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Chapter 188 War Book

Chapter 188 War Letter

"Have there really been pirates here?" Looking at Dressrosa, which was now peaceful and prosperous as before, Ain couldn't help but ask, looking at Vergo.

Vergo also felt that something was wrong with the situation. You must know that almost all aspects of Dressrosa are tied to the Doflamingo family, especially Sugar, which can almost be said to be the detonation button of Dressrosa.

Even if the enemy didn't do anything to Sugar in order to occupy Dressrosa, the entire Doflamingo family couldn't surrender so easily, right?

The atmosphere of the Don Quixote family is still very good. Although Doflamingo is very ambitious and ambitious, he still cares about his family very much. Whether it is disguised or sincere, his attitude is full of actions. Therefore,

The centripetal force of the Don Quixote family is also very strong.

Vergo would not be surprised if some of these people betrayed him, but he would never believe it if all of them betrayed him.

But if not all of them, at least most of them betrayed, how could Dressrosa not be as peaceful as it is now?

Vergo was still here scratching his head, but Zefa had already walked over with a serious face. As an old navy man in his 70s, what kind of strange thing has the old man never seen? No matter what the problem is, as long as he knocks over his opponent with his fist, it will be done.

It’s no longer a problem!

Just after taking a few steps, Zefa felt a bright light flash before his eyes, and a short little human came out and handed Zefa a letter with a smile.

Zefa picked up the letter with a strange expression, and after opening it, a look of astonishment appeared on his face.

"What is that, teacher?" Xiu Zuo, who was standing next to him, couldn't help but ask.

"It's a letter of challenge!"

Zefa said with a serious face.


The flower fields in Dressrosa were ravaged by Yota's Shinra Tensei last time. The originally beautiful scenery was now blown into a big crater.

But then Yang Tai threw all the gravel back, so now it looks like an ordinary dirt slope.

On the slope at this moment, a group of people from the Navy walked over with a look of caution on their faces.

From a fundamental point of view, Vergo actually doesn't really want to follow Yota's lead.

Who knows how many ambushes Yota will make here? Not to mention those strange Devil Fruit abilities and many superhuman abilities, but once the conditions are met, the strength of both parties will not be ignored.

Unfortunately, when you are working in the naval system, it is hard to say when you are at the bottom, but when you reach the top, you must still insist on a certain amount of justice - no matter how twisted it is.

Since the pirates have already issued a challenge to themselves, how can the navy not refuse to fight? It cannot be said that the pirates made an appointment in a remote area, but the navy did not want to destroy Dressrosa, right?

Until here, the navy and the others encountered no trouble or ambush. It seemed that their opponent really just called them over for a fight.

At times like this, Zefa became even more alert, and even secretly hoped that Yang Tai had really arranged some back-up plan here.

Because if the other party has not arranged a back-up here when they already know that the navy is coming, then it can only be said that the other party is confident and has absolute strength to fight against itself.

Ordinary young pirates may not know how high the sky is. But as a pirate under the Whitebeard Pirates of the same era as himself, he definitely knows the value of an admiral and cannot take any chances.

But until the end, Zefa and others did not encounter any ambush here. They only saw Yang Tai standing on a small slope with his hands in his pockets.

Behind Yang Tai stood the two sisters, Runti Pejiwan, and Cyrus.

Cyrus looked a little serious, while the two siblings looked much more relaxed. After seeing the scene where Yang Tai violently beat Kaido, the two siblings simply did not believe that anyone could beat Yang in a duel.

Too bad, it’s not enough to dispatch all the navy.

"What are the members of the Whitebeard Pirates doing in Dressrosa?" Zefa looked at Yota with a dark look: "Is it possible that the Whitebeard Pirates want to start a war again?"

Yang Tai smiled slightly: "No, it's just that I personally want to travel around the world. After all... the world is so big, I want to see it."

What he said did not sound like a pirate, but rather like an adventurer. Zefa frowned. Of course he also knew that there were all kinds of people among pirates. In fact, those who had adventurous ideas like Yota

There are really not a few pirates out there.

But considering Yota's status as a member of the Whitebeard Pirates, it would be inappropriate to say such things.

As I said before, ordinary pirates are just that. Big pirates like the Yonko level and their main cadres will not go to the Four Seas and the first half of the Grand Line unless there are special circumstances.

This is a tacit agreement reached between the big pirate, the world government and the navy, but looking at Yang Tai's thoughts now, he doesn't seem to care at all.

The only reason is that this guy is very confident and there is nothing the Navy can do against him.

"Hmph! If you want to see it, then go to Impel Down City and see it! The scenery there is always very unique!"

Taking off his jacket casually, revealing a body of explosive muscles, Zefa looked at Yang Tai with a cold face.

Say a thousand, say ten thousand, the world of pirates still looks at fists, a few words and some unnecessary speculations, but Zefa will not retreat.

"I have heard about the scenery there, but if I really have a chance, I still want to go there by myself, and I will not take advantage of your navy to send it off!"

Yang Tai was still smiling, he just took out his hands from his trouser pockets. He looked like he didn't take Zefa seriously.

"You kid, you will pay the price for underestimating me." Zefa raised the huge mechanical arm and without saying a word, fired several huge seastone bullets.

The black energy in Yang Tai's hand rolled up, and the seastone bullets were immediately swallowed up. Then he opened two small dark acupoints and bounced the seastone bullets back.

Zefa used his armed domineering energy and easily knocked away the two seastone bullets. In fact, with their strength, ordinary firearms were almost useless. Even if Zefa's arm was a crusher made of special seastone,

The power is extremely strong, and it can only be used against some Devil Fruit users who don't know the origin of it by using the characteristics of the Sea Tower Stone bullet.

Just when Zefa had just knocked away the two bullets, he saw Yang Tai's figure flash in front of him, and then punched out.

The huge explosion, the terrifying air waves, the domineering aura and the tempered body created a shock wave that was far more powerful than the cannonballs, directly sweeping through the entire naval camp.

This chapter has been completed!
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