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Chapter 173 Evil Soul Master Dai Mubai

Chapter 173 Evil Soul Master Dai Mubai

"What does the Imperial Master mean?"

After hearing Yu Xiaogang's analysis, Xue Ye also felt a little strange and asked quickly.

"I guess this is Wuhun Palace trying to sow discord between our Heaven Dou Empire and Star Luo Empire. Once there is a war between our two countries, Wuhun Palace can benefit from it."

Yu Xiaogang said and made some bold guesses and examples.

Just like what Bibi Dong does, no matter what he does, Bibi Dong is a bad person anyway, and Wuhundian is even more of a bad person.

"What the Imperial Master said is true!"

"What the Imperial Master said is exactly the same as what I think."


"Your Majesty, what the National Master said is reasonable and well-founded. Maybe it is really a trick used by Wuhun Palace to sow discord."

"Yes, I think so too."

When all the ministers heard this, they all agreed with Yu Xiaogang.


Seeing this, Xue Ye pondered for a moment and did not speak immediately.

Although he knew that Wuhun Palace might be causing trouble, the current national power of Tiandou Empire was not even comparable to that of Star Luo Empire, let alone Wuhun Palace. Even if it was true, he would have to suffer the loss of being dumb.

But as the emperor, if he doesn't resist a little, it will make the Tiandou Empire easy to bully.

"National Master, I will leave this matter to you to investigate clearly. If it is really the work of Wuhun Palace, we must not let it go and we must ask them to give us an explanation."

After Emperor Xueye made the announcement, he ordered the border defenders to increase their preparedness and asked Yu Xiaogang to strengthen the training of soldiers to prevent changes.

When Yu Xiaogang heard this, he agreed without hesitation.

In the past, he liked freedom, did not like to be bound to a certain place, and did not attach much importance to rights.

The reason is that he had no power in the past and had never enjoyed the power of being superior to one person, inferior to one person, and superior to ten thousand people, so he had the mentality of not caring and looking down on power.

But now, he occupies the position of National Master of the Tiandou Empire, one person is inferior to tens of thousands of people. Gradually, he also develops a feeling of being obsessed with the high position and power.

Of course, this thought was not deep enough. In his mind, he only thought that he was helping the Tiandou Empire become stronger. At the same time, he was helping himself and his disciple Tang San.

He also wants to stop Wuhundian, stop Bibi Dong who has turned bad, and make her realize that she is wrong and evil. As Yu Xiaogang, as a righteous party, he will never allow Bibi Dong to complete her unification.

Mainland China's business.

In his understanding, the Bibi Dong of today is no longer the Bibi Dong of the past. Once the continent is unified by her, it will definitely cause greater harm to the world.

After leaving the palace, the prince Xue Qinghe followed Yu Xiaogang.

Originally, Xue Qinghe didn't want to go. After all, Wang Feng was waiting for her at home, but in order not to expose herself to the hidden plan, she had to obey Emperor Xue Ye's order.

At this time, the border between Tiandou Empire and Star Luo Empire met.

A man with blond hair and black robes stood on the cliff, looking at the border guards of the Tiandou Empire, and sneered evilly.

If Wang Feng, Tang San and others were here, they would definitely find this person, the one-eyed tiger who became a cripple - Dai Mubai.

After returning to the Star Luo Empire from the Wuhun Palace, Dai Mubai killed Davis in order to become stronger and regain the right to inherit the throne. In order to avenge Wang Feng, he even practiced evil secrets and became an evil soul master. However, he had just practiced

You simply cannot become stronger in a short period of time.

In order to obtain a safe training environment, Dai Mubai voluntarily gave up on another duel and came to this borderland.

On the surface he was sent to the border, but in fact he came here on his own initiative.

When he came here, his good brother Davis was looking for someone to assassinate him. Unfortunately, Dai Mubai had been prepared and escaped the assassination. He even directly killed the soul master who assassinated him and used his soul power and essence to kill him.

Blood drain is used to enhance his strength.

Today, Dai Mubai's soul power has reached level 48. This is the power of the evil soul master. At the same time, we can also see how many people Dai Mubai killed and how many people he absorbed during this period of time.

Essence, blood and soul power.

You must know that during the Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Competition, Dai Mubai was only level 41, and now he has reached level 48 in less than five months. This speed is really beyond the reach of ordinary people.


At this time, Dai Mubai saw a group of more than a dozen people from the Tiandou Empire's border army, all of them strong soldiers walking in his direction. After sneering, his body turned into a black shadow and he rushed out quickly.

Dai Mubai, whose soul power had reached level 48, was now so fast that he was not comparable to these ordinary soldiers. Dai Mubai had already appeared in front of them before they could react.

Once possessed by the martial spirit White Tiger, the originally white soul power turned into an evil soul master, and now the soul power is dark and strange.

"Not good. Enemy attack."


"It's an enemy attack"

The patrolling soldiers who reacted reminded loudly and were about to fight back.

Who knows!

With a pop, a dark tiger claw pierced through the chest.

"Hmph, you losers are the only ones who still want to resist."

Dai Mubai sneered and spread out his tiger claws.


The dark soul power lit up, and several bright red wounds appeared on the necks of each soldier.

The next moment, Dai Mubai's body turned into a black shadow, and he crazily tortured the dozen patrol soldiers to death.

In less than a moment, more than a dozen people died in Dai Mubai's hands.

After the killing, Dai Mubai walked up to the corpses, and the dark soul power in his body was released and enveloped the corpses.

Immediately afterwards, streaks of blood spread from the corpse toward his body. The next second, the corpse that had been drained of blood by Dai Mubai turned directly into a mummy.

After sucking up more than a dozen corpses, Dai Mubai quickly left and returned to his current nominal territory.

"Now the essence and blood of these ordinary soldiers improve my strength more and more slowly. The best ones are those soul masters."

Dai Mubai was a little worried. Ever since he tasted the benefits of rapidly improving his strength, he no longer cared about human ethics.

As long as he can become stronger and take revenge, no matter how many people he kills, it's all the same in his eyes.

"Although these soldiers on the border have good strength, they are basically ordinary people, and there are not many soul masters at all."

"Unless you leave here and go somewhere else."

Thinking of leaving, Dai Mubai looked outside the residence.

There were people sent by his good brother Davis to guard him. The reason why he did not kill them was to stabilize Davis.

"Now is not the time to leave. Wait until you reach level 50 before leaving."

After thinking about it, Dai Mubai still didn't leave. He planned to leave when he reached level 50.

After making the decision, Dai Mubai went to the hall to have fun.

This is a play he has to perform every day. As for whether he can really have fun, only he knows.

At this time, in the capital of the Star Luo Empire, Davis and Zhu Zhuyun had basically determined that they would be the next emperor and queen because they lacked Dai Mubai as their opponent.

After it was determined, which one of the two people is now the most beautiful?

As for Dai Mubai, who has been sent to the border, the two of them no longer care much.

Now that the entire Star Luo Empire supports them, and their succession to the throne is a foregone conclusion, they naturally don't care too much.

Moreover, the spies they sent to guard Dai Mubai would send back news every once in a while. After learning that Dai Mubai spent all day having fun, drunkenly dreaming of death, and neglecting his cultivation, the two of them paid no attention to Dai Mubai.

"Zhuyun, you said that we are about to become emperors and empresses. Will your good sister Zhuqing come back?"

At this time, Davis thought of Zhu Zhuqing and asked.

As Zhu Zhuqing's brother-in-law, he naturally has to care about Zhu Zhuyun's sister Zhu Zhuqing and his sister-in-law.

And he has always been thinking about his sister-in-law Zhu Zhuqing.

"She must be living a good life in Wuhun Palace now. If she knew we were going to inherit the throne, she wouldn't be able to come back. After all, she is not stupid enough to risk her death."

"That's right. Although she is a disciple of Ju Douluo, it doesn't matter if she becomes Ju Douluo in the Star Luo Empire. It's just a pity."

Davis thought that Zhu Zhuqing would not have the chance to come back and see him ascend the throne, especially when he thought of Zhu Zhuqing's fiery figure, he felt uncomfortable.

When Zhu Zhuyun saw Davis like this, she sneered in her heart. She naturally knew what Davis was thinking, but she didn't care.

After all, she and Davis were just two people bound by interests. As for love, it was a luxury for her.

On the other side, Tiandou Empire, night.

Xue Qinghe returned to his residence only after completing Emperor Xue Ye's order.

As soon as she returned to her residence, she went to her backyard.

The backyard is an absolutely safe place. When she returns here, she doesn't need to disguise herself as Xue Qinghe.

"Brother Wang Feng."

As soon as she entered the room, Qian Renxue called out.

Wang Feng, who was practicing, heard Qian Renxue calling his brother addicted. He was speechless for a moment, stopped practicing and walked out.

"Why have you been gone for so long? Did something happen?"

Wang Feng was a little confused as Qian Renxue had been gone all afternoon.

"Well, there is indeed something."

After Qian Renxue talked to Wang Feng about what happened before, she looked at Wang Feng and said solemnly: "Do you know if I want to call my sister in the future?"

Wang Feng:......?

"I know, Sister Xue."

As for Qian Renxue's love for sister-brother relationships, Wang Feng just regarded it as satisfying her.

Seeing Wang Feng's submissive cry, Qian Renxue smiled with satisfaction.

Qian Renxue is a stunning beauty in the world. In the past, she always had a cold face. Maybe there was nothing worth her happiness.

Now when she smiles, a sweet spring breeze blows on her face and instantly penetrates Wang Feng's heart.

Just smile at her and call Qian Renxue "sister" more often in the future.

As for what Qian Renxue just said about the killing of the border soldiers, her beauty has long been thrown into the clouds by Wang Feng.

"Wang Feng, come with me."

Seeing that Wang Feng was attracted by her appearance, Qian Renxue also smiled proudly in her heart.

In terms of appearance, she has never seen anyone who can match her?

Of course, except for her sister, the Pope. Her beauty was already ingrained in her bones, an unattainable beauty, and she didn't want to compare.

After speaking to Wang Feng, Qian Renxue walked to the underground secret room.

And Wang Feng also knew what to do next.

Follow Qian Renxue and walk towards the secret room.

(End of chapter)

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