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Chapter 443: Faith Becomes God

The man who was already considered a demon cultivator recognized the power used by Godzilla almost instantly.


"Incense becomes a divine way?"

There was no time to think too much, because the golden atomic breath had already rushed to King Kong's face, and the powerful King Kong who was so close could even smell the faint smell of incense.

The demon power instantly formed a dark green barrier, but when the barrier formed by the demon power encountered the atomic breath full of human incense, it was like a piece of red-hot iron falling on the snow!

It was penetrated almost instantly! The golden atomic breath instantly illuminated the sky! Even humans on the other side of the sea could see this power like a pillar of the sky!



King Kong's huge body fell directly to the bottom of the sea, and his chest had been penetrated. The scent of human incense seemed to naturally restrain monsters like him, making it impossible to recover from the injuries on his chest.

Even if you eat the fairy beans immediately, it will only heal the wound, but it will not expel the scent of human incense from your body.

It can be said that King Kong has lost all his demon power at this moment! The method of demon cultivating has been completely abolished.

"How is it possible that there is fragrance in the world?" King Kong was not very panic at the moment. Most of his strength was in the body of this titan. Although the demonic power could not be used, his body was not affected.

The incense Shinto used by Godzilla is what surprised King Kong the most. You must know that humans in this era have already developed their wisdom. It is almost impossible for them to believe in an ugly monster!

What's more, the emergence of magic mobile phones has created a real explosion of information. It is said that there is so much content that even the tenth level of the original Yuan Dynasty cannot memorize it all!

And under such circumstances, modern people are even less likely to believe in Godzilla as some kind of god!

Didn’t you see their inventory video? Can’t you see that Godzilla is a giant lizard in the sea?!

Therefore, he was really surprised that Godzilla could use human incense.

Godzilla looked at King Kong with a puzzled face and did not rush forward to continue fighting. Although he was a beast, he also knew how to keep a line in everything so that he could meet each other easily in the future.

He acknowledged King Kong's strength, and it was impossible to kill him, not to mention that the rewards had already arrived and were waiting for the two of them to claim them.

It would be true folly to form a deadly feud with King Kong at this time.

"Cultivation of human incense is much easier than you think. Human beings today seem to be a lot smarter, but in fact, their intelligence is misled by their intelligence."

Godzilla shook his head and said a bunch of words that King Kong didn't understand.

And Godzilla has no intention of explaining it!

He won't tell King Kong what he has done~

He has understood the stupidity of human beings since the last time he snooped on the secret speech of human beings on the Internet!

Why? Because he discovered that the religion with the most believers among humans is actually a new modern religion!

Holy Fire Meow Meow Cult!

This religion has so many followers that they actually believe in cats and call themselves cat slaves!

Calling yourself a slave! Doesn’t this represent shame in Godzilla’s memory?

After observing for a period of time, Godzilla discovered another religion that was similar to the Holy Fire Mew Cult!

Dog teaching!

And that's not all! Godzilla even discovered a lot of very interesting remarks, such as how the universe was created by a pile of spaghetti and drunkenness...

Moreover, in the paradise of the Noodle God, there is a volcano erupting beer and a striptease club. Hell is similar to heaven, except that the volcano erupts horse urine instead of beer. To make matters worse, the strippers are all suffering from sexually transmitted diseases.

This meow is so scary, isn’t it?! Godzilla was shocked!

If so many people believe in noodles, then wouldn’t there be even more people who believe in Godzilla, the King of Monsters?!

So Godzilla posted a video of himself on the Internet, wearing a huge suit pretending to be a cat or a dog, with a huge pile of spaghetti on his head...

In this era, the video posted by the King of Monsters himself is full of spoofs, so you can imagine how big a sensation it will cause.

And the power of faith is also continuously gathering towards Godzilla...

"Don't you want to claim your reward?"

King Kong kindly reminded that the moment Godzilla turned around, the human incense in her body disappeared without a trace.

"I have one more important thing to do"

Godzilla's body slowly separated from the separated sea, and a faint golden light began to emit from his body. Looking at the desolate sea, Godzilla's eyes showed a trace of sadness.

He knew very well how much impact his battle with King Kong had on the earth and mankind.

"The power of faith in the world comes from people and belongs to people, and I am a life born from this planet. I was born in nature and died in nature."

As a titan that has existed since ancient times, Godzilla earned his title as the King of Monsters. He once believed that the strong were respected, and the weak should sacrifice everything for the strong.

But things are different now.

The golden light on Costa's body becomes more ethereal and more sacred.

Then Godzilla's body began to expand rapidly, and instantly turned into a golden light! The sky was rippled, and the golden light instantly passed over the entire planet!

Because of the battle between the two, the sea, which had become green and desolate, gradually recovered, and the fish and shrimps in the sea stared at the golden light in the sky with their ignorant eyes.

The golden light swept across the earth, and everything revived. The injured or dead opened their eyes again and regained health. But at this moment, both humans and animals were quietly watching the golden light that kept passing in the sky.



All beasts roared together, whether they were pets in the city or wild beasts in the mountains, they all fell to the ground and roared to the sky, their voices filled with sadness.

Their IQs are not high but they can feel the fall of a king.

"Is he dead?"

"I feel like my body is gradually getting healthier! My legs no longer hurt, my waist is no longer sore, and even the cerebral palsy I suffered from for more than 20 years is healed..."

"Dad! I thought you were dead... Wuwuwuwu~" In the ruins, a little girl covered in dust hugged a man covered in blood and cried bitterly.

And the man gently hugged his daughter: "Silly girl, daddy is a superman. How could he die? Dad will protect you for the rest of his life."

The man raised his eyes slightly, and the golden light that continued to pass by in the sky made him sigh.

He knew that his resurrection from the dead must be related to the golden light.

The expressions of the heads of state at this moment are also very complicated.

"When a whale falls, everything comes alive. Why did he do this? Such a powerful creature actually chose death in order to feed the world."

"Boss, what should we do?" the female secretary asked, wiping her tears.

"Oh...you still need to ask? Save people! Since Godzilla chose to do this, a large number of people must have been affected! Let that department detect what changes have happened to the earth!" The old man acted vigorously and instantly got rid of his negative emotions and returned.

Become that rational person.

But at this moment, King Kong was completely stunned...

"Why? The inventory has just ended and you didn't even receive the reward. Why did you choose to die?"

King Kong yelled, he couldn't understand Godzilla's choice at all.

"There are so many worlds in the universe! Everything has just begun. As the king of monsters, Godzilla! Don't you want to travel through endless worlds and become stronger?!"

No one responded. Apart from King Kong's own voice, there were only waves in this vast sea.

He was really puzzled. When he came, he had thought about the outcome of this battle, and even thought that one of the parties would be beaten to death by the other party, but he never expected that Godzilla would choose to commit suicide!

Kong, who is also a titan, naturally believes in the principle that only the strong deserve to live, so at this moment, King Kong's eyes are red and he wants to drag Godzilla out and beat him again!

But neither the top leaders of various countries, nor King Kong, nor the various monsters awakened by Godzilla's suicide, paid attention to the people in suffering.

At this moment, they looked at the sky with sad faces, and tears couldn't help falling. Although these tsunamis and earthquakes were all due to the battle between the two kings of monsters, Godzilla's decision to exchange his own life for their well-being was directly shaken.

human heart.

Humans are emotional animals. Except for a very few people who are worse than animals, everyone else is silently praying for Godzilla at this moment.

Before Godzilla died, he passed a sentence into the ears of all humans, and it was this sentence that almost broke everyone's defenses.

"All of this is caused by us. A battle we did not take seriously has affected countless lives. What has happened has happened and I cannot shirk responsibility. Now I can only make up for it as much as I can. There is a saying among human beings, human beings

Death is inevitable, it may be heavier than Mount Tai or lighter than a feather

Just like a whale, let me use my own death to feed all sentient beings."

"God! If you are truly omniscient and omnipotent, please save Godzilla... He has already paid the price for his mistakes, and we have forgiven him...

He saved countless lives with his own life, isn’t that enough?”

A man with blond hair and eyes closed was holding a Bible in his hand and couldn't stop crying. It was obvious that he was a loyal believer.

"Godzilla is the god of our religion. Instead of asking for that illusory God, why not pray to Godzilla with me?"

The speaker gently patted the man's shoulder and saw the sadness in his eyes.

"Do you teach me... Godzilla?"

Things like this are happening all over the world at this moment. A little bit of power that ordinary people cannot see is floating into the sky, and then passing through the world again with the golden light!

This kind of thing will never happen again. The whole planet is undergoing a magical change!

The clouds in the sky have long been dyed golden, and are as sacred as the legendary auspicious clouds, bringing auspiciousness to mortals.

The faith of countless sentient beings has formed a power that makes the gods marvel, and this power is gathering together little by little in the sky at this moment!

No one noticed that the earth in the Monster Universe seemed to come alive at this time! It was full of vitality and wisdom, and the faith of all living beings created a true god!

The name of a church has also spread to the ears of all living beings.

Godzilla opened his eyes.

But this time the angle was slightly different, and he found that he could actually see everything happening on the entire planet in an instant.

No matter what happened in time and space now or in the past, there was no secret in his eyes.

He even realized that he could instantly make the planet's plants grow rapidly and increase the mineral content.

At this moment, he seems to have become the supreme god on this planet!


And his huge body floated in the sky, but no one could see it. Even the sunlight penetrated his body and shone onto the earth!

The body is still exuding the aroma of human incense, constantly feeding back to the planet.

"This... incense becomes the way of God, and all people believe in it, and faith becomes God."

Godzilla's face was full of surprise. He never expected that he would ascend to the sky and become a god.

Then Godzilla laughed dumbly: "Is this what enlightenment is? Once you have enlightenment, you can feed back all living beings."

And at this moment, Godzilla's magic phone, which was also full of human fragrance, floated out!

The blue screen appeared in front of Godzilla again...

[You have a new email, please check it]

Godzilla smiled and did not receive his reward directly.

He wants to wait a little longer. The video reward will indeed give him what is most suitable for him, but what is most suitable for him may not be what he wants.

He wanted to keep this reward so that when the earth encountered another disaster one day, he would have a trump card to prepare for emergencies.

At this moment, Godzilla has set his sights on King Kong.

I saw King Kong floating quietly on the sea like a salted fish, and I don’t know how his weight is floating on the sea...

King Kong's eyes were unfocused. He lay on his back on the sea and watched the golden light gradually dissipating in the sky.

He couldn't feel Godzilla's breath at all, and the violent nuclear energy breath completely disappeared from this world.

"Ah~" King Kong couldn't help but yawned. He was a little sleepy while lying on the sea basking in the sun. Although he felt very confused and sad, what does this have to do with me being sleepy?!

As soon as he opened his mouth, a huge tree trunk suddenly fell from the sky and inserted into King Kong's mouth!

The sudden attack made King Kong furious!

"Who is it?! Do you want to show some respect? Just after Godzilla died, did you challenge the new king?"

King Kong's eyes widened and his brows gradually furrowed. He did not see other monsters coming here...

So which turtle grandson inserted this tree into his mouth?

It won't be...

King Kong suddenly had a very unrealistic idea in his mind: "It's impossible, he died in front of me..."

"Could it be... Ghidorah?"

King Kong's expression is a bit broken. What kind of habit is this! Throwing a tree into his mouth before the fight starts?

Just when King Kong was looking for Ghidorah, a sharp stone suddenly penetrated King Kong's back yard!

"Millennium Killing!!"

King Kong trembled all over, and with trembling hands, he pulled out the stone in the back courtyard. Looking at the blood on it, King Kong broke through the defense!

"Kill your sister after a thousand years! Godzilla, I knew it was you!!"

In his excessive excitement, King Kong completely failed to notice that Godzilla was able to speak human words, and he didn't even notice Godzilla's position when he attacked him twice in a row.

At this moment, King Kong's original sadness for Godzilla has completely disappeared!

What replaced it was endless shame and anger!

How could a monster be so mean?!


This chapter has been completed!
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