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Chapter 500 Good Brother

Chapter 500 Good Brothers

Looking at the strange creature in front of him, Deoxys learned some information almost instantly with his strong mental power!

This kind of creature is called human. It is a unique creature on this planet. They are physically weak and do not have any special abilities, but they have something called technology. With this thing, they control all the powerful creatures on this planet!

Danger! Extremely dangerous!

Be careful about the power called technology in them!

Deoxys' mental power covered the surroundings and paid attention to all movements, but he ignored Xiaozhi himself...

After all, how could a human with a weak body and no special abilities attract the extra attention of such a first-level god?

At this time, Xiaozhi has determined that the engine creature is a so-called invasive species, and its existence will definitely break the entire Pokémon biological chain!

That’s what Du Niang said!!

After all, the major mythical beasts watching Xiaozhi peeking at the screen couldn't help but sweat for this young man from the universe. You must know that Xiaozhi's physical strength has far exceeded that of a first-level god!

If you have to rank Pokémon...

He is a first-level god with enough power to destroy the continent.


A great divine beast with explosive power that can destroy the entire planet with absolute power can be planned to become a so-called super beast!

After all, in the official game, Mewtwo’s Z-move can destroy the entire planet with one hit!

And Xiaozhi is so exaggerated that he can slap Arceus in the mouth, even if it is because Arceus is defenseless, but this kind of physical strength exceeds 90% of the super beast!

Extremely scary!

In the official setting, Arceus has soared so far that he can create the universe, create planets with a wave of his hand, and restart the timeline with just a thought!

The absolute tenth level of the Original Origin! Even though it is weaker than the other ten levels, he is definitely one of the top bosses in the world!

So you can imagine how powerful Xiaozhi, the god of super beast power and body, is!

The fist wind is approaching!

Deoxys turned around suddenly, feeling oppressed! Unparalleled pressure!

After all, the fist is extremely white and tender, but like a falling star, the surrounding air is instantly compressed into nothingness!

Am I going to die?

Deoxys's eyes widened. Even with his powerful self-regeneration ability, he couldn't see any hope of survival at this moment!

With his brain running rapidly, Deoxys began to simulate the power of this punch. As a superpower beast, he can definitely do this!

But as soon as the simulation started, Deoxys was covered in cold sweat. The power contained in this punch had already exceeded the impact of the Hengsheng collision. The planet under his feet would probably be broken in half by this punch!

Or even directly destroyed!

"Stop him!"

"Giratina! Palkia! Dialga! Do it!"

Roars came from the void, and the white dragon Leshiram and the black dragon Zekrom roared almost at the same time!

In an instant, many mythical beasts who were still watching the show were awakened. In an instant, time, space, and the three gods took action at the same time!

The dark reversal energy directly covers this area. Nothing is more terrifying than a black hole but its reversal! It is completely the other side of the real universe!

The terrifying power instantly swallowed this area into the reverse world, and the laws of space also enveloped this disappeared area and quickly created a new space under the same rules!

The time in the Roar of Time truly becomes the same line, perfectly integrating with the surrounding space and time without any rejection from them!

Reversal, time and space are the basic forces of the universe in this world, and they are also the supreme divine laws. The purpose of their existence is to solve such emergencies!

Palkia: So don’t mention the problem that space gods can’t fix space distortion again!

The power of the rules of the three gods is too terrifying. It all happened in a few nanoseconds. Even some first-level beasts did not even react. They did everything!

And the gap between nanoseconds can only be perceived by beings above the level of a first-level god. After all, the times are equal and there is no time gap!

And in the reverse world!

The moment Giratina rushed into his hometown, he almost went crazy!

I saw that there was an endless crack in the reverse world that was not beautiful in the first place!!

Just like the ultimate canyon, with this punch, I don’t know how many planets in the reverse world have been shattered, and I don’t know how much dark matter has flowed into the real universe!


Xiaozhi looked up in confusion, not even caring about the mucus on his hands.

"I'm telling you! Don't bully our mythical beasts because of your strength! I still don't believe that a mere fighting type Pokémon can kill me, the Lord of the Reversal World, with one punch?!"

Giratina looked like he was about to die, and swam over with a miserable look on his face, his body exuding a faint purple light, ready to deal with the violent attack of this fighting beast, Ash!

Xiaozhi: "..."

What fighting type? What Pokémon? I'm obviously just an ordinary traveling Pokémon trainer!

"What are you talking about?"

Ash glanced at Giratina with the Pokédex in his hand.


Giratina's appearance suddenly appeared on the small screen of the illustrated book, and a mechanized voice came from the illustrated book.

[Giratina, the legendary Pokémon]

[The powerful ancient legend that controls the reverse world. According to legend, Giratina was once known as one of the top ten ferocious beasts along with Taotie, possessing unparalleled magical power of rules]

Listening to the words spoken in the illustrated book, Giratina's face was filled with disbelief. Are all humans so awesome nowadays? He even knew about his dinner date with Taotie?!

What kind of top ten ancient beasts are they called?

Are you kidding me? There are so many murderers who are stronger than us in such a large world. Aren’t you ranking like this just because you want us to die?

Thinking of this, Giratina suddenly felt a creepy feeling...

Could it be...

Is this really a way for humans to kill someone with a borrowed knife?

There are too many people these days who are climbing up the ladder for fame and fortune. If they can kill these so-called top ten ancient ferocious beasts, they will surely be famous throughout the world and reach the sky in one step!

Not to mention that the ranking of the Pokmon Illustrated Book is not influential, Pokmon is a creature that is popular all over the world! Naturally, Dr. Ohki’s name also wants to be resounding throughout the world!

The Elf Illustrated Book is a must-have for every Elf trainer, and the rankings above have great influence.

Giratina swallowed in fear. He didn't want to face the big boss coming from the sky. Even if the tenth level of the original Yuan Dynasty is not interested in this kind of thing, it doesn't mean that there are no nine and eight levels!

Although Giratina is powerful, without relying on the rules of reversal, it would only be as powerful as a star!

Just kill them at level 9 or level 8!

Of course, if others kill Giratina casually, they can only wait for death!

Damn humans!!

Although he scolded humans in his heart, to be honest, Giratina has given up now and he must have a good relationship with humans!

Otherwise, what if you participate in some heavenly event one day and are killed by a big shot?

Even if you don't kill him, being targeted by ferocious beasts in various worlds is still very annoying. After all, a otaku who has been hiding in the reverse world for tens of thousands of years hates this happening!

"You..." Giratina chirped: "What you did is really beautiful! This punch simply shattered the influence on human beings in my heart. It was a good fight. It was a wonderful fight. The frog it hit made me cry.


Giratina used all the complimentary words he had learned throughout his life, and had simply developed his vocabulary to the extreme!

"I beg to differ with this statement!"

Palkia passed through space and entered the reverse world. Looking at Giratina Palkia like this, Palkia's face was full of confusion.

That look seemed to say...

What's wrong with you, Laoqi?

Giratina stood silently behind Xiaozhi and watched Xiaozhi take out the Elf Guide, with a hint of expectant smile on his face...


The Elf Guide sounded again, and Palkia also appeared on the screen!

[Palkia, the legendary Pokémon]

[Legend has it that this powerful but great god controls the space of all things, and is one of the ten best mounts. The power to control time is enough to span hundreds of billions of light years in an instant! Aren’t you excited about this kind of mount? 】

Palkia: "..."

Mount? Me!?

"I heard you right! Are you kidding me?! I completely disagree with what you said, Giratina! If you can win the favor of humans like this, then I will leave completely!"

Palkia was instantly furious: "I don't agree with what you said, Giratina! As the God of Space, in the entire world of mythical beasts, there should be no one who has read more books than me, right?"

Palkia took a deep breath, and all the words about human beings came to mind!

"I think No. 5 cement should not be included in half a pound of Pikachu's breakfast, because this breakfast is related to the survivability of future generations of Pikachu. If No. 5 cement and pasta are used to form a new Pokémon raising method"

"And if the correct breeding method cannot be found, the Pikachu army will cause trouble sooner or later, and they will definitely marry the Radha family!"

"If two major rat Pokémon form a marriage, they will definitely occupy the living space of other Pokémon, so I think that for the sake of the peace of the universe, we should not feed Pikachu with No. 5 cement."

Pikachu standing on Xiaozhi's shoulder: "Pika Pikachu..."

Suddenly, I felt that this world was so dangerous. There were actually two mythical beasts plotting to start a war between the Pikachu clan! Then the leader of the Pikachu clan and the Gopher clan had been conquered by the strong...

"And I think that I, Palkia, have made a very big contribution in order to capture the wild master ball, which is worthy of everyone's respect and admiration!"

Giratina: "...and you also capture the Wild Master Ball. How can there be such a shameless beast in the circle like you? This is a space god of the same level as myself!"

And at this time in the video.

All humans on the earth have been evacuated, and the robots have occupied the entire planet without any effort. Humans have not taken away all the resources, because no dowry is required to marry!

Looking at this huge amount of supplies that couldn't be piled up at all, Bender showed no interest at all!

Not only did he lose his best friend, he was also deprived of the joy and excitement that followed a successful war!

No one wants to fight with you to give you your territory for free, so of course you will lose these things. Unlike Fang Luo, this salty fish Bender will be really uncomfortable!

At this time, in the crack, this place does not belong to any universe. The tentacle monster floating in the chaos has taken back all the golden stairs!

He is already filled with characters from all over the world!

But above the disgusting looking tentacle monster is an absolute paradise! It's like a fairyland, the ground is as soft as cotton candy, there will never be any injuries or pain, and there is endless food, endless wine and all the materials.

It’s all infinite!

Everyone no longer has the worries of competition and the desire to fight with each other. Everyone lives completely equally in a house made of giant flowers. There is no gap between rich and poor. It is already absolute equality in a certain sense!

This kind of thing that I dare not even think about or even dare to dream about makes all the creatures in the entire universe very satisfied!

They can get everything they want without having to work or compete with each other. Isn't this the ultimate beautiful world?

And in such a place, not to mention people who flew out of the future world, the countless viewers who watched the video were also extremely envious!

This kind of place is simply perfect!

The only requirement for living in such a perfect place is that it can no longer have any contact with other universes. Everyone must love it wholeheartedly. The tentacle monster can no longer have any communication with the original world!

Because the tentacle monster believes that such behavior is undoubtedly a big cuckold on him, even the beast of love cannot accept cuckold behavior!

Time flies by, and there is no concept of time and space in the body of the tentacle monster. Everyone is immortal and immortal. Such a wonderful world has once again made countless audiences excited!

I don’t know how much time passed, but Frye finally picked up a branch and sat among his flowers to write something...

After so many years, he still thought of his friend Bender. Although the tentacle monster prevented them from contacting the previous universe, Fry didn't take it seriously at all!

He couldn't wait to show off everything here. He wrote everything quickly, folded the envelope into a paper airplane and threw it into the distance!

As the target of a tentacle monster, he can also have his wishes come true. This paper plane will definitely fly to the earth and fall into Bender's hands!

Looking at the paper plane going away, Frye was fully expecting Bender's expression, but he never expected that this letter would cause a major event that shocked the world!!

The letter arrived in Bender's hands safe and sound. Bender frowned and picked up the envelope and opened it.

Then his frown became even tighter!

I thought the other person was homesick, but I didn't expect that the other person was living like a duck in water and very happy. Frye said in the letter that the other person's place was like a paradise within a paradise. Everyone was so happy that he didn't need to worry at all!

But Bender's expression became extremely depressed, and a strange light gradually shone in his eyes!

It's not that he can't see that Frye is doing well...

Okay, I, Bender, admit it! I am the kind of man who can’t bear to see my brothers suffer, nor can I stand to see them driving a Land Rover!

Bender's eyes were filled with infinite anger, and he looked up at the crack in the universe.

"Gather the men! Prepare to kill the gods!"

This chapter has been completed!
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