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Chapter 376: The final stage of qualifying

The decision to enter the qualifying match directly is a solution that the boss made after careful consideration. In addition, he can agree to do Zhou Shen a favor!

The situation at this stage is a bit complicated, and there are still several rounds of knockout rounds before the final results can be screened out. Unexpectedly, Qi Dafei would secretly target Zhou Shen.

Currently, the boss has not told anyone about this news. No one knows about it, including Qi Dafei’s father, Qi Wu.

In order to ensure the unity of the company, the boss has the obligation to handle this issue well.

After thinking about it for a while, I directly gave him the qualification to enter the qualifying round. There was nothing I could do about it.

Zhou Shen has actually been pursuing a perfect solution for so many days, which must be reasonable and reasonable for him.

Entering the qualifying match directly is equivalent to the boss's recognition of his strength. If you miss this ID, your popularity on the dark web will definitely rise like a rocket.

As the operator behind the leak detection, although Zhou Shen himself will not get any benefits, the boss knows that there is a person like him.

Zhou Shen, who originally thought he would not gain any experience points or luck points this time, suddenly heard the system's electronic notification sound!

"Ding! The host has successfully entered the final stage of qualifying. The rewards have been modified. The villain value is 999999! The luck value is 20!"

Is there actually a reward for this?

Zhou Shen was stunned for a moment, and then he breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that some of the designs of this system were quite user-friendly.

The explanation given by the boss was impeccable, and Zhou Shen did not intend to pursue it any further. The most important thing was to find out more about the Xiao family.

Suddenly, Zhou Shen's eyes lit up and he thought of a possibility!

Is it possible to ask the boss to help investigate the affairs of the Xiao family in Jiangnan?

What level is the boss? If you can find out about the Xiao family, you won’t have to go through so much trouble, right?

Thinking of this, Zhou Shen immediately started to make a move!

"Here, please help me find out something about the Xiao family in Jiangnan. This is considered a request!"

The boss was stunned for a moment and said subconsciously:

"Are you kidding? Do you know how rare my promise is?"

The boss has never been someone who likes to make casual promises. He always sticks to his word and never regrets what he says or does.

If Zhou Shen is in trouble, if he reaches out to help, he can also build a good relationship, right?

However, Zhou Shen now used this opportunity for compensation, which still surprised him.

"Of course I'm not joking. This request is really timely for me. The affairs of the Xiao family in Jiangnan have been bothering me for a long time!"

"Okay, I'll give you an answer in an hour!"

According to the boss's level, anything that cannot be found within an hour is either a national secret, or it doesn't exist at all!

If there is no clue about the Xiao family in Jiangnan for an hour, it can only mean that this family does not exist at all!

After understanding the real situation, Zhou Shen was really relieved about the boss, so he went to the dark web to search for gossip news for an hour.

They are all news about some jade seals being sold on the black market, and the sources are basically unrealistic, because the real jade seals have fallen into the hands of an unknown boss!

These people just like to collect dragon-like or symbolic things like jade seals, and they are willing to do so at all costs. I have to say that Zhou Shen admires this operation very much.

An hour later, the boss finally replied.

"I found it. The Jiangnan Xiao family you mentioned is a treasure-appraisal family. They used to operate from Dongshan. There were many rumors about them as early as the 1980s and 1990s. The specific information is in the folder.


Then several gigabytes of files were attached!

Zhou Shen immediately realized that even Xiao Qing himself might not know this information!

"Thank you, thank you, thank you for your help, sir!"

"Thank you, just remember not to let me see the wrong person in the qualifying match. I will continue my work. You can see for yourself!"

This is the first time in so many years that the boss has taken a fancy to a young man. This picker is a little different from other hackers!

Many hackers are pursuing higher technology and better methods, but it seems that hacking methods are just used as a tool to achieve their goals from beginning to end!

Even without his hacking skills, he can still find other ways to accomplish his goals!

It was precisely because he noticed this difference that the boss accepted the offer and entered the league directly.

But why does this guy want information about the Xiao family?

Could it be that this picker is from the Xiao family?

It’s really possible!

The bored boss also opened the Xiao family's information, hoping to find some clues.

Zhou Shen clicked on the folder, and the first article was about the first appearance of the Xiao family.

At that time, there was an ancient tomb in the mountain. Due to a landslide, half of it was exposed, so the official organized some professional teams to inspect it.

The location was in the Heluo area, and it was very old, nearly fifty years ago. The scale of the inspection was very large, with a team of nearly three hundred people.

The equipment at that time was rudimentary, and what was needed more was experience, so experienced people would inevitably be hired as guides.

Among them was a local guide named Xiao!

There is no way to find out his real name. Only those inside the Xiao family know it. People outside call him Xiao Sangun because he carries two sticks with him and is still a bachelor.

The two sticks were very worn, and I didn't know what they were used for. They were tied behind their backs with a cloth strip, which looked quite mysterious.

This stick, Xiao Sangun, is not allowed to be touched randomly. Xiao Sangun has quite a lot of experience. Others say that he studied with a master for a period of time. In fact, this is the Xiao family's ancestral skill.

That book by the Xiao family is called "The Collection of Three Classics"!

When he saw this, Zhou Shen seemed to realize something.

He also knew a little about the Book of Three Classics. It was mentioned in the Antiquities Tongjian that the book itself was actually a kind of antique. It was first compiled in the Song Dynasty and later revised many times during the Ming and Qing Dynasties.


In addition to the general guide to antiquities, this book can be regarded as an encyclopedia of antiques from all over the world.

It's a pity that the Antiquities Comprehensive Journal cannot be compiled by humans!

This is a bug-level skill bestowed by the system!

This Xiao Sangun led the archaeological team to discover a lot of good things in the mountains, but in the end he only took away his due reward, which was more than 10,000 yuan.

At that time, more than 10,000 yuan was a lot of money. This was the first appearance of the Xiao family in recorded history!

This chapter has been completed!
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