Turn off the lights
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Chapter 425: Find someone!

"I'm sorry, the bar's business hours are from 6:30 pm to 4 am. Little brother, you'd better come back at night!"

The boss is an elegant middle-aged man, and he speaks politely. The person who just spoke should be an employee.

However, Xiao Qing was not interested in these and just asked in a deep voice:

"Did you hear any noise last night, in the residential building behind and in the alley?"

"Let me think about it, there was indeed a loud noise last night, but it only lasted less than half an hour. I've never been out of a bar, so I don't know!"

Xiao Qing nodded, frowned and said:

"Where are your employees? Can I ask them?"

The boss shrugged his shoulders and said:

"I'm so sorry that the night shift employees haven't arrived yet!"

After saying this, the boss was about to close the door when he stretched out a hand from behind Xiao Qing and pressed it firmly on the door frame!

A bald young man, wearing a plaid shirt, said with a grin:

"Boss, I'm sorry, I'm from Mr. Chang. You'd better do what this guy said!"

The boss’s face changed immediately!

Bald head, likes to wear shirts, Mr. Chang’s person!

This guy is Lu Zhen!

There is always a one-eyed thug over there in the harbor!

It is said that this guy has some mental problems. Anyway, what he does is very bad, which is obviously different from normal people!

One year, there was a conflict between Chang One-eyed people and Ding Ye's people at sea. The two groups of people fought on the shore. This was how Lu Town became famous at that time.

One man fought with Mr. Ding's men with his bare hands, knocking down more than ten people, maiming many others, and seriously injuring five or six people. It is said that he almost beat them to death. Fortunately, the ambulance arrived in time!

Why did this guy get out?

When the superintendent's people investigated, they said that this man had mental problems, and he was finally released on bail. I didn't expect to meet him at the door of the store today!

The bar owner was obviously a smart man, and he immediately followed his advice and said with a smile:

"I'm going to call someone right now, wait a minute!"

Xiao Qing breathed a sigh of relief and turned to look at the bald Lu Zhen beside him. The two of them had met once before.

"Thank you!"

Lu Zhen smiled and touched his bald head and said:

"That's right. The boss called me and asked me to help you find clues. I'm a rough guy and don't understand anything. Just do your thing, little brother!"

Xiao Qing nodded, and a warm current passed through his heart. It seemed that Chang Duyan was really concerned about this matter!

Not long after, the bar owner came out and said in a deep voice:

"I've asked those employees. I'm really sorry, but they didn't see it. Why don't you go to the other side and ask again?"

Xiao Qing nodded in response and led Lu Zhen to the bar opposite.

The door of this bar was open, and a truck was parked at the door. It looked like it was restocking goods.

Xiao Qing knocked on the door and said loudly:

"Is anyone there?"

A response came quickly from inside the bar, and then a middle-aged man in blue overalls stood at the door.

"I'm sorry, we only open at night. Are you here to apply for a job, or are you here to drink?"

"We just want to ask, did you see anyone quarreling or chasing in the residential building behind last night?"

The bar owner's eyes flickered for a moment, and then he said with a smile:

"I'm sorry, not really. We closed early last night. I had something wrong, I don't know!"

Xiao Qing felt a little strange when he heard this!

I clearly didn’t tell you what time it happened, so why did the boss react so strangely?

"Boss, if you really know something, you can tell us clearly. We are not bad people, we just want to investigate!"

After hearing Xiao Qing's words, the boss smiled bitterly and said:

"I really don't know, I'm sorry, just ask someone else!"

As soon as the boss turned around, Lu Zhen rushed up and held down his shoulders!

"I haven't told you to leave yet, what do you want to do?"

The boss's expression immediately changed, he grabbed Lu Zhen's wrist with his backhand, and even opened his hand bit by bit!

"I said, I don't know anything. I'm sorry, please leave immediately!"

Looking at the boss's attitude, Xiao Qing knew that he probably really knew something, and the boss was actually a practicing master too!

I'm sorry, you can't go anywhere today. You can't leave until you tell the whole story clearly!

With this idea in mind, Xiao Qing turned around and closed the door of the bar. He took three steps in succession and rushed forward!

Although this boss knows a few things, he is too superficial and cannot compete with someone like Xiao Qing who has been practicing since childhood. He fell behind after just a few rounds.

Then Xiao Qing hit the boss hard in the abdomen with a swinging fist. The boss was half-kneeling on the ground in pain, and it took him a long time to recover.

"This matter really has nothing to do with me. Someone gave me 100,000 yuan and asked about a man named Xiao Zheng. My bar business is not very good and I really need this money!"

When Xiao Qing heard this, he let out a long sigh, and then kicked the boss directly on the chest!

The boss flew out upside down and knocked over many tables and chairs!

"Damn it, tell me where those people went and what they looked like, otherwise you won't be able to open the bar!"

The boss said hurriedly:

"Those people all looked to be in their twenties or thirties. The leader was very young, less than twenty-five years old. They took them away. I don't know where they went. I only remember their license plate numbers.


Xiao Qing grabbed his collar and said in a deep voice:

"Tell me the license plate number. Remember, it would be best if that person is fine. If there is something wrong with him, just wait for me!"

The boss hurriedly reported the license plate number, and then Xiao Qing and Lu Zhen turned and left.

"Brother Lu, please help me find this license plate number. I'll go to the superintendent!"

Lu Zhen responded and drove away. Xiao Qing came to the police station alone and reported the license plate number, only to be told that the license plate number was fake!

The police officer handling the case told him that there was a problem with the surveillance system near Bar Street last night and was still being repaired. It was said that there was signal interference or something.

It may also be that it has been in disrepair for a long time. Anyway, there will be no results in a short time.

After learning about this, Xiao Qing sighed. It seemed that the other party had been prepared for a long time!

However, some of the brothers Lu Zhen found on the ground were very reliable. It is said that someone did buy a car without a license plate. The license plate number of this car was found at a scrap car factory.

Just when things were starting to take shape, Xiao Qing received a call from Zhou Shen!

"Hey, Xiao Qing, are you anxious?"

Hearing Zhou Shen's tone, Xiao Qing's face suddenly darkened!

"Did you do it?"

"No, no, no, it's not me, I'm from the Xiao family in Guanbei. I'm just a guide!"

When Xiao Qing heard this, he punched the cabinet next to him!

This chapter has been completed!
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