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Chapter 134 The preliminary round begins, the first meeting between the Super Seminary and the League of Legends

Alliance venue!

At this time, it can be said that there is a sea of ​​people here! Oh, no, there are many people who are not human!

"Queen Kesha! This is really not our universe!" After checking the data, there was still surprise that could not be hidden in his cold eyes!

"Hmm..." Kesha nodded slightly, finally confirmed on this point!

Everything was beyond her knowledge, the gods really existed! So are those scary guys in the video real?

"Hello, we have passed the first choice, what should we do next?" Queen Kesha directly aimed at a guy who looked like a staff member.

Yulongdu: "Hiss~ Birdman?"

Although he was surprised by these winged women, Yulongdu still replied: "Just go to the Pokémon Center in front to register for the competition!"

Kesha nodded to express her gratitude and didn't take it to heart that Yulongdu was teasing them about being birdmen...

There are not a few people who have said in their hearts that they are bird people for thousands of years!

If everyone cares about it, what does the justice of the angelic civilization mean?

And in this place, just the tip of the iceberg, there are many existences that even she dare not ignore. The huge aura of life forms has also made many angels put down their arrogant hearts!

Here...the angelic civilization may really be nothing!

"Queen! It's the Super Seminary"

In front of him, Ge Xiaolun, who had followed the Super Seminary, was looking at the figure not far away with a confused look on his face...

Don’t get me wrong, what he saw was not an angel!

It was a figure surrounded by heavy armor and holding a giant sword! And the face of this figure was 90% similar to him!

"Oh, shit, this can't be your father who has been missing for many years, right?" Mr. Xin also looked confused.

Because that figure is so similar to Ge Xiaolun! They are almost carved from the same mold!

"But the momentum is completely different! He gives me the feeling of a great general! And Xiao Lun..." Jiawen said pointedly...

Ge Xiaolun: "Don't you just want to call me a loser?"

Aren’t you guys?!

The figure in front also noticed this sight and slowly turned his head!

"Huh?" Galen was also a little surprised. Could this be his twin brother?

"Galen Crownguard..."

Seeing this strange scene, a dwarf holding a hammer at Galen's feet muttered unconsciously...

"Hey! What's your name, buddy?" Ge Xiaolun ran over and asked Galen, who was a head taller than him.

But Galen did not answer him, and looked directly at Ge Xiaolun. He felt that this man who looked very similar to himself was a bit rude...

Like the gangsters on the streets of Demacia! Galen disdains the gangsters!

Galen, who was silent, exuded an aura of nobility, and was wrapped in powerful strength, standing in front of Ge Xiaolun like a mountain!

"Hey, what do you mean?" Ge Xiaolun was a little angry. What did this person mean? Did he see his true nature?

"My sister is registering at the front. I hope you can wait here for a while."

If it weren't for the fact that Ge Xiaolun looked so much like him, Galen wouldn't have stopped him at all! Let this guy who looks so much like himself go over...

What should Lux ​​do if she falls in love with him? After all, she is so good...

As soon as these words came out, Ge Xiaolun's face instantly showed joy. This kind of thing can happen to him! He also said that I am not the protagonist!!

Then he held his head high, glanced at Galen, and walked past under the protection of everyone!

Come on, come on, hit me!

Galen narrowed his eyes, but in the end he didn't take action... After all, it's better to keep a low profile in such an unknown place!

And at this moment, a rough voice came from not far away!

"The power of Demacia! The invincible Garen Crownguard also has times when he is so defeated!"

Galen cast his gaze over upon hearing this, and his pupils suddenly narrowed: "Darius, Hand of Noxus! Are you worthy of being a murderous demon in the light?"

Before Darius could reply, Galen said again: "The angel Kyle has also arrived here. Aren't you, a blood-covered demon, afraid of being judged on the spot?"

"Ridiculous!" Darius was not afraid at all when he heard this. Next to him were Swain and LeBlanc!

Even there is a big killer hidden behind him! Vladimir!

This kind of lineup is not timid at all! Not to mention a righteous star spirit, even an ascended person will be killed here for you to see!

At this time, at the Pokémon Center, many smiling Joeys filled out the admission procedures for many contestants!

In previous league competitions, the elf illustrated book was used as identity information, but this time, through Fang Luo’s ability, it became the use of swiping the video screen to log in as identity information!

The first is the preliminary round, where participants will be randomly selected! The winner of the 2v2 competition will advance!

This argument continues until the final eight and four, and the finals!

The winner will receive an unimaginable reward, said to be found in a world called Dragon Ball Universe!

What is Super Dragon Ball called?

"I want to participate!!" The long queue finally reached Luffy, with a very excited expression! Although he didn't know what he was excited about!

"Okay, please log in your identity information." Along with Ms. Joy's voice, a filling form also appeared on Luffy's screen! His identity information was automatically filled in! The only thing that Luffy needs to fill in personally is the participating Pokémon.

One line!

Luffy frowned slightly and filled in Chopper's name...

"This won't work. You must have two Pokémon for the preliminary round," Miss Joy said with a smile.

"Idiot!" Nami slapped her forehead hard after hearing this. They couldn't get together at all, okay?

This fool just doesn’t believe in evil!

And just when Luffy looked desperate and was about to leave, a rough laugh rang out: "You brat! I finally caught you!"

Luffy's scalp suddenly went numb when he heard this: "Grandpa?!"

"Okay! I'm too lazy to tell you about old times." Garp threw a Pokmon ball in his hand to Luffy, which he caught after arriving in this world!

And that Poké Ball was also exchanged by him using the Sixth Form with a kid named Shiba!

"Thank you, Grandpa!" Luffy caught the Pokmon Ball and burst into tears. Then he turned his head and his expression suddenly turned into ecstasy!

"Now I have two!"

Miss Joy then nodded, filled in the information and uploaded it to the data network!

[The 1730th contestant: Luffy from East China Sea Windmill Town in the pirate world, participating Elf Reindeer Chopper, and Big Rock Snake]

Seeing the perfect registration, Garp smiled as he didn't have enough elves to participate!

Forget it...but this big rock snake hopes that eating that fruit will bring about unexpected changes!

But this time, just signing up took nearly a day!

The next morning, when many contestants and spectators were feasting in the food court, a sweet announcement spread throughout the venue!

[The preliminary round has officially begun! All contestants, please prepare to participate! Your respective matching opponents have been posted on the video screen!]

[The auditorium has been opened]

This chapter has been completed!
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