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Chapter 482: Gyeonggi Water Depth

Chen Yingxi frowned when she saw this strange man following Zhou Shen.

This matter is definitely not false, and Chen Yingxi also knows something about the recent affairs of the Northern Chamber of Commerce.

After Zuo Yunping was expelled from the Chamber of Commerce, he harbored resentment towards Chen Yingxuan, which was quite reasonable. Moreover, Zuo Yunping has always been a sinister guy, so it's not surprising that he could do such a thing!

If it was me who was sitting in the car today, I'm afraid something would have happened a long time ago, and Zuo Yunping would have really succeeded!

"Who else knows about this?"

Zhou Shen said in a deep voice: "At present, only the three of us know that I don't know Zuo Yunping very well. Is he very powerful in Gyeonggi?"

"Zuo Yunping has a lot of money and a solid foundation, but he developed his career in Beihe, so there is basically no comparison with us. But he broke up with my dad directly because of a foreign company!"

"Because of foreign companies? How do you say this?"

"The reason is very simple. Foreign companies wanted to enter the Northern Chamber of Commerce, but my father chose to refuse. They just took a fancy to the market we have. I don't know how to explain the specific matter. Anyway, it should be Zuo Yunping.

You did it right!”

Now that it has been confirmed, Zhou Shen does not intend to get involved too deeply. If Zuo Yunping is targeted, it will be quite a troublesome problem.

"Then I'll leave the rest of the matter to you, and I won't get involved. This is an internal matter within your chamber of commerce. I'm an outsider, so I can't say anything!"

Hearing this, Chen Yingxi spread her hands and said: "You have been involved now, I'm sorry, but don't worry, with my Chen family here, I will never let the fire burn you!"

Then Chen Yingxi looked at this man and said in a deep voice:

"Tell me, how much did Zuo Yunping give you?"

"Three million..."

"I will give you six million, and I will settle your family well. I will choose a place for you. When the time comes, I will ask you to come forward to testify. You only need to tell the truth. When the time comes, six million will not be less than a penny."


Chen Yingxi pondered for a moment and said:

"In this case, you tell me your bank card number, and I will send you one million first, which will be used as a deposit!"

The man was immediately overjoyed and nodded quickly.

Chen Yingxi then turned around to look at Zhou Shen and said in a deep voice:

"I'm sorry to involve you, but there's nothing we can do about it. I think Zuo Yunping won't continue to make any moves against you. He will be too busy to take care of himself next!"

Zhou Shen spread his hands and said, "I don't care. After all, the water in Gyeonggi is too deep. I'm just a little shrimp. Zuo Yunping probably doesn't even know who I am!"

Chen Yingxi patted Zhou Shen on the shoulder and said with a smile: "Brother Zhou, don't belittle yourself. I believe that after a quarter of a mile tomorrow, you will be famous in Gyeonggi!"

Zhou Shen didn't express any opinions on this. Lin Feng is not a simple guy. If he wins, he will definitely attract a lot of unnecessary attention!

And it will affect his plan!

So from the very beginning, Zhou Shen didn't want to take first place. Instead, he was trying his best to let Lin Feng take first place!

This is no joke. If Zhou Shen gets the first place, it will definitely make Lin Feng wary. Looking back, the reputation Zhou Shen has gained is actually just a stepping stone for Lin Feng!

It's better to let Lin Feng make a high-end start from the beginning. This move is called killing!

According to the traditional plot, the villain will compete with the protagonist in various ways. No matter what it is, he has to get involved. He competes with the protagonist for reputation, resources, and women. In the end, it even gets to the point where the protagonist has to deal with the villain with his own hands!

This time Zhou Shen doesn't plan to use traditional tricks and get closer to the protagonist. It doesn't matter even if the villain's experience value is halved. We'll see you in the end!

After coming back to his senses, Zhou Shen exchanged greetings with Chen Yingxi, turned around and gave his mobile phone number, and then said:

"Remember my mobile phone number. If you still have hope for your illness, come see me after a while!"

The man immediately felt grateful and nodded repeatedly.

When Zhou Shen returned to the resort, he drove a Land Rover owned by Chen Yingxi's bodyguard. As soon as he entered the house, he saw Ruan Yang and Xu Xin.

"You're back, let's go then. Wan'er still has a fever, take her to the hospital for a checkup!"

Zhou Shen nodded, said thank you, knocked on the door of Yang Wan'er's room, then opened the door and walked in.

Yang Wan'er was currently on the bed, looking at her phone. She looked very weak indeed. Zhou Shen stepped forward and touched her head, and then said:

"Let's go, I'll take you to the hospital and give you a fever-reducing shot!"

Yang Wan'er said subconsciously: "Didn't you go to the event?"

"I've done everything I need to do, so of course I have nothing to do!"

Urging Yang Wan'er to get dressed, Zhou Shen carried her on his back amid Yang Wan'er's exclamations, walked to the Land Rover, and opened the car door.

Then he sat in the driving position, made sure Yang Wan'er fastened her seat belt, stepped on the accelerator, and the Land Rover sped away in the night towards the hospital.

Zhou Shen was driving intently all the way and didn't notice Yang Wan'er's eyes lingering on his face, as if she was thinking about something.

After arriving at the hospital, they registered for consultation and completed the injection in one go. When the two returned to the resort, it was already early in the morning.

Yang Wan'er quickly fell asleep, and Zhou Shen sat in the living room, contemplating the next plan.

The water in Gyeonggi Province is too deep and no one can control it well. If one is not careful, it is very likely to cause very serious consequences.

And now the situation is so turbulent that no one can imagine what will happen next. All kinds of ghosts and ghosts gathered together in this noble academy event. In the quarter-mile racing event, it can be seen that many people have different motives.

There is a problem.

First, Qin Shiming brought out his Laiken supercar, followed by Du Chuang and Chen Yingxi, who showed no signs of weakness.

Then there is Lin Feng. His car is very strange. It is actually a Lamborghini Countach. Although its performance is better than that of Plymouth, it is still a car from nearly 20 years ago!

I heard from Chen Yingxi that Qin Shiming had a strong interest in collecting antique sports cars and had chatted with Lin Feng for a while. Could it be that the two men had settled their differences?

It's impossible no matter how you think about it. After all, Lin Feng is the protagonist, with the aura of being the son of destiny!

There is basically no way that he can make him surrender!

Then the next question becomes, how to balance the relationship between the parties and let them follow their own script?

This is a big problem!

First of all, we should find an entry point from Lin Feng and create an opportunity for Lin Feng to become famous in Gyeonggi!

At that time, he will naturally become the target of public criticism!

This chapter has been completed!
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