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Chapter 483 Elegance never goes out of style

Chapter 483 Elegance never goes out of style

We don’t know whether we should leave or not, and we don’t know what the situation is now.

But buddy, buddy! This spicy hotpot is so delicious, buddy!

Man, man! These octopus balls are so delicious, man!

Buddy, buddy~oh~this milk goes straight back to childhood, buddy!

At this moment, the Dragon Ball universe and the surrounding affected worlds have been restored by Fang Luo. On Dragon Ball Earth, Shi Hao becomes happier and more excited the more he eats!

Especially the little master chef who was specially invited here! He can make egg fried rice shine with his cooking skills alone! Such people are very few even in all the worlds!

What a generous act.

"Your planet is really in crisis." A flash of light flashed in Shi Hao's eyes, and billions of years of Earth's history came into view in an instant.

In recent years, the appearance of these powerful enemies on the earth, as well as the battles between Kakarot and others, made Shi Hao sigh. It was really dramatic.

It seems that as long as there is Kakarot, there will be powerful people in this world who come to this planet to do whatever they want!

Obviously, this planet has not encountered any big events since the beginning of civilization, but since Kakarot appeared, this planet has been experiencing big and small events forever!

"Oh... no matter what crisis there is, I will get through it." Kakarot's face was full of confidence. This time he could transcend the threat of a super strong man and be able to survive it, let alone other small hardships.

Shi Hao nodded. He still believed what Kakarot said. After all, the Saiyan in front of him had something that could invite her!

And it seems that there is a powerful transcendence covering Kakarot and others.

Shi Hao glanced at Fang Luo casually, and Shi Hao's meaning couldn't be more obvious.

And Fang Luo drank a large bottle of Fat Boy's Happy Water in one breath, with a happy expression on her face, basking in the warm sun. At this moment, she just wanted to turn on the computer and have a passionate battle!

Just play, just touch your fingertips and a computer will instantly appear in front of your face!

Start, log in, welcome to League of Legends!!

Shi Hao and others widened their eyes and couldn't figure out Fang Luo's thoughts. What was the operation of suddenly taking out a computer to play games?

Even Bulma scratched her head in confusion. The computer in front of her was not of high technological level. Why was it so loved by Mr. Fang?

At this moment, the computer had entered the hero selection page, and hundreds of heroes appeared in front of them. Fortunately, Shi Hao didn't know these heroes.

But Kakarot's funny eyes widened even more. They actually saw many familiar people on this computer!

For example, the swift swordsman Yasuo.

For example, Katarina, the Ominous Blade.

For example, Qianjue, the Twins of Everhunting.

And the Starforged Dragon King Aurelion Thor!

Fang Luo looked at the computer screen in front of him attentively. The opponent's opponent had already displayed the Swift Wind Sword Master Yasuo in the middle. Fang Luo hesitated for a moment and directly selected the Soul-Sealing Sword Demon Yongen.

"Brother!! Accept brother's punishment!"

Everyone present: "!?"

A game is not long. After 15 minutes, Luo looked at the screen in front of him with a somewhat distracted look.


"Tsk" Fang Luo frowned, his eyes were full of dissatisfaction and we didn't know why!

Our cultivation has reached transcendence, and we can still lose in a game. Who can we ask to reason with this?

Although his reaction ability has been fixed to the mortal stage, he still won't surrender after being beaten by his opponent Yasuo for 15 minutes!

I don’t want to play anymore!

"Yasuo...Yasuo, right?" Fang Luo snorted coldly, and his figure disappeared directly into the Dragon Ball world!

Everyone in Erlongzhu looked at each other in confusion for a moment, not knowing what to say. They never expected that Mr. Fang, who seemed invincible on the surface, would actually have such a weakness!

Shi Hao looked at the computer screen curiously and seemed to want to take the opportunity to sit on it and operate it.

"You never know who your opponent is...maybe it's a husky, maybe it's the eternally arbitrary Emperor Huangtian"

But before Shi Hao came on stage to perform the operation, the magic mobile phones in everyone's bodies came out!

That's right, they once again spent 1 source point to repair the previously broken magic phone!

Various magic mobile phones project the screen, and then come together to become a super large video screen!

Shi Hao: "..."

No matter how you say it, I am detached, and I am also the Emperor of Desolate Heaven who has been arbitrary for eternity!

Can you please stop making these things that I have never seen or heard of, making me seem very out of step with the times...

"You probably haven't activated the video function yet. Just ask Mr. Fang to apply for it later."

Bulma said softly.

It is simple and easy to understand. It does not explain what the video is, nor the content and importance of the video.

Shi Hao found some clues about the video in the long river of time, so he had no choice but to silently watch the video in the sky while eating grilled sausage.

It seems that being summoned this time will really directly change the pattern of the world!

It’s just that in the sky video, color gradually appears on the dark screen!

The sky is extremely dark, drizzle falls on the earth, and the breeze sweeps the rain, turning the sky into a beautiful scroll painting!

The surrounding mountains and rivers are like big rocks covered with pink trees. The land is full of natural charm, but you can still faintly see the traces left over from the war!

The blood of iron helmets, battle axes, spears, and long knives from the war were washed away in this rain.

In this desolate post-war place, a figure ran across the land as fast as lightning!

This man's upper body was naked, with a huge shoulder armor on his right shoulder, and a long knife in his hand cut through the rain curtain!

Behind him, a swordsman holding two swords followed, and his figure became illusory in an instant. The two-sword swordsman rushed over and collided with Yasuo!

"You are unforgivable, Yasuo!" Yongen looked sternly at Yasuo not far away. That stubble was completely inconsistent with his image in later generations.

Yasuo on the other side also kept drawing his sword, his eyes narrowed slightly and his words were full of despair and helplessness: "Yongen!! Go back!"

But Yongen clenched the two swords in his hands: "You brought our reputation into disrepute! You once swore to protect her!"

Yasuo slowly straightened up. At this time, he was unable to explain anything. No one believed him.

"You also swore to protect this land. Take a good look around, brother!"

Yasuo looked extremely calm: "Your so-called reputation has made all life on the earth miserable!"

A flash of disappointment flashed through Yongen's eyes. The two swords in his hands stood in front of him, and his figure quickly passed by!

"Leave your reputation behind and you'll be left with nothing but mediocrity!"

Yasuo and Yongen collided with each other. Their swords set off a violent wind, and the sword light flickered in this post-war land!

The silhouette was as fast as lightning, and the clash of swords sounded like thunder. Yone raised his swords and slashed with force, directly cutting a long sword in Yasuo's hand into pieces!

The blade fragments scratched Yasuo's cheek, causing Yasuo's pupil microphotography to quickly step back, and he drew the long sword from his waist without hesitation!

The sword came out! The wind between heaven and earth blew the surroundings as if commanded by God, and the slight drizzle turned into a heavy rainstorm at this moment!

And when he saw Yasuo pulling out Yongen, the artifact of the Wind Sword Sect, he didn't panic at all, and the sword in his hand stood in front of his chest again.

"Sorry, brother"

"I won't let you fall anymore"

The battle between the two is like a painting, the clash between swords, two descendants of the wind. Their power may not reach the point of destroying the world, but their movements are agile and heroic.

The two pairs collided, and two phantoms, one red and one blue, appeared behind them.

The picture in the video also stopped at this moment!

[The clash of the blast! The battle between the orphans]

【Farewell, Yongen!】

[Brother, the strong wind has its way back! May the spirit of Ionia guide you]

The League of Legends universe at this time.

On a large mountain in Ionia, Raven was holding a rune sword and looking at the video in front of him with an extremely guilty expression.

Maybe others didn't recognize the swordsmanship used by the two brothers, but how could Raven not recognize it?

In Gale Kendo, I went to find the elders of Gale Kendo to solve my doubts because of some personal matters. As a result, I lost control of my rune sword and accidentally killed Elder Suma with my Gale Slash...

Poor Yasuo is left with the big pot on his back.

"It's time to go down the mountain now." Raven carried the rune sword and looked towards the distant Ionia town.

"Irelia, this time I will help you protect this newborn land with a crime."

in another dimension.

Yongen sat cross-legged in a pool of water that existed between dimensions. Scarlet light enveloped his whole body and his eyes exuded a demonic aura.


A roar came from the mask on his waist, which was the undead soul of the demon Azakana.

Yongen glared at Azakana angrily, and his scarlet eyes instantly turned red and blue!

This is the ability he left behind from the last tour group, a power that belongs to Yongen in another parallel world!

Human and divine body.

"Yongen!! Azakana will not let Yasuo go! The demons will not let him go! He has regrets in his heart, and the demons will not give up on him!"

Yongen looked at Azakana coldly: "You talk a lot of nonsense."

At this time, Pi City.

We are facing the greatest threat and disaster we have ever experienced!

Jinx kept firing missiles towards this bustling city. The roar of the explosion made Ziggs extremely excited. The two explosive maniacs destroyed the city unscrupulously!

And in the darkness, a sniper rifle stared at the major congressmen like the eye of death.

"stage ready"

"I pull the trigger and they dance"

Beneath the mask, the eyes of the dramatist Jin reveal unparalleled fanaticism. The gorgeous city in front of him is the best stage he can imagine!

The flower of art will bloom in this city of progress!

In the council hall, Jace has picked up a sledgehammer and is ready to go out and teach Jinx a lesson.

But as soon as he stood up, a bullet flew directly through the air!


He raised the weapon in his hand and barely blocked the bullet, but the powerful impact still knocked Jace into the wall!

Before he could take a breath, the second bullet traveled thousands of meters and came to him again!


The energy protection system was activated, and the blue light shield blocked the second bullet!

The second bullet had just been blocked, and the third bullet followed closely! And the impact of this bullet had already exceeded the power of the previous two!


The blue light was instantly filled with cracks, and many members of Congress quickly found objects for cover!

And Jace also turned the hammer in his hand into a cannon form, his eyes filled with bloodshot roars.

What is he shouting? The actor Jin doesn’t know. He only knows that the clown on the stage dances really beautifully!

His finger pulled the trigger, and the fourth bullet rushed towards Jace like a roaring dragon!!

Anyone who has played League of Legends knows that Jhin’s fourth bullet is more powerful than the first three bullets combined!

Red bullets streaked through the air and hit the parliament hall with one shot! A huge explosion resounded throughout the world. The power of this shot was actually more powerful than a rocket fired by Jinx!


Looking at the smoke-filled parliament hall thousands of meters away, the fortune teller Jin showed a satisfied smile.

Although the scene in front of him was far from the art in his mind, it was far from what Jinx had in mind, which was to clean the council hall with explosions.

As an ally, he did it!

Before Jin, the play master, could pack up the guy and leave, there was suddenly an air-piercing slash from the side of his neck!

Subconsciously lowering his head to avoid it, the dramatist Jin quickly retreated towards the rear.

He saw an elegant lady standing there looking at him. This lady's feet were two huge knives!

The heart exudes a faint blue light. Even so, it still maintains a very high elegant posture!

Although they are enemies, the dramatist Jin is very satisfied with this lady's image and attitude!

"You are the Gray Lady, right?"

Qinggangying Camille looked at the fortune teller Jin coldly.

"You! Want! Know yourself!"

The scissor legs flashed by instantly, and the figure of the fortune-teller Jin dodged gracefully like a butterfly.

"Everyone has a mask. The role you play today seems to be very different."

Jhin picked up his weapon and jumped from the tall building with his eyes closed. He was like the last protagonist on the stage, a perfect curtain call!

Camille did not rush to catch up, but picked up the communication device and contacted others.

"Target has appeared"

Afterwards, he simply dropped the communication device and quietly looked at the chaotic city below.

"Conceit will bring everyone to their knees, you are too conceited." Camille has sent the final message to the fortune teller Jhin!

Jin, the fortune teller who had already left, looked back and admired Camille with all his heart.

However, he didn't take it too seriously. Even the leader of the Kinkou Sect and three disciples who joined forces to catch him were no match for him, let alone this little Camille.

Even the Lord of Shadow Stream, Jie, can't do anything to him.

While rushing, he glanced at the video on the screen, and the dramatist Jin showed a strange smile.

"Brothers fighting against each other, the swordplay of the wind, what a perfect script! The stage is ready, Ionia is ready for a real performance!"

Seeing more and more Pi City soldiers in front of him, Master Jin jumped up and threw something towards these soldiers!

"Man dance grenade!!"


Jinx and Giggs in the distance looked extremely excited as they watched the explosion created by the fortune teller.

"Explosion is art!! Hey hey hey~ the bomb is coming!"

Giggs threw a big bomb into the sky, and the terrifying impact instantly swept through several surrounding streets!

"Hey! Do you want to punch me?"

A giant Hextech gauntlet came straight out of the explosion!

This chapter has been completed!
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