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Chapter 517: Ordinary People

blue star.

This world once made Fang Luo extremely panicked and frightened, because this world contained extraordinary beings and powerful demons and monsters.

But now this world is no different from transparent in Fang Luo's eyes. Fang Luo has no interest in either the source of the demon gods or the hidden ancient holy objects.

Because to him, there is essentially no difference in the power of these people. Ordinary people and ancient demon gods can be wiped out with a look or a thought.

At this time, Fang Luo rarely stayed at home and played games. Instead, he stood on the atmosphere and watched the whole world quietly. In fact, he had been thinking about one thing from a long time ago. This is why he traveled to this place. world.

But Fang Luo is no longer too lazy to know the reason. No matter what the reason is, it is not important now.

Looking at the beings living in this world, Fang Luo began to think about the meaning of life and the nature of transcendence.

Scanning his eyes, he had a panoramic view of the entire Blue Star ecology.

Whether they are extraordinary human animals or ordinary people living in this kind of world, they cannot escape from a few steps in their lives.

Birth, growing up, adulthood, aging, death.

Birth, aging, illness and death are inevitable. In the past, Qian Luo would not have thought there was anything strange about birth, aging, illness and death, because it was all common sense and normal.

But now that the height we are standing at is different, what Fang Luo is thinking about is different. We are all standing in the atmosphere looking at you. Naturally, what we are thinking about is not what normal people can think about.

Life is born every minute and every second in the entire world. At this moment, in Fang Luo's eyes, these born lives are related to transcendence...

If you think about it carefully, the powerful person who is detached is to transcend the limitations of the big world in which he lives, to integrate all the selves in the world, to become the only one, to transcend the tenth level of the original Yuan, and to control the ultimate source of the heavens. Only strength can be called transcendence.

And each of those transcendent worlds is a top world, and no one is weak. Almost every world has many ninth and tenth levels of the original Yuan.

And those worlds that are not very powerful will complete world sublimation, constantly improve the standards of their worlds, and eventually reach the level of the top big worlds. Only then will transcendence be possible.

In Fang Luo's view, every life is constantly transcending.

In the state of sperm, Niuzi transcended his father and broke through his own limits to complete his birth.

In the embryonic state, only by constantly breaking through oneself and absorbing nutrients from the mother's body can one have the strength to escape from the mother's belly. This can be regarded as transcending oneself.

If you are lucky enough to become extraordinary, every time you are promoted to a higher realm, you are surpassing your original self, can this be regarded as a kind of transcendence?

Even though Fang Luo has become a powerful person with detachment, he still can't understand what the concept of detachment is. If you become the only one in the world, you can naturally become detachment.

Because it's the only one.

But Fang Luo has not become the only one in the world. Although he cannot find another parallel version of himself in other worlds, Fang Luo always believes that he is by no means the only one now!

The same is true for the main god. There is only one fragment, even if the main god himself is included, it can only be regarded as two fragments. The blessing of the two fragments can make the main god enter transcendence.

Therefore, the only path to detachment in all worlds is definitely not the only one. Even the strong detachment masters themselves cannot understand the concept of detachment. Fang Luo does not understand it, and it is impossible to understand other detachments.

There is no self in the heavens, and there is only one in all worlds.

But... can transcending oneself and achieving the only one in mind also be regarded as the only one in the world?

No matter how many versions of myself there are, they are all different from me. I am the only one who has transcended myself. Does this create a unique self?

"Where are the other me...you guys?" Fang Luo's eyes flashed with unknown light. If it existed, he couldn't find it!

Fang Luo, who possesses systematic abilities, is much stronger than other transcendental beings. When it comes to finding people, I dare to be ranked second, but no one in the entire world dares to be ranked first!

Even if they do not exist now, people or things that will exist in the past or future can be easily found!

Only detachment! Only detachment can prevent other detachments from being found!!

It’s scary to think about it!

Fang Luo's brows trembled slightly. There is no parallel self in the entire universe. Could it be said that all selves have entered transcendence?!

"Ahaha, how is it possible... I'm so stupid, how can I enter transcendence so quickly?"

He knows himself best. Fang Luo was able to enter detachment entirely because of the existence of the system, which can release a large number of videos to gather emotions and origin points. Even a pig with this level of plug-in can detach.

Do other people have such powerful plug-ins?

Impossible, how could I not have heard of such a powerful cheat?

No matter how powerful the world is, there is no way that such an influential golden finger can escape his search.

Therefore, it is unlikely to have a cheat like video inventory, which makes it even scarier!

Do they rely on talent to achieve transcendence?

Fang Luo's brows were already furrowed: "I'm not sure if there is another me, but it seems I still need to make some preparations."

Looking through the infinite world, he needed to quickly create some helpers, but how could others help with such a thing as detachment?

They have to rely entirely on themselves, and all Fang Luo can do is give them a little help with information and remind them of what they should do.

Fang Luo decided to give Kakarot the method of operating the only self in the universe for experimentation, while Fang Luo had to choose another candidate for the method of transcending oneself, which might lead to transcendence.

There are currently many people who have the ability and ideas to transcend themselves. The possibility that Zhang Sanfeng, who has sublimated into the world and become an agent of heaven, will become transcendent at his current progress is very small, but it is not completely impossible.

If self-detachment is possible, then Zhang Sanfeng is very likely to achieve detachment when the world sublimates to the big world.

No...it's too long!

And Rick tries to achieve transcendence with the power of technology...

To be honest, Fang Luo doesn't even know how to use technology to achieve transcendence. Even with infinite blessings on his body and energy accumulation, he can't break through transcendence...

This concept cannot be explained by strength and energy at all.

To be honest, it is a bit of a fantasy that technology can achieve transcendence. Before transcendence, the role of technology was obviously greater than that of the mysterious side. After all, it can mass-produce powerful machines and various conceptual and rule-based items.

Both God Nobita and Rick Sanchez are beings who can be called gods of technology. They were also guys who were feared by countless beings of the same level in the original ten years.

But in a sense, they lost the opportunity to enter transcendence...

"No matter what, even if you are detached, miracles may happen."

Fang Luo looked at Rick, who had returned to his own world. To be honest, he was looking forward to the god of technology being able to create his own path.

A road to transcendence paved with technology!

At present, the kind of person Fang Luo hopes to find the most is an ordinary person, preferably an ordinary person without any extraordinary abilities, and even better, an ordinary person who is not outstanding among ordinary people!

Just like Fang Luo before time travel.

And this kind of ordinary person cannot be too ordinary. He must have thoughts and actions that break the world and transcend the world. Only in this way can he inspire countless people in all dimensions.

Let them know that transcendence is not difficult, and that it is possible for ordinary people to achieve transcendence even if they work hard.

After all, as long as one person in the world is enlightened, the world will most likely be sublimated!

For example, the world of Yi Tian Tu Long Ji was sublimated because of Zhang Sanfeng's enlightenment.

So Fang Luo is not planning to find people with extremely high strength.

But where can an ordinary person find it?

The information in Fang Luo's mind flashed before his eyes like a movie, and trillions of images flashed through Fang Luo's mind in an instant.

Various scenes, various battles, various events, and the lives of various characters were all captured in Fang Luo's mind at this moment.

Not only was it something he had seen in his previous life, Fang Luo could see through countless worlds in the heavens and dimensions just by recalling it, and the timeline looked like he had been stripped naked in his eyes!

An unobstructed view!

Finally, Fang Luo's eyes were fixed on one picture.

That is a very ordinary ordinary person. He is the same as 95% of the people in the world, living a 3.1 line life.

He has a childhood friend, a strange wife, and a strange life.

There is no change at all every day, everything seems to be repeating itself every day.

And the biggest difference between this ordinary person and others is...

The world he exists in is a lie!

Everyone and everything is a lie!

His name is Truman.

An ordinary man who truly breaks through the world before him.

There may not be anything special in this world, but Truman means a lot to Fang Luo!

The role of this ordinary person may be the finishing touch, the door that truly opens the road to transcendence.

Fang Luo quickly found the location of Truman World and looked through the endless world.

Sure enough, everything was normal.

Ordinary world, ordinary people, but because of the existence of video inventory and the existence of magic mobile phones, Truman's yearning for the outside world is not so strong at this time, because the outside world in his eyes is already another world!


Would an ordinary person without any extraordinary abilities really yearn for those destructive worlds?

You, meow, just passed by and were immediately turned away by someone else's eyes. How can it be so beautiful?

The existence of the magic phone has also successfully attracted those who watched The Truman Life. The original star of the planet has already lost many viewers.

The only people who still insist on watching are those who have watched Truman since childhood. They have feelings for Truman, and the director no longer wants to run this reality show due to the loss of a large number of viewers...

After all, it doesn't make money.

It's just that after watching this director for so many years, he has long regarded Truman as his biological child. Truman's life has been arranged by him. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is Truman's parents.

So now he is very confused.

Should we shut down the reality show and give Truman a real world, or should we continue to spend a lot of money to let Truman live his life in peace and ignorance?

Just when the director was entangled, a dark screen suddenly appeared in front of him. The familiar screen made the director gradually let go of his entanglement with Truman.

Let’s put the Truman stuff aside first.

The dark screen in front of them suddenly flashed with a bright light, and a feeling that could not be described in words filled all the viewers watching the video!

What does that feel like?

Supreme can no longer be used to describe this feeling!

It's as if the world can't restrict such a person. All rules and concepts are as fragile as bubbles in front of this kind of atmosphere!

Even at the tenth level of the original Yuan Dynasty, his breathing could not help but become heavier. This feeling...


All I could see was something scrawled on the screen. The scrawled handwriting was like the handwriting of a junior high school student. It was crooked, but it contained the most supreme feeling in the world!

It’s as if these words are the truth of all things in the universe and the foundation of diversity!

Countless sentient beings are gradually addicted to these few lines of calligraphy, and their eyes almost pop out of their eyes because of the countless calligraphy. This kind of artistic conception is impossible for even gods to possess!

[Detachment means transcending oneself, making the impossible possible, seeing through the falseness of the world, and stepping into the real world]

【New inventory template has been opened!】

[Ordinary people with a sense of transcendence]

Looking at the words on the screen, countless strong men felt their hearts tighten.

What does it mean to be an ordinary person with a sense of detachment?

How can ordinary mortals understand the meaning of transcendence?

That is to achieve the goal of selflessness in all heavens and the only supreme meaning in all worlds!!

At this time the League of Legends universe.

The Star-casting Dragon King, who had transformed into a human form at the top of the Titan Peak, arrogantly stepped on the heads of the two Titans, his star-filled eyes revealing a touch of complex emotions.

He couldn't help but exert some strength on his feet, and the two giant gods under his feet were in great pain and forced to make a sound, because they knew that if the sound disturbed the Star Casting Dragon King's thoughts, it would be difficult for them to die.

"Detachment, does an ordinary person have the meaning of detachment?" Star Casting Dragon King mobilized his inner power to look at other parallel worlds.

He turned his attention to the Star-casting Dragon Kings of other parallel universes. He has never hunted the Star-casting Dragon Kings of other worlds because the Dragon King himself knew very well that he could not kill them all!

There are too many, and it is too difficult to reach the only one in all realms.

And now the video actually says that there is an ordinary person who has the meaning of transcendence?

So what exactly does detachment mean?

The Casting Star Dragon King said he was looking forward to it.

As for being jealous of an ordinary person?

Just kidding, which one of the ten levels of Primordial Yuan is not the best in the world? Which one is not a super boss?

How could the emotion of jealousy appear in them?

I can only see it in the video at this time.

A blue sky appeared in front of everyone's eyes, followed by high-rise buildings, and the whole world was full of modern flavor.

All viewers are no longer unfamiliar with this world, but one thing quickly caught everyone's attention.

That is, no matter where you are, no matter which city, which country, even in a very poor mountain village, there is always a man!

Whether it's a statue, a video, or a poster, it all looks like that man!

He seems to be the most famous star on the entire planet, and he is loved by countless people.

But he himself doesn’t know all this love!

The video zoomed in quickly, and a circular sky dome appeared in front of everyone's eyes!

This chapter has been completed!
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