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Chapter Eighteen Ninjutsu

Silently, several black shadows flashed past, and they were pure black kunai. Under the dim light of dusk, there was no flash or any sound of breaking through the air, and they looked very insidiously toward the sun.

Shot in Tai's back.

Yota, who had already noticed the following few followers with his aura of seeing and hearing, casually stretched out his hand, and a gentle jingle sounded, and all the kunai were caught in his hands. The kunai and his hands

At the junction, bursts of sparks actually appeared.

"It's a pointless test... I just wanted to find some experimental subjects. Congratulations on winning the prize." Yota sneered and turned around.

"No, we hit the iron plate." Seeing Yang Tai's performance, several bounty ninjas are not fools. On the contrary, they are the most discerning in their profession. This move can tell that Yang Tai is not strong.

As usual, the few of them didn't say anything, and didn't continue to test. They threw out the kunai in their hands and ran away directly.

With a sneer, Yota didn't care about those kunai at all. He had already eaten a lot of metal with the Tonton Fruit. At this moment, Yota could be said to be a real body of steel.

He put a little force on his feet. Although his flexibility was reduced a bit due to the steel, his straight-line speed did not drop at all, and he came directly behind a bounty ninja.

"Fight!" the bounty ninja roared, and struck back with a knife. Yota did not dodge, and the ninja knife drew some flames on his body, but it did not stop his movements at all. He rushed forward at high speed.

Yota directly knocked the bounty ninja into a puddle of yellow mud.

"If you want to use your clone to deceive me, just dream about it." He punched the ground with a casual punch. He had already used his knowledge and domineering power to locate the bounty ninja, and easily hid him underground. He just wanted to use his clone.

The guy who had deceived him was dragged out.

"Uh ah ah!" Amidst the screams, the ninja who was forcibly pulled out of the ground struggled desperately. His bones made a clicking sound, but he still couldn't break free from Yang Tai's arm, and his entire arm was completely pulled away.


But soon, Yota relieved his pain. He punched down like a steel rod and hammer, and with a buzzing sound, he smashed the chuunin's head into pieces, which were red and white.

It immediately flowed all over the floor.

Looking up, the other chuunin had escaped far enough. Yota stretched out one of his palms, and activated the transformation ability of the swallowing fruit. The other iron luster on his body gradually faded, and instead, the hand seemed to be deformed.

The King Kong transformed into a six-wheeled machine gun.

"Da da da da..." After a burst of shooting, the machine gun in Yang Tai's hand returned to its original iron arm, but there were still bursts of green smoke coming out of it.

"Did one of them escape? The profession of ninja is indeed completely different from that of pirates." Yota muttered to himself. He killed three of the four bounty hunters, and although one was injured, he finally

He still escaped from the scope of the domineering power of seeing and hearing.

This is also the difference between ninjas and pirates. When faced with an opponent they cannot beat, unless there is a real reason to fight, they will rarely fight to the death. They are not as stubborn as pirates.

Well... except Uzumaki Naruto.

"But... three people are enough." Yang Tai looked at the three corpses on the ground, his face turned slightly pale, he suddenly opened his mouth wide, and swallowed one corpse in one mouthful.

"Ugh! This feels really bad." After retching, Yang Tai closed his eyes. In fact, there is no unpleasant feeling when swallowing fruit or swallowing anything. However, swallowing human corpses has a negative impact on Yang Tai.

The psychological impact is still too great.

After swallowing the corpse, Yota immediately felt that it was different from the pirate world. In addition to the physical body, this corpse also contained the power of chakra.

After completely extracting the power of chakra and decomposing it, Yang Tai opened his mouth and spit out the corpse. At this moment, the whole corpse was wrinkled and looked similar to a dried mummy.

However, Yota was no longer concerned about the corpse, but was feeling the chakra in his body. After a moment, he opened his eyes.

"The chakra has indeed increased a lot...but...this should only be about one-twentieth of the chakra on this corpse."

"With my current chakra, I would have to swallow hundreds of corpses of this level to double my chakra...,"

"If I want to use this method to become a Chatara... I might as well go find Hashirama cells. Then I can use the Tuntun fruit to transform myself, and I will become a fairy!"

With so many thoughts in his mind, Yota still extracted the chakra from the other two corpses honestly, but the feeling of cannibalism still made his stomach churn.

"You won't feel anything if you swallow a living person, so what's the fear of swallowing a dead person?" Yota comforted himself, and after the nausea subsided a little, he first looted the three corpses, and finally used Earth Escape.

Ninjutsu, burying all the corpses.

In fact, Yota swallowed a living person in the past, which was only considered as a place of storage. Now he swallowed a corpse, but the chakra was decomposed from the corpse, so he had this disgusting psychological feeling.

Therefore, although he found that he could indeed obtain chakra from the human body, he did not take the initiative to devour chakra. He just thought that if someone really messed with him in the future, then his corpse would be trashed.

Take advantage of it.

After killing those three ninjas, no one came to disturb Yota again.

In the next three days, Yota went to buy some items unique to the ninja world, especially ninja tools, detonating charms, sealing scrolls and the like. He was even lucky enough to buy a piece of chakra metal.

For Yang Tai, most of the weapons are meaningless. Those weapons only serve as food to temporarily enhance his combat effectiveness. Therefore, he does not need to forge these chakra metals into weapons.

As long as he eats it, he can directly cast the chakra metal into shape, or simply turn it into a blade extending from his body.

Three days later, Yang Tai returned to the black market.

But this time, those guys who were secretly looking at Yang Tai with greedy and coveted eyes suddenly showed fearful expressions when they saw Yang Tai enter the door.

The bounty ninja profession depends on one's own strength. When Yang Tai went out, he was followed by four bounty ninjas, but in the end only one came back seriously injured.

Being able to easily kill three ninjas under the siege of four bounty ninjas, this strength is definitely a first-rate figure among the bounty ninjas who are mixed with dragons and snakes, and they are not just a casual meal.

The miscellaneous fish can be provoked.

"Are the things ready?" Yang Tai looked at the black market boss and asked.

The black market boss smiled and took out a few scrolls, "Of course they are ready. Is this the ninjutsu you want?"

Yota opened a scroll of medical ninjutsu, looked at it twice, and nodded. With his current knowledge of medical ninjutsu, he could tell whether it was true or false.

Later, Yang Tai took out the prepared gold and handed it directly to the boss to complete the transaction.

This chapter has been completed!
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