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Chapter 494 I Don't Want To Live!

Chapter 494 I don’t want to live anymore!

Bender's actions shocked all the viewers who watched the video, including many big bosses. Even powerful beings who could explode the multiverse with one hand were stunned by this coquettish operation!

I saw in the video that Bender, who was supposed to be investigating carefully, actually exposed his shiny metal pp and pushed it towards the crack in the universe!!

Perhaps because of being insulted, a terrifying force in the crack instantly swept across the entire universe!

In an instant, Bender and all the employees of Interstellar Express were rushed away by this powerful force!

The deafening screams gradually dissipated as they left!

The Simpsons at this time.

Romo's eyes widened as he looked at Bender, who was performing magical operations in the video in front of him, and didn't know what to say for a moment.


With a vigorous shake of his arm, Romo began to admire his friend with all his heart. Bender was always so awesome, no matter what era he was in, he could always make people shine.

At that time, I traveled through time and came to my place, and I became a good friend.

"Romer, isn't Bender still in the basement of our house now?"

Bart pouted his belly and looked at his father nonchalantly. How could he act like an idiot for such an adult? Bender's current body is in the basement and he just fell asleep.

As soon as these words came out, Romo suddenly woke up and his eyes lit up, and then he stared at Bart.

"You have to say it, little brat!" He stretched out his hands and grabbed Bart's neck and shook it hard. The tradition of the Simpsons caused Bart, a ten-year-old child, to endure pain that he shouldn't have to endure!

But the evil in his eyes slowly sank into his heart under this neck-squeezing magic...

You know, is there anyone more evil than Bart in this universe?

As the saying goes, the devil has Satan tattooed on his body, and Satan has Bart tattooed on his body!

In the video at this time, Bender's shiny butt was greatly affected by the collision, so he was admitted to the hospital with honor!

In the hospital of the future, Bender was lying on the bed receiving fluids, with a pitiful look on his face, as if this incident had nothing to do with him and was not caused by him at all.

In order to express condolences to Bender, the company even specially invited her favorite star, a yellow star robot!

I saw this star holding Bender's hand with a compassionate look on his face, looking high-sounding, and kept talking about celebrities!

No matter how you look at it, the script was written in advance and read out, and everything this star does is naturally because of his personality and community activities. No one really thinks that others who make millions a day will ignore ordinary people.


Bender, who was encouraged by his idol, quickly recovered and rolled around on the ground with two wheels on his butt.

"It's really great that a brother as famous as him would actually come to express condolences in person because of a fan's injury!"

Bende was so excited that his face was filled with tears, but other robots would have cried all over the pillow otherwise.

In order to repay his brother Band, he decided to be a powerful paparazzi in the future. No! He must do it now!

Bender took off the wheels and skillfully opened a mysterious device. The virtual screen was instantly projected into the air. This device actually directly cracked most of the contents of the celebrity website!

And according to these cryptic contents, all viewers know that the robot star is most likely in a robot plastic surgery room at this moment!

In order to repay his brother Bender, he could only find some excuses for his brother with tears in his eyes to make his brother more popular and more lovable.

The scene turned to a mysterious plastic surgery room where a robot doctor was twisting the star's lower body with a screwdriver in his hand.

"Okay, so big is the limit, I can only make him so big."

As soon as he finished speaking, the paparazzi led by Bender broke in directly before the star himself could say anything!

The camera in my hand clicked, and the flash missed the scandal!

"Oh my god..."

The star collapsed and covered his body with a quilt, his eyes full of panic!

Is this how you repay me?

Fly out to a future world.

Fry hugged Lila with a smile and stretched out his hand to pull out a gap in his pants: "I don't need plastic surgery. The giants from thousands of years ago... don't need such external means at all."

Lila cast aside Frye with a disgusted look and said: "Little"

Frye: "...?"

And Bender, who was passing by, flicked the antenna on his head with his fingers. The expression made by the robot was so infuriating.

"Fry, don't take out your little antenna to make yourself look embarrassed. A truly confident macho man always has his antenna stuck in his head!"

Frye's eyes lit up, yes, if you were really confident, why would you hide it from others?

Looking at Bender's antenna that was always exposed, and the small antenna he had hidden in his lucky bank, he made an astonishing decision...

After a while, Professor Bai looked at the naked man running on the street with a complicated expression. He could not accept that his ancestors had such hobbies and IQs...

Professor Bai took a deep breath and forced himself to resist his bad temper. Professor Bai even took two breaths of oxygen next to him.

"Be patient, be patient with everything! He is the most special existence in the universe! He is the stupidest existence in the universe. His IQ makes even those brains unable to do anything to him... He is the savior, he is everything

The beginning of

Professor Bai, who kept mumbling, didn't notice at all that a green vortex appeared behind him, and the strange power tore apart the limitations of space and the connection between dimensions!

This is a very high-tech teleportation technology, but Professor Bai didn't panic at all. Just by taking a glance, he knew who was coming!

"Rick, why did you come to my latitude?"

Accompanied by Professor Bai's voice, Rick walked out of the portal drunkenly with a chicken coop on his head.

"Hiccup—my friend...do I need any more excuses or reasons for me to come looking for you?"

Professor Bai smiled sinisterly: "I came just in time. The kidneys of the most powerful genius in the universe will definitely be sold for a lot of money. My good friend, please don't blame me for the company's capital turnover recently."

Professor Bai skillfully took out the scalpel and knocked the drunk Rick to the ground. Without using anesthesia, he cut open Rick's waist and took out the blood-red kidney!

"There is no difference between a genius's organ and an ordinary person's, but there are still some differences." Professor Bai thought for a while and held up the kidney in his hands covered with blood, which made him look extremely evil under the bright light: "That's it! Then

Those who are geniuses will be more valuable!!”

"Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie!!"

The drunk Rick didn't know when he opened his eyes and looked at Professor Bai silently.

"Oh my God, if you are short of kidneys, just tell me and I will give you hundreds of thousands of kidneys in minutes. Do you believe it?"

Professor Bai looked at Rick angrily and threw the kidney in his hand to the ground: "Do you think this is the kidney I want?"

"What I want is the pleasure of sneak attack on the number one scientist in the universe! You ruined my happiness! I hate you, Rick Sanchez!!"

Rick's face was filled with relief. This is how a normal scientist would open up. Everyone is a weirdo with a high IQ. Only this group of weirdos can have a common topic together.

"Okay, okay, my friend"

Rick stretched and his injuries had healed for some time. He sat down on the sofa and drank sip after sip of wine.

"Did you know? My friend, a little girl came to me to study two days ago. She wanted to learn magical science and technology from me."

Professor Bai couldn't help but glance at the person who could ask Rick to bring it up. He must have a high IQ and must be extremely talented!

Rick took a big sip of wine: "Hiccup~ But I still refused~ A true scientist will never need a so-called mentor. Our IQ is enough to solve all the problems in the world."

Rick said disapprovingly, and Professor Bai nodded in agreement.

Leaving aside Rick, Professor Bai was basically self-taught when he was young. No one could teach him. When he was a teenager, he solved a problem that no one had been able to solve for thousands of years. In his eyes, winning the Nobel Prize was almost nothing.

It’s as simple as eating and drinking.

Moreover, if you have a mentor whose IQ is higher than your own, it may restrict your own ideas. A scientist who dares not think is destined to have no great achievements.

The meaning of the existence of scientists is to make the impossible possible, and to make things reasonable that ordinary people dare not think of.

This may be the difference between the technology side and other systems.

And Rick was already drunk and confused at the moment. She did not tell Professor Bai who the little girl was, and the figure of the little girl seemed to be reflected in her drunken eyes...

She was a white person with yellow skin all over her body. She was very extreme and had an extremely kind heart. This kind of kindness was like the Holy Mother in Rick's eyes. She was also a vegetarian and a girl who believed in Buddhism.

Her IQ is the highest among the Simpsons and one of the best in the universe!!

The wisest person on earth, Lisa Simpson.

But even Rick exists in countless worlds and parallel universes, and the same goes for Lisa, with countless versions of her existing in countless parallel universes.

The three worlds of Futurama, Rick and Morty, and The Simpsons all exist in the same infinite multiverse under a huge world view!

The Simpsons flew out of the future 1,000 years later, and Morty once accidentally drove a spaceship and killed the Simpsons.

They are both well-known beings in this infinite multiverse, and Interstellar Express Company is not seemingly poor. At least Rick can see the logo and symbols of Interstellar Express Company in many places.

And in the video at this time.

After Professor Bai's research, the truth about the cracks in the universe has finally been revealed. That huge crack is exuding mysterious power all the time, and it has been confirmed by the scientific community that it is a huge non-continuous magnetic field!

Its power will continue to disturb the entire universe until it turns the entire universe into ashes!

Or the cracks will become bigger and bigger, swallowing up the universe like a big mouth inside!

In order to thoroughly study this crack and find a solution as soon as possible, Professor Bai found his former apprentice Ogden to assist him!

An equally old scientist in white quickly arrived at the Interstellar Express Company and looked at the information displayed on the instrument, Ogden said.

"The battery frequency of the crack is very abnormal. It can be said to be very weird. The magnetic field of the crack seems to have its own life. They will judge some things."

Ogden casually picked up an electronic instrument and threw it towards the simulated magnetic field frequency of the crack.

The strange magnetic field destroyed the electronic instrument almost instantly, and Ogden picked up a koala and threw it towards the simulated magnetic field.

But this time, the koala made it through the simulation unscathed!

Seeing Professor Koala Bai falling from the second floor, his face was full of shock: "Unexpectedly, he was unscathed?!"

The information is already very obvious. The magnetic field of the crack will cause irreversible and devastating effects on all electronic devices, but it will not cause so much damage to flesh and blood!

This is the huge energy created by God to destroy robots!

Professor Bai subconsciously thought, what? As a scientist, how can you leave everything to God?

Just kidding! How busy I would be if I didn’t leave it to God!

The two giants in the scientific community quickly conveyed this discovery to the leaders, hoping to apply for another field trip opportunity!

And this leader is obviously stupid to the extreme. Even if he only has his head on the table, his face is still filled with disdain and his tone is full of impatience.

"You two don't need to waste your efforts. I have given full power to the military this time. They will have complete control over everything this time."

On the other side, the commander-in-chief responsible for this incident stood on the stage with a rebellious expression, and directly decided to use absolute power to destroy the crack this time!

The reason also shocked countless viewers. They chose to destroy all new things just because of the emergence of new things! Because the emergence of new things means that they need to learn more things, and the people do not want to learn, so they refuse to accept any new things!

And this kind of thing has happened in reality. Not long after the video taught you to fly out of the world, you wanted to find the source of the video and destroy it!

The reason is of course that they refuse anything new, they don’t want to learn, they don’t want to know anything.

It was just that after a period of indifferent struggle, most of them recognized the reality. The video was too long and hidden and they couldn't find it at all. Even if they dug out their eyes to hypnotize their brains to make them forget that they even have eyes, they still couldn't block the video.

Plant something!

It wasn't until the emergence of the magic phone that everyone had a goal to vent their anger, which was to beat up their own magic phone!

It's just a pity that the magic phone bound to the owner has certain self-protection functions...

To put it simply, most people can’t beat their own magic phone!

"I really can't use my cell phone"

At this time in the video, two opposing scientists were pinned down by many police officers and beaten violently!

Frye looked at the beating ex-girlfriend who was still exuding that damn charm, and the sadness in his eyes became stronger and stronger. The long spaceship that looked like the Purcell had already set off with the hope of mankind, and Frye didn't know when he slipped in.

The interior of the spaceship…

If there is no love in the world.

My life is meaningless.

This chapter has been completed!
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