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Chapter 276 Inside the Tent

Chapter 276 Inside the tent

At this time, Shui Bing'er was sleeping in a sleeping position on the edge of the tent. In the past was Shui Yue'er. Perhaps because they were exhausted today, the two of them were sleeping soundly now.

There was a sleeping space vacant next to Shui Yue'er, and beyond that was Shui Yun'er.

There were two green ones among the five, and Wang Feng guessed that the one on the far side should belong to Narcissus.

Without thinking much, Wang Feng quietly came to the vacant sleeping position between Shui Yun'er and Shui Yue'er, and rolled over into the quilt.

Who would have expected that as soon as he entered, he would feel a burst of heating and a refreshing fragrance. Obviously, Wang Feng had guessed wrong, and it was Narcissus who slept in this room.

But Wang Feng didn't care. It would be nice to have a place to rest on a cold day, but the people in the world didn't care about this.

And since they are all acquaintances, there won't be any big problem if we sleep together.

Wang Feng closed his eyes for a while. Whether it was because he was in the far north or because he was shocked by the white light fused with the ice crystal black bird today, he couldn't fall asleep no matter how hard he tried.

Wang Feng really wanted to go out and stay vigil with Shuixian'er to avoid disturbing the three girls inside, but after thinking about it after being driven in by Shuixian'er just now, he decided not to do it.

Wang Feng, who couldn't sleep at this time, habitually turned to the left. Although the light in the tent was very dim, ordinary people would never be able to see what was in front of him, but as a powerful soul master, Wang Feng could clearly see something.

A pretty face came into his eyes.

When Wang Feng saw this pretty face, he thought of some of the beautiful scenes between the two that day, his heart skipped a beat, and he subconsciously reached out to touch this pretty face.

The two of them were already very close to each other, and then Wang Feng pulled the quilt and got into her bed with ease, and the two of them hugged her.

Wang Feng's actions obviously woke up Keren in the bed. When he opened his eyes and saw the face of Wang Feng so close to him, he almost screamed out.

And Wang Feng felt that it was necessary to prevent her from making noise and others quickly gag her.


Suddenly Wang Feng gagged her mouth, and Keren in the bed twisted her delicate body slightly, as if she was afraid of being discovered, and then she didn't dare to move again.

Wang Feng felt that she had no objection and kissed her lightly.

After a moment, Wang Feng let go and looked at her shyly with a smile.

"Wang Feng, how dare you? If you are discovered, I will..."

Seeing Wang Feng let go, Keren, who was being held by Wang Feng, scolded lightly.

"It's okay, let's keep the noise down, and we're just warming up the quilt. Do you think it's my "Yue'er"... baby?"

When Wang Feng called Yue'er baby, Yue'er's body trembled and she didn't dare to move for fear of waking up others.

She didn't know whether Wang Feng did it on purpose or not, and why he did this to her. Every time she thought of Wang Feng, a bad guy, her heart trembled.

And Wang Feng hugged the delicate body in his arms. Not only did his body feel warm, but his heart also felt a little warm, and then he felt a little distracted.

Then Wang Feng thought of a kind of martial spirit "gun", a powerful martial spirit called the Golden Dragon Spear.

While holding the delicate body in his arms, he leaned close to her ear and whispered: "Baby Yue'er, have you ever heard of the Emperor's Golden Dragon Spear Martial Spirit?"

"No, I haven't heard of it."

Keren in Wang Feng's arms shook his head thinking about the Golden Dragon Spear martial spirit that Wang Feng mentioned. There must be no such martial spirit on the mainland.

Then Wang Feng nibbled what he thought was Shui Yue'er's tender ear and told her who owned the Golden Dragon Spear martial spirit.

After hearing this, Shui Yue'er's heart trembled again, thinking of Wang Feng, it turned out that he meant this.

After Wang Feng teased her again, he calmed down his random thoughts and had no other intention.

Then Wang Feng leaned close to her ear again, whispered something, and then returned to his bed.

Seeing that Wang Feng was right and continued to do bad things, Shui Yue'er secretly breathed a sigh of relief and felt a little regretful at the same time. Then she had the strange idea of ​​wanting Wang Feng to continue to hold her and warm her body. After thinking about it, she started to think a little bit wrongly.


Wang Feng, who returned to his original bed, obviously didn't know what she was thinking.

Wang Feng stayed on the bed and took a nap for a while, but still couldn't fall asleep.

At this time, Shui Bing'er, who was sleeping on the edge, woke up, turned over and took a look. When he saw Wang Feng sleeping between his sister Shui Yue'er and Aunt Yun, he didn't think much.

Originally, she had some private things she wanted to talk to Wang Feng, but now it was obviously inappropriate and she continued to rest.

After a while, Shui Yue'er woke up faintly. When she turned over and saw Wang Feng, she felt happy and quietly moved to Wang Feng's side. Then she skillfully got into Wang Feng's arms and hugged him before falling asleep.

Wang Feng was not asleep at all. As soon as he felt the delicate body running into his arms, he patted her junior and whispered: "Baby Yue'er, aren't you afraid of being discovered by your sister and mother?"

"Don't be afraid, they are fast asleep, and I just want to hold you to sleep."

Shui Yue'er whispered something and buried her head in Wang Feng's arms. Holding Wang Feng like this made her feel warmer.

However, what Shui Yue'er didn't know was that Shui Bing'er didn't fall asleep, and even Shui Yun'er didn't fall asleep. Although her words were small, both of them heard her clearly.

It was quite comfortable for Wang Feng to hug Shui Yue'er, and it was very warm. But he had just calmed down his wild thoughts and now Shui Yue'er was hugging him again, which inexplicably made him want to tilt. Especially when Shui Yue'er was sleeping next to him.

Bing'er, and Shui Yun'er were in such a special environment, it was easier to think wrong.

Shui Yue'er, who was holding Wang Feng, obviously knew about Wang Feng's changes.

Shui Yue'er, who has always been bold and careful, naturally would not let her Wang Feng embarrass herself. Then she leaned into Wang Feng's ear and whispered in Wang Feng's ear: "Wang Feng, what's wrong with you?"

"It's okay." Wang Feng shook his head and calmed himself down.

"Oh, then let me help you warm up your body!" Shui Yue'er replied seriously.

"Yue'er, it's not the right time now, and it's late at night. It's best to have a good rest. We have to get up early tomorrow to help you find your fifth soul ring." Wang Feng refused.

"Just think of it as a reward for helping my sister and I hunt for soul rings. And I also want to keep warm."

When Wang Feng saw this, he didn't refuse. The two of them just hugged each other and warmed the bed. It was not a big deal.

Gu!! Gu!!

At this time, a bird chirped.

When Narcissus, who was keeping vigil outside the tent, heard the strange bird call, he immediately became vigilant and quickly began to investigate.

First, they glanced inside the tent and found that there was no danger before looking into the sky. Then they saw a huge bird flying in the night sky. When they found that the bird was just passing by them and didn't notice them, they breathed a sigh of relief.

"This big bird is so big. It must be at least tens of thousands of years old. It deserves to be in the far north. You can't be careless even at night."

Narcissus looked at the big bird flying away and slowly let down her vigilance.

The bird chirping just now not only startled Shui Xian'er, but also Wang Feng and Shui Yue'er in the tent.

"Teacher, are you okay?" Shui Bing'er woke up and whispered to Shui Xian'er outside.

"It's okay, it's just a passing bird spirit beast. You can continue to rest. I'll guard it."


Shui Bing'er returned to bed after knowing everything was fine, and Shui Yun'er did the same.

After the two fell asleep, they somehow turned around at the same time.

Shui Yue'er, who was holding Wang Feng in his arms, poked his head out. After looking outside, he felt relieved when he realized that he was just frightened by the flying bird spirit beast.

"Wang Feng, I'm a little tired, so I'll go to bed first."

"Well, if you're tired, take a rest first."


Then Shui Yue'er talked to Wang Feng for a while and then fell asleep.

I don't know whether she was frightened by the big bird spirit beast passing by just now or something else, Shui Yue'er hugged Wang Feng and fell asleep quickly.

It was already early in the morning, and Wang Feng planned to go out again to replace Narcissus to keep vigil.

Originally, he wanted Shui Yue'er to return to her original position, but unexpectedly, the sleeping Shui Yue'er stayed in bed and refused to go back.

In desperation, after Shui Yue'er fell asleep, Wang Feng covered her with a quilt and returned to Shui Yue'er's place.

Unexpectedly, at this time, Shui Bing'er quietly turned over, and Wang Feng and Shui Bing'er leaned together.

Seeing this, Wang Feng, who was still awake, thought of the beautiful scene where Shui Bing'er's attached soul bone appeared before.

After thinking about it, Wang Feng suddenly found that he was a little moved by Shui Bing'er's kindness.

Well, Wang Feng admits that he is a bit bad and a bit scumbag, but isn’t that what a man is like?

And there is nothing wrong with liking beautiful women.

"Bing'er, you didn't sleep, right?"

After Wang Feng convinced himself, he leaned close to Shui Bing'er and whispered in Shui Bing'er's ear.

Sure enough, Shui Bing'er opened her eyes after hearing Wang Feng's words.

"Wang Feng, what's the matter with you?" Shui Bing'er seemed to be afraid of waking up her sister and Aunt Yun, so she spoke carefully.

"Why aren't you asleep yet? Can't you sleep?"

"It's not just about thinking about something." Shui Bing'er said, thinking about the external soul bone she obtained today and some things about Wang Feng, she leaned close to Wang Feng's ear and whispered: "Wang Feng, thank you.


Shui Bing'er sincerely thanked Wang Feng and said it sincerely.

Unexpectedly, Wang Feng moved at this time, and their faces were close to each other.

When Wang Feng saw Shui Bing'er's pretty face pressed against his own for a long time, he made a decision in his heart.

Then he quietly reached into Shui Bing'er's bed, hugged Shui Bing'er's waist, and hugged her into his own bed.

What surprised Wang Feng was that Shui Bing'er didn't resist at all.

Then Wang Feng explained: "Bing'er, don't get me wrong, it's cold in the far north, and hugging you can make your body warmer."

Unexpectedly, Shui Bing'er just nodded and said nothing more.

Seeing this, Wang Feng suddenly thought of the possibility that Shui Bing'er was interested in him or liked him.

Once here, Wang Feng decided to test it out.

Then the hand holding Shui Bing'er's waist quietly moved up, and then Wang Feng clearly felt that the delicate body in his arms was a little tight, but he did not resist him.

At this moment, Wang Feng was sure that Shui Bing'er should be interested in him.

Wang Feng thought well, Shui Bing'er was indeed interested in him.

During the Soul Master Academy Competition, Wang Feng's strength made Shui Bing remember him closely.

Moreover, there was an aura about Wang Feng that attracted her, which made Shui Bing'er very fond of Wang Feng.

Later, because her sister kept pursuing Wang Feng, Shui Bing'er gradually gave up the idea.

But when she saw Wang Feng again, Shui Bing'er discovered that she had not forgotten Wang Feng, but that Wang Feng's figure had become deeper in her heart.

Now being held in Wang Feng's arms, Wang Feng's aura that attracted her became stronger and stronger, and then she actually had the idea of ​​being with Wang Feng at all costs.

Shui Bing'er was stunned for a moment when this idea came up, because she knew the relationship between Wang Feng and her sister Shui Yue'er. If she got involved, wouldn't she be robbing her sister of a man?

At this time, Shui Bing'er suddenly felt a hand on her lower abdomen, and a warm feeling came from her hand. It was very warm, but Wang Feng's hand. Then Shui Bing'er's face became a little shy.

"Bing'er, don't get me wrong, I'm just warming up your body." Wang Feng explained again.


Shui Bing'er murmured in her sleep, seeming to understand what Wang Feng meant. Now she did feel a warm breath flowing in her body. It should be the soul power that Wang Feng passed into her body. Wang Feng did not lie to her, but

Helping her warm up.

"Bing'er, okay, it's late now, you should rest first."

After Wang Feng mobilized some green energy to transfer into Shui Bing'er's body, he asked her to return to her original sleeping position.

Wang Feng really didn't mean anything else. He just wanted to help Shui Bing'er warm up her body.

But Shui Bing'er didn't seem to hear it. When she felt the warmth transmitted by Wang Feng into her body, she hugged Wang Feng tightly and had no intention of letting go.

Then he leaned close to Wang Feng's ear and asked in a low voice: "Wang Feng, what kind of energy are you sending to me? It makes me feel very comfortable and feels a little special."

"What, Bing'er, do you like this kind of energy?"

"Well, I can feel it. This energy is very attractive to me and seems to be of great help to me. Can you give me a little more energy?"

"Okay, let me pass it on to you."

Seeing Wang Feng's agreement, Shui Bing'er held Wang Feng's hand and hugged him tighter, perhaps in order to better allow Wang Feng to transfer energy to her.

Seeing this, Wang Feng felt her soft hand move on Shui Bing'er's heart, and then a burst of energy flowed from his hand to Shui Bing'er's heart.


Shui Bing'er bit her lip lightly when Wang Feng started to teach her ability.

Then when she felt the energy that Wang Feng sent into her body, her face showed an expression of enjoyment because of the comfort. At the same time, her martial soul Ice Phoenix continued to absorb the energy that Wang Feng sent into her body.

"It's so comfortable, Wang Feng, what kind of energy do you have?" Shui Bing'er said subconsciously.

When Wang Feng saw that Shui Bing'er spoke a little loudly, he quickly blocked her mouth in order to avoid disturbing the sleeping Shui Yue'er and Shui Yun'er.

Shui Bing'er also reacted slightly, but her hand holding Wang Feng had not loosened. The moment she was gagged by Wang Feng, she was more proactive than Wang Feng.

I don’t know if it’s due to personality or something else, but Wang Feng found that Shui Bing’er and Shui Yue’er were somewhat similar.

Once one is certain about something, taking the initiative is more terrifying than a man.

In the end, Wang Feng guessed that Shui Bing'er was also a love-minded woman.

It shouldn’t be that women in the world of Douluo Continent are basically love-minded. This is not Wang Feng’s nonsense. Anyone who has read the original work will know it.

(End of chapter)

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