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Chapter 259 I'm going to call my mother!

Facing these nearly 100 burly men, Feng Yuxiu's expression did not change at all and his eyes looked at this large group of people extremely calmly!

Tang Ren, who was behind him, became a little anxious and quickly stepped forward to grab Feng Yuxiu's clothes: "Stop making trouble, old cousin! What is a disabled person doing? He ran away!"

Tang Ren's actions also made many detectives tremble, because they found that Tang Ren's hard pulling did not shake Feng Yuxiu's steps at all!

After all, Tang Ren is still an adult man. He can't even pull a disabled person with all his strength, right?

Jack Jia's expression is becoming more and more serious. He has also come into contact with many Chinese practitioners, and the steady pace of Feng Yuxiu in front of him is something that cannot be achieved without a 30-year horse step!

Feng Yuxiu's body trembled slightly, and Tang Ren was immediately shaken back!

Looking back slightly, what kind of eyes are those...seeing through life and death...

"You can go now"

Having said that, Feng Yuxiu rushed directly towards the group of gang members like a tiger!

With every punch and every kick, a burly man covered in tattoos flew out! The sound of cracking bones kept ringing, and even in just a few seconds, several people's necks were violently broken.


"Hey!" Qin Feng's pupils narrowed suddenly. In this world, you can't resurrect someone after killing him! But Tang Ren in this other world in front of him is extremely cruel and ruthless!

It's as if these gang members are not humans at all, but ants!

But Feng Yuxiu in the crowd is still killing people crazily! He has all kinds of martial arts in his hands!

Heart-destroying palm, Bajiquan, 36-way spring kick, iron sand palm and a series of various national martial arts!

In this world, Feng Yuxiu seemed to completely ignore the police force and use his killing moves, which made everyone's hair stand on end!

"Let's go!" Noda Hao pulled Qin Feng tightly: "The people he killed can return to their own world. If we stay here any longer, we will be arrested together!"

"Don't look at me, it's no use killing so many people!"

And those gangsters who were massacred finally lost their courage...

"Run away!!!!"

A roar suddenly sounded, and the gang members dispersed. A group of people fled separately. The possibility of survival is still very high!

But Feng Yuxiu didn't move, quietly watching these ants flee crazily...

"Can you escape..."

Having said that, Feng Yuxiu's figure was like a cunning rabbit, and he sprinted like a cheetah! His physical fitness far exceeded that of ordinary people, and he jumped quickly on the house!

Every time it falls on the ground, one or even several lives will be lost...

The frustration Feng Yuxiu suffered in the original world was completely vented in this world!

And everyone in the Q organization who had been secretly monitoring them also fell silent...

"Chaofan! Qin Feng also went to the conference!"

"Is that Conan next to him?"

"So...he is also the beneficiary of the inventory reward?"

"Qin Feng is determined to be Q! Even if he cannot be absorbed, we must reach a cooperative relationship!"

"You're right...Modern society needs a god, and god must have strong allies!"

"What about our test?"

"Cancel it..."

"But speaking of it, Tang Ren in this other world is really a killing god..."

At this time, Kudo Shinichi and others had fled...

"It's incredible! Conan! Sherlock Holmes!" Noda Hao's eyes were filled with admiration!

It would be fine if it was just an anime, but if Conan really appeared in front of him, then he would become the idol of all detectives!

What's more, Sherlock Holmes himself is a legend! His deeds are spread all over the world, and he is the idol of all detectives!

"What's incredible! The screen in front of you is still playing Calabash Baby!" Tang Ren said while breathing heavily.

Noda Hao and Jack Jia said in unison: "I thought that was a chip secretly installed by the government for us!"

"Tch~ you guys are really stupid." Tang Ren was already starting to drift off. He was so strong in another world. Doesn't that prove that he is indeed talented in martial arts?

And in the video at this time!

Through her cleverness and magical abilities, Liuwa has managed to play tricks on all the demons!

Although he couldn't defeat him, he still managed to steal the treasure Ruyi!

After playing tricks with the centipede spirit and the toad spirit again, the six children came to the other trapped gourd children with Ruyi in hand!

And that jade wishful fruit is so mysterious that many difficulties can be easily solved by chanting the formula!

And the six gourd babies finally got together!

"Second brother! Take us to destroy the goblins quickly!"

Hearing what the fifth baby said, the second baby shook his head: "Don't be impatient! Let me see how the monster is doing!"

Then he looked at Liu Wa who was holding the jade Ruyi: "Sixth brother, you go rescue seventh brother first and we will discuss the plan here!"

As soon as the scene changed, Liuwa had arrived in the poisonous pool!

The seventh gourd, which had been soaked in black, was hanging there quietly. Seeing Liu's arrival, Qi'wa shook the gourd.

"Hey, who are you?!"

Liuwa was obviously startled when he heard this: "I am your brother! I am here to save you!"

"Save me? Who is your brother?! Get out of here!" Qi Wa seemed to have heard some big joke.

"I never had a brother. If you don't leave, I will call you mom!"

Liuwa's body trembled suddenly, her eyes filled with disbelief!

No matter how smart he is, in the final analysis he is just a child. When his younger brother said this, his heart felt so sad that he didn't know what to do...

And listening to Qi Wa's firm words, Liu Wa had no choice but to leave silently...

At this time, the world of Calabash Baby.

The heart of the old man who had moved with the help of the mountain god also felt like a knife...

"My children..."

The seven gourds hanging on the gourd vines on the side also swayed quickly: "Grandpa! Grandpa! This is all the monster's conspiracy! The seventh brother must have been bewitched by the monster!"

And the smallest gourd shook the most violently. The other brothers were all struggling to fight the demon, but he was the only one who rebelled...


"Yes, yes! How could I call that ugly snake spirit mother!"

"Good children..." The old man quickly stepped forward and stroked the many gourds.

"We have also successfully moved. With the protection of the mountain god, I believe you will be able to fully grow up!"

And in the picture at this time!

The rest of the gourd babies have already started making a big fuss in the demon cave! Only bats and poisonous snakes were seen running around, the fifth baby stood on a high place spitting water, and the fourth baby followed closely behind!

And those little demons ran so fast that they were everywhere in just an instant, and the door was tightly closed!

The fourth and fifth babies were even more angry and screaming!

And the fourth child with the most bad temper was so angry that his eyes were crooked!

He jumped up and what came out of his mouth was no longer flames! It was the thunder that was like a punishment from heaven!!

The roar suddenly resounded throughout the entire mountain range! The terrifying thunder and lightning directly smashed the cave door into pieces!!

As we all know, demons are most afraid of thunder and lightning, and this roar, like a divine punishment, frightened countless little demons until their legs became weak and unable to move!

Seeing this, the lightning from Wuwa's mouth also spurted out!

At this moment, the cave's flames and floods coexist, and thunder and lightning coexist!

Like divine punishment!!

This chapter has been completed!
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