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Chapter 29 Existence through black holes! And Beerus' disdain


The first thought of the Warring States Period was the Celestial Dragons. After all, these bastards are called the descendants of gods!

But he quickly realized that there was no way it was a bunch of bastards like the Tianlong people!

"Since this is a real inventory, it seems that this god is stronger than the previous Boros!" Lieutenant General He quickly reacted. "There is too little information. At present, we can only know that there is a certain possibility that the huge black shadow is


"God..." Zefa clenched his fist. Can God resurrect his family and students?

Holy Land Marie Gioia.

Countless Tianlong people fell silent at this moment, and those with abnormal minds had their mouths covered before they could speak.

"Hmm...can't they really be ancestors?"

"Keep watching quietly, that adult hasn't said anything yet..."

"What about the golden lion?"

"No need to worry, he just wants to conquer and there is no threat to us. He can even take advantage of it!"

Naruto world.

"Penn..." Xiaonan frowned slightly.

"I admit that they are very powerful, but... they are definitely not in the ninja world! At present, they do not threaten us."

Payne shook his head. As smart as he was, he naturally discovered that any character appearing in the video in front of him had nothing to do with the ninja world.

It may even be the existence of other planets... Is there a universe overlord before you see it?

In the forest not far away, Itachi Uchiha was also watching the video.

Without saying a word, the three Magatama Sharingan opened and tried to learn something from it.

Fairy Tail.

On a certain vehicle, Natsu collapsed on the ground like a puddle of slime, staring at his sleepy eyes and forcing himself to watch the video.

"So...so scary..." He said it was scary, but Natsu's eyes were full of passion and fighting spirit, "Even a dragon is no match for these guys."

Super Seminary.

In the angel civilization, there has been a heated discussion about this so-called god!

"Is the God's Judgment Day mentioned in the previous title referring to this huge black shadow?" Angel Leng did not have the disdainful tone before. The star-exploding powerhouse can already be regarded as the overlord of the entire universe!

It's no wonder that Boros dares to call himself the overlord of the universe.

"This so-called god is more powerful than the previous Boros... I can't tell specifically. The power hidden in the black shadow is very strange." Angel Yan used the database to simulate.

And no one noticed that Kesha, the King of Angels, who was sitting on the Angel Throne, had an extremely cold and serious expression at this time.

Two long legs slowly fell to the ground. The powerful technological power could easily record the gods that just appeared. Kesha was not in a very happy mood at this time.

She felt an unfathomable power from the god. The aura was like a black hole in the abyss, extremely evil and terrifying!

Moreover... destroying other people's planets at will and controlling other people's lives at will are not allowed by the justice of angels!!

"Find Morgana's location! Conduct a great trial on the devil!!"

In the distant galaxy, the Demon King Morgana, as a being at the same level as the angels, naturally felt the unfathomable energy.

That was a power that exceeded the computing power of the database. It was a strange power that was completely different from the technology test!

"Very strong! At least not as good as Kesha, a bitch." Morgana's expression was also very serious. "It's really boring. What's the point of just watching?"

Having said this, Morgana turned the screen directly. She remembered that she could send a message barrage before.

After a pause, I still left a message...

And on the video at this time.

"God?" When Saitama heard this word, his eyes were still dull and his face was confused.

Eve paused for a moment and then continued.

As the screen turned, countless planets and galaxies appeared in the video, and finally stopped at a few round spheres!

I saw countless planets flashing in the sphere, looking like a miniature universe!

"The galaxy we live in now actually exists in one of the multiverse spaces! To put it simply, this space is like a bead, and there are countless beads outside of this bead!"

"The connection between these different spaces is a black hole! This is the transmission channel created by the black hole!"

"Logically speaking, no living thing can pass through the transmission channel created by the black hole!"

"The weird gravity field inside is enough to crush anything! Anything!!"

"Not even radiation and light can escape the crushing force of a black hole!!"

In the world of One Piece, after hearing these words, Porusalino's mouth twitched sharply. As a user with the Shining Fruit ability, of course he knows how terrifying light is!

Although he yells about kicking at the speed of light every day, even he himself knows very well that the speed of light is far faster than him!

And what this leopard girl said is that this so-called black hole can actually crush natural light into powder?

"It's really scary~" Porusalino couldn't help but shuddered. "It seems that I need to become stronger again."

"Teacher Zefa!"

Godzilla World.

At this time, the huge creature sleeping in the deep sea also blinked in confusion. Since the screen appeared in front of him, this titan has had a lot more fun in his life.

Although the characters that appeared before were too powerful and were not the little human bugs in his impression, to be honest, I didn't take them to heart.

She is still very confident in herself about the power of Titan!

Humanity's strongest weapons are just snacks to him! He can even absorb nuclear energy to become stronger again!

Of course he is aware of the horror of radiation, even though radiation has no effect on him...

"Roar~" In the video, Leopard Girl's next words almost made Godzilla break his defense!

In video.

Leopard Girl looked at Saitama who was still confused and said slowly: "But only this guy called God! The passage to successfully break through beyond the limitations of natural laws!"

"Because of this... they are also called gods!"

As soon as these words came out, the pause button seemed to have been pressed on countless dimensions in the universe!

In the super beast armed world, Pluto remained silent, feeling that his black hole had been humiliated.

League of Legends universe.

The Dragon King Aurelion Sol also showed a rare interest, and countless dragon bodies composed of stars were slowly swimming in the void universe.

He casually stretched out his dragon claw and a miniature universe was created! Then the next second, the Dragon King casually crushed the miniature universe to pieces!

"For mortals...traveling through black holes is still amazing!"

The Dragon King disappeared and became one with the endless universe again!

In the Dragon Ball world, Frieza is slowly floating above the black hole. Even he dare not enter the black hole due to his strong attraction!

"This god is interesting!!" Frieza laughed, his eyes full of murderous intent!

At the other end of the universe, Beerus, the God of Destruction, destroyed a huge black hole with a single destructive beam! The terrifying energy aftermath instantly destroyed all surrounding objects! Millions of planets and countless galaxies!

Then, Beerus turned his back to his hands and looked at the void with a little mocking look in his eyes, "That's it?"

This chapter has been completed!
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