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Chapter 377 The truth of the ten cold world universe, Rick who ripped off the script

But the screen did not disappear at this time, and the cheap narrator laughed...

[For the next little tidbit, minors please consciously click on the small cross in the upper right corner! 】

This despicable laughter made countless veteran drivers from all dimensions suddenly stunned, always feeling that what was coming next would be very inappropriate!

At this moment, there is indeed a small cross in the upper right corner of the screen. After clicking, the screen will disappear...

As a result, Son Gohan in the Dragon Ball world was forced to turn off the video, and countless children in other worlds also turned off the video of learning beautiful scenes under the pressure of their parents!

At this time, the video suddenly appeared again, and it was still the scene of Snake Spirit and Fulu Little King Kong looking at each other...

Suddenly the screen went white, and a little toad stood here holding a small sign with a blushing face!

The small sign says that if you want to see the real fragrance, please log in [pretend there is a link here]

And some bad cries were faintly heard in the video...

"Big baby's ability!"


"The second baby's ability!"


"Sanwa's ability!"


"The ability of the fourth child!"

“So hot~”

"Five babies' abilities!"

“So ice~”

"Qiwa's ability!"


"Wait, why don't you have Liuwa's ability?!"

"One! Always! In! Use!!"


A big Wanzi appeared on the screen, and countless viewers from all dimensions of the world were confused...

Sure enough, this world is different! What you play is excitement, what you play is flowers!

Although there is only sound, veteran players like Kame Sennin have already imagined countless plots! And some young people in the modern world have rich experience in brainstorming!

For a moment, the entire universe was filled with howls! Sure enough, you can’t see this kind of scene without spending money!!

"Tell me where I can recharge!! I want to recharge money, I want krypton gold!"

In the world of Super Theological Seminary, Ge Xiaolun knelt on the ground and looked up to the sky and screamed! With a look of reluctance on his face, he looked at the embarrassment on the faces of others...

Of course, as the three gay friends in the grass, Xin Zhao and Jiawen naturally have to accompany their brothers to embarrass themselves!

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Damn! He is so handsome!" Ge Xiaolun shed two lines of tears from the corners of his eyes. If he had the appearance of Gourd Little King Kong, he could become a modern Neptune even without sharing a dormitory with a girl!

Leina, who was not far away, snorted disdainfully: "How dare you think about it! Even the main god of our universe can't compare with Fulu Little King Kong!"

"Do you know what a multiverse space-time manager is?! Considering appearance, you are completely downgraded."

On the other side, in another distant galaxy in the universe!

Carl, the god of death, had deep eyes: "It's such a strange world. The world of Shi Leng seems to be completely different from other worlds, but the highest level in the world is what we need to look up to."

With a slight sigh, Karl took out a purple scale armor fragment from the void. Although the power contained in this fragment was weak, its fundamental energy made Karl feel afraid...


Although it is not the void of this universe, it comes from the League of Legends universe, and the League of Legends universe is very similar to the Super Seminary!

This also made Carl full of curiosity about the void in another world!

And these scales belong to void creatures...

"Devouring and evolving, is this the essence of void creatures?"

But at this time, the video that was supposed to end suddenly had another figure appear out of it!

"Uh ha ha ha ha!!" A cloaked man wearing purple tights appeared on the screen!

"I am the famous and notorious scorpion spirit! How about it? Are you scared?!"

At this moment, Scorpion's eyes suddenly widened and he seemed to see something else: "Ah? The subtitles have already been released?! Is the main film over?!"

As soon as he finished speaking, some subtitles suddenly appeared on the screen and flashed across the screen. What original work? Producer, producer, operations director, a series of names and titles flashed across the screen!

Seeing this scene, Scorpion immediately knelt on the ground with a face full of collapse: "I'm late..."

And at this moment, a dialog box suddenly appeared. There was no modification, but there was still endless sadness contained in it. This strong emotion resonated with countless people...

"What are you so disappointed about..."

"Although it's already behind the scenes, at least you showed your face..."

"Some people..."

"Even if you appear in the main film, it's just like you didn't appear..."

Feeling the endless sadness, Scorpion Spirit was inevitably a little sad: "Who are you?"

And the dialog box is still chattering: "After all, why is invisibility a passive skill..."

"It's fine if the bastard author in the comic wants to be lazy. Why does he appear in such a high-end place...and still be lazy!"

"Also...the original animators and voice actors have also been offline..."

Looking at these subtitles, Scorpion's face was covered with cold sweat: "Well... this... is indeed worse than me!"

[End of inventory!]

【Fuluwa! It’s really over this time(//?//)】

This last paragraph and the inexplicable tidbits shocked the hearts of countless viewers from all dimensions...

This feeling makes countless people in the modern world feel their scalps numb...

Could it be said that the world of Shi Leng is just a comic created by a certain world?

So how powerful must it be to be able to create such a top-level world as the Ten Cold World...

What kind of existence is the person behind the video who can know the truth about the Shi Leng world...

"Forget it, forget it, don't think about it." Bai Xiaofei suddenly patted his head, forcing himself not to think about such things!

He once heard others say in the conference that some truly strong people can perceive anything related to themselves even from countless worlds apart!

And if you think about it in this world, an existence like this that transcends the heavens will definitely be able to feel it in your heart!

But when you force yourself not to think about something, you are already thinking about it...

After struggling, Bai Xiaofei lay on the floor with a look of despair: "It's over! I can't control myself."

At this time, the world of Rick and Morty.

Rick's eyes were shining with infinite wisdom at this time. He had long suspected that his world might be a comic book, derived from some ultimate world!

Moreover, Rick has also investigated a suspicious person...

Story king!

At this time, Rick was standing in the garage, his brain was running wildly, all possible timelines were connected, everything seemed very reasonable...

But this kind of reasonable but inexplicable reason is so reasonable! It feels like it is a script...

"With the appearance of the video, Evil Morty broke the central cable twist in advance, and I have also hunted Jacket Rick, script? Haha~"

At this time, the world is cold.

Little King Kong was speechless. The last part of the video completely exposed the truth of the entire infinite multiverse, and only a few people knew this secret!

If everyone in the universe knew about it, then the multiverse would be over... Not everyone can accept that they are characters in comics!

I saw Little King Kong casually dialing the phone and putting it to his ear: "Well...yes, yes! Exposed, what a bullshit secret! I have never been able to contact the so-called author."

"Okay, okay, clear the memories of all ordinary people in the universe and let them forget the last tidbits."


This chapter has been completed!
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