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Chapter 564 The legendary strongest warrior in the universe

"In this way, through continuous training, he will be trained into an excellent warrior. He will definitely become the main force of our army's battle! Maybe he can also become the legendary Super Saiyan!"

Except for King Vegeta, the other scientific researchers looked at Broly in the petri dish with ardent eyes. They had never seen or heard of such a talented Saiyan, and they did not want to abandon a Saiyan with such a powerful talent just because of King Vegeta's two words. child!

When King Vegeta heard the words of his men, the anger gradually came out of his eyes, and King Vegeta walked out silently without saying a word.

The screen turned to a tall door, and a figure in a white cloak walked quickly towards this side!

"Lord Paragas! Please stay!"

Paragas glared at the two guards fiercely and pushed the door open!

The moment he entered the door, his ferocious expression softened instantly. Looking at King Vegeta not far away, Paragas knelt down on one knee.

"Please allow me to be rude. I heard that you are going to put my son Bu Luoli into the spaceship and let him go to the border planet, right?"

Paragas asked his doubts.

But King Vegeta's eyes were unexpectedly calm. He had long expected that Paragas would arrive here.

"That's right, that's right"

Paragas raised his head suddenly: "But guarding the border is the duty of lower-level warriors!"

"If he grows up to have the strength to conquer a planet, becomes a more powerful warrior to occupy that planet, and then sells it at a high price, this is the spirit of the fighting nation Saiyans!"

King Vegeta held his chin and said coldly.

"The place Broly is going to is on Vampa, where there are no humans and the environment is extremely harsh. I think it is impossible to sell it at a high price."

Paragas directly told the details of the planet without hesitation. A planet with an extremely harsh environment and no civilization is of no value to the universe. It is simply a fantasy to sell a desolate border planet at a high price. !

And King Vegeta spoke again: "Your son's potential ability value is really abnormally high. It is not an exaggeration to say that he has suddenly mutated. If one day he cannot maintain a normal mental state, it will not only affect our Vegeta Army, but also some people." May become a hidden danger to the universe”

King Vegeta raised the corners of his mouth slightly and looked at Paragus below teasingly: "I didn't kill him, I just exiled him to other planets. You should thank me."

Paragas trembled and stood up from the ground, looking at King Vegeta with an expression full of disbelief. The tall king in front of him now looked so unfamiliar.

The powerful and tolerant king in the past has now become deformed, and Paragas is angrier than anyone else at this moment.

"What did you say? You are just jealous that Luo Li's potential ability is higher than that of the prince!! Just want it to disappear!"

King Vegeta laughed out loud, murderous intent already revealed in his eyes.

As long as everyone knows some things, it's fine. If you say it out loud, it's your fault!

"If you keep talking, I will kill you."

As soon as these words came out, Paragas suddenly froze and did not dare to say the words. Although King Vegeta was as useless as a maggot to Frieza, but in front of other Saiyans, he Still the supreme king!

"And it's too late now, the spaceship has just been launched."

Paragas took a deep look at King Vegeta, then broke the glass and flew out!

He rushed straight ahead to the spaceship docking station, ignored the confused expressions of the people next to him, and forced the spacecraft to take off!

"Return immediately! Immediately!"

The communicator in the spaceship was calling frantically, but Paragas didn't seem to hear it.

"Please go back now!"

"This is not possible, I have to save my son." Paragas raised the speed of the spacecraft to the highest speed: "King Vegeta's son is the same age as my son, and his potential is very high. King Vegeta has always been cited as

I'm proud, but my son Broly's ability has surpassed that of the prince, which makes Vegeta feel dissatisfied."

After calling up the galaxy Tupalagas, he quickly locked onto a small planet on the border.

"The destination of the spaceship is a planet on the border, an asteroid orbiting star No. 94 called Vampa."

The unlucky Saiyan who was forced to board the spaceship asked in confusion: "Why did you choose that place? There are almost no humans living in that place."

Paragas glanced at him, perhaps because he was thinking about the friendship between the same clan, or because the child in front of him was not a threat to him, Paragas still expressed his suspicion.

"The real purpose of playing was never to occupy that planet, but to take the opportunity to kill my son Broly!"

The unlucky Saiyan Biz was immediately confused. Is this an internal fight among the Saiyan top brass? Why should I, a novice like me, know such a cruel thing?

"Don't worry about Biz. After I rescue Broly, I will take him to live on another planet. You just need to send us out and return to Planet Vegeta."

"You don't plan to go back?"

Paragas gritted his teeth: "Of course, even if I go back, I will only be executed. I want to train Broly to be the strongest warrior in the universe. One day, I will take revenge like King Vegeta!"

The picture gradually stopped at this moment, and a small figure curled up in a spherical spaceship appeared in the picture, with ignorant eyes looking at the pale green moon in the sky.

The picture dissipated like the moon in the water, and the title finally appeared! A tall figure faced away from countless viewers, with green hair and every muscle like diamond, and the tail behind his back twitched gently like a steel whip!

【The strongest warrior in the universe! The real Super Saiyan appears!】

I don’t know how many viewers in the world were stunned. The Super Saiyans are naturally very familiar to them. In the previous video, whether it was Kakarot, Vegeta, Trunks, Son Gohan, or Son Goten, they could easily transform into it.

Super Saiyan!

So why does Super Saiyan, which doesn't seem to be very rare, be given the title "True"?

Why is this kid called the strongest warrior in the universe by the video?

Even Beerus in Dragon Ball World was stunned for a second. To be honest, although the child in front of him has high combat power, there is nothing special about him!

Whis on the side always had a smile on his face. There was a power hidden in Broly that made him feel terrible, and he was also one of the trump cards of their universe!

If it weren't for Kakarot, Broly would indeed be known as the strongest warrior in the universe.

It's a pity that it's only a matter of time before Kakarot surpasses Beerus.

In video.

The two Paragas have arrived at Vampa Star. They stood quietly in front of a huge cave, the combat instruments in their eyes frantically scanning the surrounding combat power...

"Ah...are you sure you are here?"

The combat instrument beeped and quickly locked onto a monster lying on the ground. A child with a frown on his face slowly crawled out of the monster's body!

He pursed his small mouth and seemed to be still tasting the delicious food of the monster.

Paragas' eyes suddenly lit up and his mood instantly entered ecstasy: "Broly! Did you attack the monster and eat its legs?"

Paragas rushed forward excitedly, while the other Saiyan scanned Broly's fighting power with a nervous look on his face!

"Combat strength 920? You are stronger than me at such a young age!"

But Paragas directly refuted the other party's words: "No matter how powerful the genius child is, his combat power is 920, but he can't defeat that monster!"

Paragas stepped forward to grab Broly and pinched Broly's tail with his hands.

"Look, the battle suit is already loose and baggy. It must have been after watching the full moon and the giant ape transformed, right?"

After finding their son, the two quickly returned to the spaceship. The most important thing now is to take their son away from this desolate planet!

There are obviously no supplies but there are powerful monsters, so powerful that even Paragas feels very troublesome! You must know that he is not a low-level warrior!

But the spacecraft that was supposed to take off didn't move at all. Biz opened it and checked it, and then his expression suddenly changed!

"How could it be? The most important floater is completely broken!"

Paragas frowned instantly: "Does it mean that... it can't be repaired?"

"This will definitely not be repairable unless a new float is replaced."

"What are you talking about? Is there no way this can take off?"

"There is absolutely no way to call for help wirelessly in a place like this..."

Paragus sighed: "There are only ten days' worth of food and water left."

"Do you think you can find new supplies in ten days? There really shouldn't have been a forced landing in the first place."

But Paragas glanced coldly at the companion in front of him, took out the energy gun and pointed it at his head: "This can save one person's weight."

The energy beam flashed past and Biz fell to the ground, his wide eyes filled with confusion and fear.

It turns out that the top management of the Saiyans are really so shameless. A novice like me will never be a Saiyan again in the next life.

The screen flashed and a line of words appeared in the video.

【Five years later】

A strange spaceship quickly flew away in the universe, and there were several Saiyans in it!

"Lord Bardock? Lord Bardock!"

A very familiar face appeared in the video! Countless people couldn't help but scream. The face in front of them was so familiar to them!

He looks exactly the same as Kakarot, the main character in the previous two Dragon Ball reviews! If it weren’t for a few scars on his face and a completely different temperament, they would have thought this was Kakarot!

"What's going on?" Bardock opened his eyes and asked calmly.

"We'll be arriving at Planet Vegeta soon! It's been a long time since we've been here."

"Yes," Bardock replied very calmly.

"I really don't know why I'm so anxious to call all the Saiyans back to Planet Vegeta. It seems like it's because of that bastard Frieza's order."

Bardock's expression remained calm: "Remove the detector, you will be heard."

The man was suddenly shocked and quickly took down the detector.

"Look! Everyone is back one by one!"

At this moment, many spaceships approaching Planet Vegeta are rapidly approaching the planet, and not far away there is a spaceship that is completely different from the Saiyan spacecraft!

"Look over there, that's Frieza's spaceship."

"Why are you here now when it's obviously not time yet?"

"Don't you think it's strange? If you want to give a notice, just use the radio. There is no need to specially call everyone back. Even if you are to issue new weapons, there is no need to gather urgently... That guy Frieza must have no good intentions."

"Huh? What do you mean you don't think of anything good?"

Kakarot's IQ is not at the same level as his father's. Bardock's wisdom at this moment far exceeds Kakarot's in countless dimensions!

He had already vaguely sensed that something major would happen in this emergency call that would affect the Saiyan race!

"Originally, conquering planets and then selling them was the livelihood of our fighting nation, the Saiyans, but... Frieza's father, King Kurd, used violence to make the Saiyans surrender, and also asked us to regard him as king..."

"This was all a long time ago..."

"Do you think you are doing well now?"

"Is this... Saiyans really don't like Frieza?"

During the conversation, the spaceship landed smoothly. Looking at the familiar scene in front of him, Bardock snorted and said: "Frieza must not like Saiyans either. Frieza is much stronger now. Even if there is no one he hates anymore,

Saiyans are no big deal.”

After leaving the spacecraft, the little follower's expression was already a little frightened.

"Is Frieza planning to destroy us?"

Bardock turned back and smiled, with a hint of hysterical madness hidden deep in his eyes. With his IQ, he had already guessed the matter, but even so, he still chose to return to Planet Vegeta.

"Maybe that's the case, right?"

The little follower was suddenly startled: "Don't scare me, Lord Bardock!"

Bardock said nothing and walked slowly forward. He was stopped by other Saiyans who had just returned after taking only two steps!

"Hey, isn't this Bardock? I didn't expect you to actually come back alive."

Bardock glanced at him quietly: "Hey, do you know why the summons order was issued?"

"I don't know! Maybe we have discovered a bigger and better planet. We must all work together to conquer it."

The little follower jumped up when he heard this: "Yes! It must be like this!"

But Bardock didn't reply and walked forward again. For such a brainless Saiyan, he really didn't want to say any nonsense.

"By the way, Frieza's men are asking about Super Saiyans everywhere."

Bardock slowly turned around and frowned: "Super Saiyan? The legendary one?"

With pupils as narrow as needle eyes, Bardock suddenly looked towards the palace in the distance.

"I understand..."

At this time, on Frieza's spaceship, Frieza was listening to the report from his subordinates.

"Super Saiyan and Super Saiyan God seem to be just legends!"

Frieza nodded slightly: "I think so too. The investigation is just to eliminate a little bit of my uneasiness, just in case!"

Frieza, who was in the Dragon Ball world at this time, looked at his confident look and wished he could travel back in time and give him two big dicks!

He was so confident that he only destroyed Planet Vegeta, but not all the Saiyans outside! How merciful!

Frieza watched the video quietly with a cold glint in his eyes.

It has to be said that the Saiyans who were exiled to other planets are all extremely talented beings!

Whether it is Kakarot who was exiled to the earth, or Broly who was exiled to the Vampa planet, they are the most talented beings among the Saiyans!

Even though Kakarot's own talent is not very strong, his fighting talent is ridiculously high.

In video.

"Then shall we stop the attack?"

As soon as he said this, Frieza suddenly laughed: "Oh ho ho ho ho, you really know how to joke. It's not easy to get them together this time. This is a good opportunity to destroy the Saiyans and the planet at the same time." !”

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"Brother Shen!"


When Shen Changqing walks on the road and meets familiar people, he will say hello or nod to each other.

But no matter who it is.

There is no unnecessary expression on everyone's face, as if they are indifferent to everything.

Regarding this.

Shen Changqing has become accustomed to it.

Because this is the Demon Suppression Division, an organization that maintains the stability of the Qin Dynasty. Its main responsibility is to kill monsters and monsters. Of course, it also has some other side jobs.

It can be said.

Everyone in the Demon Suppression Division has a lot of blood on their hands.

When a person is used to seeing life and death, he will become indifferent to many things.

When he first came to this world, Shen Changqing was a little uncomfortable, but he got used to it over time.

The Demon-Suppressing Division is huge.

Those who can stay in the Demon Suppressing Division are all powerful masters, or those who have the potential to become masters.

Shen Changqing belongs to the latter.

Among them, the Demon Suppressor Division is divided into two professions, one is the Guardian Envoy and the other is the Demon Slayer.

Anyone who enters the Demon Slayer Department starts from the lowest level as a demon slayer.

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Then he will be promoted step by step, and eventually he is expected to become a guardian envoy.

Shen Changqing's predecessor was a trainee demon slayer in the Demon Suppression Department, and he was also the lowest level among the demon slayers.

Possess the memory of the previous life.

He is also very familiar with the environment of the Demon Suppression Division.

It didn't take long for Shen Changqing to stop in front of a loft.

Different from other places in the Demon Suppression Division that are full of chills, the attic here seems to stand out from the crowd, showing a different kind of tranquility in the bloody Demon Suppression Division.

At this time, the attic door was open, and occasionally people came in and out.

Shen Changqing only hesitated for a moment before stepping in.

Enter the attic.

The environment just changes in vain.

The fragrance of ink mixed with the faint smell of blood hit his face, causing him to frown instinctively, but then relaxed it quickly.

There is almost no way to clean away the smell of blood on everyone in the Zhenmo Division.

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