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Chapter 167 Prepare to play the next meal video

My name is Cheng Liuxiang, and I am the son of a third-rate kendo family. My dream is to become a martial arts master and learn from Zhang Sanfeng to build an immortal sect.

With this dream in mind, I have been walking more and more smoothly on this road, and I have met many partners and confidantes. I am determined! I am the protagonist!

At this time, I, who had been able to summon the Fruit Treasure Mecha, actually received an invitation from another world!

This made me couldn't help but sigh at the power of my protagonist's aura. I didn't hesitate and spent a few so-called origin points to come to this world!

Wow! It’s unimaginable and I don’t know how to describe it in words! There are various races here, including humans, monsters, monsters, Ultraman, Pokémon, elves, robots, various aliens, and even gods!

However, as the protagonist, although I was surprised, I didn't care. The protagonist! He is so willful!

After watching several games, I realized that these people are powerful and each of them has the power to destroy the world. No matter which one comes to my world, it can bring devastating disasters...

But this is nothing I can worry about anymore, I’d better fill my stomach first!

Just like that, I came to the food court! And I was shocked again! I observed everything around me curiously, and the fragrance in the air brought out the greed in my stomach!

There are all kinds of unimaginable delicacies that are simply too numerous to count!

After asking around, I found an inn called Xiaodangjia... It is said that the owner Xiaodangjia's cooking skills are so amazing that he can even make a plate of scrambled eggs shine!

Out of curiosity, I wanted to go in and have a taste, but I was still worried that I couldn't afford the price, so I hesitated...

But it was these few seconds of hesitation that put me in an unprecedented predicament!

Back to the present!

A confused Cheng Liuxiang looked at the surrounding environment and a huge glass screen in front of her! Outside the screen was the outside world, and the excited smile of the eldest sister with heavy makeup!

Oh, there is also a big sister and a cat!

Just the outside world.

"Ojiro, you did a good job this time." Musashi patted Kojiro on the shoulder like a big sister.

"Hurry, hurry, don't delay! Call Boss Sakaki quickly!" Kojiro's face was full of excitement, he finally succeeded! Sure enough, Plan B is amazing!

As soon as he finished speaking, Meow Meow directly dialed the communicator specially made by Team Rocket, and a small screen appeared in the air!

The mature and calm face of Boss Sakaki also appeared on the screen, his eyes staring at these three idiots: "Musashi Kojiro, nya, what can you do?"

Although they asked that, Boss Sakaki didn't care at all. They had joined Team Rocket for so many years and they had never done anything for Team Rocket. They couldn't even catch an ordinary Pokémon...

As the boss, he has already given up on these three idiots, so he can just hang around and wait to die!

But this time, the trio put their faces directly to the screen with proud smiles on their faces: "Boss Sakaki, we caught a super rare Pokémon!"

As soon as these words came out, Boss Sakaki's little heart stopped for a moment...

They caught a super rare Pokémon? Under the gathering of the entire universe, Itaki also had a little superficial understanding of the so-called specialness of his trio!

This kind of specialness is a completely unknown state. People or things with specialness will do things that transcend the concept of world rules...

And these three of my subordinates...

What rare Pokémon can they catch? Could they have caught the contestants?

Thinking of this, Boss Sakaki couldn't help but swallowed a mouthful of saliva: "What...did you catch?"

Hearing the boss's question, Kojiro quickly took out the elf ball! You can see that there is a small orange creature in the elf ball watching all this.

Boss Itaki recalled frantically in his mind. The names of all the contestants flashed through his mind, and he finally determined that the creature in front of him was not one of the contestants!

But even if they are not contestants, they are still spectators who have paid to come!!

Why are you arresting him?! Do you want to use him for experiments?!

"Hurry up and let me go. I'll give you a sum of money to make a proper apology!!!" Boss Banmu suppressed the anger in his heart and gritted his teeth and said!

As soon as these words came out, the trio were a little confused. Boss Sakaki, what's going on?

Seeing the confusion of the trio, Banmu took a deep breath: "If you dare to arrest other spectators today, you will be arrested by other spectators tomorrow!"

"If you meet any perverted and evil guy, I'm afraid you will be chopped into pieces, dried in the sun, made into bacon and sold in the commercial street! Selling human flesh here is not illegal!!"

Selling human flesh is indeed not illegal, but murder is, but he did not say this to the trio...

As soon as these words were spoken, the trio's bodies immediately stiffened, and they appeared covered in cold sweat!

Several bubbles seemed to appear on the head, and inside the bubbles was the scene of the trio being chopped into pieces and sold as bacon!

"I'm sorry!" Kojiro directly released the orange fragrance, then knelt down on his knees and apologized very devoutly!

After hearing all the ins and outs, Cheng Liuxiang did not feel disgusted with the trio. She only felt funny and curious. These three people really seemed like idiots!

Then he turned his body slightly to avoid Kojiro: "If you have gold under your knees, stand up quickly. I can't bear your kneeling."

The next second, Boss Sakaki transferred a sum of money, and the amount was quite large!

Kojiro's face was filled with surprise. He got up from the ground and said quickly: "Let's go eat the delicacies of Xiaodangjia! I heard that today we are going to make 108 dishes for the Manchu-Han Banquet! Although I don't understand what it is, it looks delicious!"

Meow Meow: "...108 Man-Han Banquet? 108 big men lying on the table being made into dishes?"

Meow!!!! So scary!!!

Unlike the trio who don’t know what they are, Cheng Liuxiang is very aware of the Manchu Banquet...

"You want to treat me to food? That's great, don't be polite, good brother!" Orange Liuxiang jumped up and patted Kojiro's knee, as if we were all good buddies!

But Kojiro, who had this intention himself, didn't care about anything, and looked happy when he saw that he was forgiven!

And just at this moment, a huge Autobot walked by, looking very majestic!

In comparison, the orange fragrance is so small that you can’t even see it. It’s really just like an orange!

"Now I can't even hit my knees when I jump..."

Cheng Liuxiang curled her lips, shook the leaves on her head handsomely, and pulled out the sword from behind!

The divine sword glows slightly...

"The Guobao mecha returns!!"

Accompanied by the inexplicable BGM and the gorgeous light effects, Orange Fragrance shook the Excalibur handsomely: "The Orange War Treasure is back in its place!!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a huge whirlpool in the sky suddenly appeared. A gorgeous, handsome and amazing machine battle armor quickly assembled in the sky and then merged with Cheng Liuxiang!

Amazingly handsome!

Watching this scene happen, Bumblebee couldn't help but pause, then stepped forward and touched Xiangcheng Zhanbao's head: "It's so cute."

"Hmph!" Cheng Liuxiang snorted disdainfully, then jumped up and punched Bumblebee on the knee!

And on the other side…

Fang Luo looked at the big sun in the sky.

"It's at noon? Are everyone else eating?" Fang Luo thought for a moment, then directly called up the system's editing screen.

"Send the video of your meal! Conan, Conan, spread your name as the God of Death throughout all the dimensions of the universe!"

This chapter has been completed!
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