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Chapter 82: Custom Skills

Looking at Ye Xiao's leaving figure, Zhou Shen suddenly fell into deep thought!

Although he didn't take Ye Xiao's words to heart just now, his business was indeed greatly affected today.

Many old customers dine at the new restaurant opposite, perhaps not just because of the promotions offered opposite.

It's also possible that the breakfast my mother made was missing something!

There is no doubt about my mother's craftsmanship. Even Zhou Shen, a picky eater, thinks the taste is good, and most people will definitely think it's fine too.

But the breakfast made by my mother lacked some visual impact. To put it bluntly, it had no characteristics.

Let’s put it this way, braised pork is delicious, but some people sell the same thing for 40 yuan a portion, while others can sell it for 100 yuan.

What's the difference?


After all, my mother has never learned professional cooking skills. If she really wants to compete with a professional high-level chef, she really has no advantage.

If improvements cannot be made immediately, his restaurant will probably close down under the pressure of the other party, as Ye Xiao said.

After thinking about these questions, Zhou Shen couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

And if you want to win back the customers from the opposite side, that ray of sunshine must have a chef that is equal to or stronger than the opposite side.

Otherwise, relying solely on Zhou Yueling's skills, this would be a losing battle.

Thinking of this, Zhou Shen immediately shifted his attention to the system mall. This was the fastest and best way for him to break the game at the moment.

Also worried was Zhou Hai, who also saw that the guy had bad intentions.

"Grand nephew, what should we do? We have only had a few good days, why did this happen to us?"

Zhou Shen patted him on the shoulder and said, "It's okay. As long as our breakfast tastes better than theirs, we won't have to worry about not having any guests."

"You said it's easy. Although my sister's cooking is good, it's not so delicious that people won't want to leave!"

Zhou Shen smiled and said: "Who said we have to rely on my mother's cooking skills to compete with them? We can definitely change the chef."

"Grand nephew, have you hired a better chef?" Zhou Hai asked hurriedly.


"No, what do you mean by that?"

"Okay, don't worry about this!"

Then Zhou Shen said again: "It's almost nine o'clock. It's closed. Let's recharge our batteries and have a good fight with the opponent tomorrow."

Zhou Hai didn't know what kind of medicine his nephew was selling in his gourd, but he knew that Zhou Shen was a very independent person. Since he said that, there must be a reason.

So I stopped worrying about this matter. After seeing off the last table of customers, Zhou Hai was ready to close the shop.

However, just as Zhou Hai closed the store door, Li Changqing walked in hastily.

"Brother Zhou, I asked you to pay more attention before, but you didn't listen to me. Look, something bad has happened now!"

However, Zhou Shen said calmly: "Director Li, don't panic!"

"Can I not panic? You are a good store that our program team strongly recommends. If you are compared with others, wouldn't it seem that we have no vision?" Li Changqing said.

"Don't worry, you can't compare!"

Then Zhou Shen said again: "Besides, it's useless even if I pay attention to the other side, can we still prevent others from opening a store?"

"Then how are you going to deal with it?"

"The mountain man has his own clever plan!" Zhou Shen said calmly.

Seeing that Zhou Yang was so confident, Li Changqing immediately said: "Okay, then I won't get involved in this matter!"


After sending Li Changqing away, Zhou Shen sat quietly in the hall and began to fully enter the system.

Zhou Shen's villain system can not only open treasure chests, but also exchange items and customize skills from the system mall.

It's just that compared to opening a treasure chest, the price of customization is much higher.

If you think about it, you can understand that opening a treasure box is like buying a lottery ticket. Whether you win or not or what you win is all random.

Many times, tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of villains are invested, and the result is that they lose everything or end up with some useless things.

But customization is different. Tailor-made, no matter what it is, once it involves private customization, it is extremely expensive.

Zhou Shen walked around the system mall and found a solution to his current dilemma - advanced cooking skills.

Zhou Shen had seen this skill before, but he had never thought of purchasing it, mainly because it was too expensive and required 5 million villain points.

If you think about opening a silver-level treasure chest, it would only have one million villain points.

Moreover, there is a chance of developing various skills from it, but now it is not cost-effective to customize a high-level skill for five million villain points.

But now if he wanted to solve the current trouble, Zhou Shen had to get this skill.

After all, it is difficult to compete with my mother's cooking skills.

Therefore, Zhou Shen clenched his teeth and closed his eyes: "Fuck you, I want it!"

Following Zhou Shen's instructions, the villain points that were collected from other people were lost in large quantities, and in an instant, only a fraction was left.

Although Zhou Shen felt a little distressed about this, he also knew that there was nothing that could be done about it.

Fortunately, he is also open-minded. It's just a villain. If it's gone, you can just brush it up in the future. Anyway, experience babies are everywhere.

After digesting the relevant knowledge of advanced cooking, Zhou Shen then plunged into the kitchen.

In the kitchen, Zhou Yueling was cleaning up, but her face didn't look very good.

Since there were many fewer guests today than before, there was still a lot of ingredients left, so she was in a bad mood.

After seeing her son enter the kitchen, Zhou Yueling immediately suppressed the melancholy on her face to avoid being seen by her son.

"Shen'er, you said there are so many materials left to prepare today, what should I do? Isn't it all wasted?"

Zhou Shen smiled and said, "There's nothing you can do about it! Just waste it!"

Seeing Zhou Shen's indifferent expression, Zhou Yueling felt even more uncomfortable.

"Shen'er, do you think it's mom..."

However, before Zhou Yueling could finish her words, Zhou Shen interrupted her and said, "Mom, since so many ingredients are useless, why don't I let you see your son and my craftsmanship today?"

"Ah? Shen'er, can you cook?" Zhou Hai was surprised at first and asked quickly.

"Of course."

"But I've never seen you do it!" Zhou Zhouhai continued.

"Well, I haven't had the chance. Now that there are so many ingredients, it's time to show you my skills and let you see my craftsmanship."

Afterwards, Zhou Shen put on his apron and prepared to try out this advanced cooking skill!

This chapter has been completed!
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