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Chapter 71: Stock Limit Down

Brilliant Construction Company. Headquarters Building!

Chen Bin walked to the conference room surrounded by everyone, looking aloof and confident, quite like a domineering president.

Yesterday, their company successfully won the material supply contract for Ye Group's project in the suburbs. If the cooperation goes smoothly, this project alone can earn 280 million yuan in profit for Huihuang Construction.

Therefore, he is here today to demonstrate to those shareholders!

He wanted to tell the large and small shareholders on the board of directors that although Huihuang Construction was a listed company, he, Chen Bin, had always had the final say here.

Let those guys keep their mouths shut and stop making trouble for him every day.

However, just as he was about to enter the conference room, his assistant suddenly stopped him after receiving a phone call.

It turned out that the Securities Department had just called him and told him bad news, so he had no choice but to stop Chen Bin.

In the chairman's office, Chen Bin said in a deep voice: "What happened that has to be dealt with now?"

Chen Bin did not blame his assistant Song Xinyu. He knew that he was always cautious and would never risk stopping him unless there was something urgent that had to be dealt with.

Song Xinyu immediately said: "Mr. Chen, I just received a call from the Securities Department, saying that our company's stock price fluctuates greatly!"

"Humph, what a fuss, it's normal for the stock price to fluctuate!"

Chen Bin said calmly that for a person like him, he doesn't care at all whether the company's stock price rises or falls.

It is often said on the Internet that the worth of a certain CEO has evaporated by billions, or even more exaggeratedly, tens of billions, but in fact it has no impact on the person involved at all, because unless the stock in his hand is cashed out immediately, the stock price of 100 yuan will not be the same as the stock price.

There is actually no difference in the stock price of 10 yuan.

In addition, stocks are commodities that can be bought and sold at will in the stock market, and they must follow the rules of the market economy. It is completely reasonable for stocks to fluctuate up and down.

"Mr. Chen, today's fluctuations are so great that they are almost hitting the limit!" Assistant Song said in a deep voice.

"Wha...what, it's down to the limit, how is this possible?"

Chen Bin was also surprised. The limit-down was no joke. This situation usually only occurs when the company makes major investment mistakes or unfavorable changes.

But this situation obviously does not exist for their brilliant construction. More importantly, they signed a big order yesterday. Logically speaking, the stock price should increase slightly!

For this reason, he asked his wife to spend money to buy a small part of the company's circulating shares yesterday, hoping to make a small profit!

Shocked, Chen Bin quickly opened the stock trading system on his mobile phone.

I saw that my own stock was still rising when the market opened today, but just a moment later, it fell to the limit in an instant.

This speed is simply unparalleled, and it is more serious than the Wall Street crisis back then.

While Chen Bin was surprised, he was also thinking about how it could be like this.

At that moment, he quickly called various departments to ask what went wrong with the company and whether it was being targeted by competitors.

However, as he continued to make calls, no problems occurred at all in the company's departments. Even the securities company said it had not received any negative news.

This made Chen Bin really confused as to why his own stock fell below the limit in just one hour.

And looking at this situation, there is no improvement at all.

Just when Chen Bin was puzzled, he happened to see a live broadcast in an office next to him.

Although it was just a quick glance, Chen Bing still vaguely saw that there seemed to be a close-up of his son on the TV screen.

An ominous premonition arose from the bottom of his heart, and he immediately ran to the staff office next door!

When I walked in and took a look, I saw that he was really the traitor!

Looking at the title of the live broadcast room, my blood pressure suddenly soared: the vicious rich man framed a civilian restaurant, the righteous young man fights against the evil forces...

Chen Bin still didn't understand that he had been tricked by that traitor!

Out of anger, Chen Bin immediately yelled at Song Xinyu who arrived later: "Call that traitor immediately and tell him to get back to me immediately!"

At the same time, Chen Bin secretly made up his mind that when the unfilial son came back this time, he would give him a good beating and destroy the company that day!

However, what happened next made him even more unexpected. The assistant told him that the young master's phone number could not be reached.

Chen Bin originally planned to ask his assistant to call him back, but when he saw the live TV footage, he suddenly changed his mind. It would be better for him to take care of his son himself.

Otherwise, this matter will not be resolved for a while!

Afterwards, Chen Bin glanced at the marked location on the TV, hurriedly took the elevator downstairs, drove his Cullinan and ran toward a ray of sunshine.

Speaking of a ray of sunshine, Chen Zhiqiang felt his body sway, and Zhou Shen fell backwards. He was a little confused.

I clearly didn't touch him, so why did that guy fly out?

His move also aroused dissatisfaction and anger from everyone present, and many people directly pointed at him openly.

After hearing that so many people were complaining for Zhou Shen, Chen Zhiqiang's originally not very bright mind finally realized something - he had been framed!

How could anyone dare to frame him, Mr. Chen? Chen Zhiqiang suddenly became angry, pointed his finger at Zhou Shen and shouted: "You damn dare to frame me, you are seeking death!"

With that said, Chen Zhiqiang grabbed a dinner plate on the table and rushed towards Zhou Shen, with a fierce look on his face as he wanted to eat Zhou Shen!

What he didn't know was that his mindless behavior completely angered the customers present, and even more angered the audience in front of the TV!

It is really hard for people to imagine how a rich and powerful young man could be so vicious and shameless!

It was obvious that he was setting someone up and even hit them!

Not only did he not apologize, but he also showed no intention of repenting. Instead, he said that others framed him. What kind of fucking thinking is this!

For a moment, netizens with a strong sense of justice were angry.

Once netizens get angry, their fighting power will be like sparks hitting the earth, shocking the sky.

The big guy is no longer satisfied with the personal information of Chen Zhiqiang. Soon the details of his father and his company appeared online, as well as the stock code of Brilliant Construction and so on.

In just a few minutes, all kinds of negative news about the glorious building were already flying all over the sky.

This is nothing. Thanks to the enthusiasm of the vast number of netizens, various departments such as industry and commerce, taxation, and fire protection have also received a large number of anonymous or real-name reports, demanding an investigation into Huihuang Construction Company.

Faced with the crazy @ from netizens, these administrative departments had to respond and said they would immediately go to Huihuang Building to investigate the situation.

Although the replies from various departments were very tactful and did not use any words like opening a case for investigation or other more serious words, this attitude alone almost made the top executives of the brilliant building urinate.

They are a construction company. How many companies like this can withstand investigation?

For a time, everything in the glorious building was in chaos!

This chapter has been completed!
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