendance checks and they were not allowed to ask for leave, Wu Sisi would not have come to school today.

Although it was said that her father had someone to take care of her, Wu Sisi was still worried.

Now the road was bumpy and there were people chasing after her, but what she was thinking about was her father's safety.

Since this group of people dare to be so rampant, they must not stop at the hospital!

The uniqueness of Zhou Shen’s plan is reflected here!

Xiao Qing is there at the hospital!

Xiao Qing just got the news about the Xiao family from the old man, and he must come back to find Wu Teng.

Although I don't know what specific clues Xiao Qing can find, the address can't be found, so I just need to take the time to check it out.

Moreover, Zhou Shen also has a card that he just got recently, which is Wen Qingquan!

After explaining the situation in the hospital to Wen Qingquan, Zhou Shen didn't believe that this guy couldn't seize this opportunity!

Wen Qingquan's father is the chairman of the e-commerce group. Although he is no longer in Longcheng, his influence is still there!

As the only eldest son of the Wen family, and a man of such wealth, it shouldn't be too difficult to protect Wu Teng's safety!

In fact, just as Zhou Shen imagined, there was an undercurrent surging in the hospital!

In a western restaurant outside the city hospital that hasn't closed yet.

Wen Qingquan put on a casual suit, full of style, and the temperament he inadvertently revealed in his movements attracted the attention of many beautiful girls.

People who come to Western restaurants to eat are all people with average or upper-class living conditions. It is not difficult to tell whether this person is pretending or is really rich.

Wen Qingquan only had a cup of coffee and seemed to be sitting alone by the window. In fact, the two men in suits sitting opposite each other behind him were both bodyguards!

There are actually no big risks in doing e-commerce business, but you still need bodyguards.

Wen Gang had a son at an old age, and he was very concerned about education, and he was extremely protective of his precious son!

A total of twenty professional bodyguards were hired, ten of them were taken with him, and the other ten stayed with Wen Qingquan, rotating them every six months.

Ever since Wen Qingquan came out of his mother's womb, he has always been with these bodyguards. Some of the twenty bodyguards come and some go, but the number remains unchanged.

The oldest bodyguard among them is over forty years old. It can be said that he grew up watching Wen Qingquan, just like the middle-aged man in a suit sitting behind Wen Qingquan.

From the bulging suit, you can see how thick the muscles on this middle-aged man's body are.

"Uncle Zhang, actually you don't have to come tonight!"

The middle-aged man took a sip of tea and said with a smile:

"I'm very curious about the little girl who can make Xiaowen fall in love with you, Uncle Zhang. I want to see what's going on!"

"Master, A Bin and the others are in place!"

Hearing this, Wen Qingquan sounded a little apologetic.

"Thank you for your hard work. After this matter is over, the bonus will be doubled this month!"

A joking voice came from Wen Qingquan's Bluetooth headset.

"Master, if that's what you say, each of us will get an extra 100,000 yuan at the end of the month. Are you kidding me?"

"I'm a little embarrassed about this whole thing. I don't do anything every day. I just walk around with the young master..."

"That's it, where can I find such an easy job, so why don't you take it seriously?"

The way Wen Qingquan got along with the bodyguards at home was due to his father Wen Gang.

Wen Gang has been an orphan since he was a child, growing up without a father or a mother. He knows what the education of children should be like.

So the bodyguards he found were all very loyal and could teach Wen Qingquan a lot. Frankly speaking, the longest bodyguard here, for about twenty years, was Uncle Zhang who is now behind Wen Qingquan.


The one who worked for the shortest time was more than five years.

These people all have unique skills and their backgrounds are absolutely clean.

To Wengang, money is just a number, and to bodyguards, they are notoriously interesting.

It's a pity that no matter how envious the other bodyguards are, it's useless. Wen Gang wants acquaintances and bodyguards who can be completely trusted.

Tonight was a special situation. After Wen Qingquan learned from Zhou Shen that someone was going to target Wu Teng, he thought about it at home for a long time and decided to intervene.

In the school, Wen Qingquan did not bring bodyguards, and the group of people in the school did not dare to be arrogant, so Wen Qingquan did not have many opportunities to take action.

But if you can help outside the school, then try your best to help.

In Wen Qingquan's opinion, this matter is not only related to Wu Sisi, but also to Zhou Shen!

It's not like Wen Qingquan hasn't inquired about who Zhou Shen is.

His father Wen Gang had a conflict with Ye Longcheng of the Ye family a few years ago, and he also met Ye Shen at that time. His father's evaluation at the time was:

"I, Wen Gang, am not as good as Ye Longcheng in some aspects, but I gave birth to a good son. Ye Shen simply inherited the bastard aspect of his father!"

However, Ye Shen changed his name to Zhou Shen. Later, after friction arose between Zhou Shen and the Ye family, his father's evaluation changed.

"This kid seems to be a different person. He is even more ruthless than your father and I. It's really strange!"

Just such a sentence, Wen Gang said it, and Wen Qingquan heard it.

After all, their family's roots are not in Longcheng, where Wen Gang went to college and opened a branch.

After Wen Qingquan met Zhou Shen, he really started to observe carefully.

Zhou Shen did not regard Wen Qingquan as a fool, but made a subconscious judgment. Just as he thought, Wen Qingquan was far from being as simple as he appeared!

The city government even went after Li Zhengqi!

It's just that Wen Qingquan is still too young and is still in school, and Li Zhengqi is several years older than him.

This time Wen Qingquan came to the hospital with all ten bodyguards just to see what level he was at!

Of course, the secondary factor here is that Wen Qingquan does have a good impression of Wu Sisi.

Of the ten bodyguards, six have been distributed at various entrances and exits of the hospital, two are near Wu Teng's ward, and the other two are beside Wen Qingquan to protect his safety.

More than ten minutes later, when Wen Qingquan was about to call Zhou Shen to find out whether the information was accurate, there was finally news over there!

This chapter has been completed!
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