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Chapter 216 Imam

Chapter 216 Im

The heavy rain gradually stopped, and a large number of slaves almost formed a long queue, walking towards the square.

A group of Celestial Dragons with faint samsara eye patterns in their eyes were shouting and driving the slaves towards the square, while their bodyguards were guarding them.

In the center of the square, there was a dark circular whirlpool door, and the slaves walked in one by one.

At this moment, these slaves of the Celestial Dragons were trembling with fear. They didn’t know what other methods the Celestial Dragons had come up with to torture themselves, let alone what was on the other side of the door. However, under the orders of the bodyguards and the Celestial Dragons, they still stepped in one by one.

Entered the vortex gate.

It wasn't until almost half an hour later that almost all of Marie Joa's slaves had been caught by Yang Tai. However, Marie Joa still didn't seem to have any reaction.

The corner of Yang Tai's mouth twitched: "What's going on? The guards are too lax. In this case, it's no wonder that the fishman can easily start a slave riot."

Mariejoia is located on the red earth continent that goes straight up and down, almost seven or eight kilometers high. It can be said that if it were in the real world of the earth, before the flight technology was turned on, Mariejoia was no longer easy to defend and difficult to attack.

The terrain is completely inaccessible.

Although all kinds of black technology are rampant in the world of pirates, and personal martial arts are extraordinary, but unless they are some guys with the ability to fly, normal people who want to climb the Red Earth Continent must at least have the strength of the Shichibukai.

And the guys with the strength of the Shichibukai cannot exceed three figures in the entire pirate world. These people know very well how important Mariejoia is. Unless they go crazy, it is almost impossible to attack here.

If things go on like this, the holy land of Mariejoia seems to be well-defended, but in fact the bodyguards and the like have been slack for a long time. Even if there was Tiger's slave liberation movement more than ten years ago, that movement actually did not really hurt Tianlong.

People just freed a group of slaves.

It's no wonder that for such a long time, Yang Tai has almost emptied Marigio's slaves, but these people haven't reacted yet.

Of course, this is also related to the power of Yota's illusion. Basically, as long as these Tianlong people are taken care of, 80% to 90% of Mariejoia's entire defense system will be removed.

"However, this has reached its limit. Marigio's people are not fools after all." Closing his eyes, Yang Tai could feel several powerful life forces rushing towards him.

Not really wanting to conflict with these guys, Yota sneered and turned into a giant dragon and flew into the sky, leaving only the bewildered Tianlong and their bodyguards who had just released the illusion.

But before Yang Tai returned to the ship, he suddenly felt a biting sense of crisis in his heart, flashing rapidly, but because of the huge body of the dragon, he was directly hit by a slashing wave, and his whole body was hit by Yan Yun.

The boat was being dragged, smashing the vessel into pieces.

"Pfft!" Yang Tai spat out a mouthful of blood fiercely, and was almost disemboweled. The originally huge dragon body quickly shrank into a half-dragon state. Then, the transformation ability of Tuntun Fruit was activated, and the injury was blackened for a while.

After the Qi spread, he was healed.

Then, with his body like lightning, he grabbed a few of his men who had just been injured due to the broken ship and threw them into the dark space.

After doing this, Yang Tai lowered his head and looked at a figure walking out of Pangu City with bright eyes.

"Im..., why did you appear when it was my turn?" Yang Tai cursed in his heart, but his eyes lit up slightly.

Ever since Yota returned to the world of pirates after his "magic success" in the world of Naruto, it feels like a max-level account has come to the old service area after the version update. No matter who he fights against, he can be said to be at ease. Even if there are occasional

The hard fight was just the result of his self-repression, and he no longer had the same sense of life and death as before.

But this time, he seemed to have really met a strong man who he might not be able to defeat even if he tried his best. Therefore, after a long absence, his blood began to boil.

"Let me try to see how strong this guy who is likely to become the final boss of the pirate world is!"

Without saying a word, Yang Tai used the repulsive power of the Rinnegan to form a sword of golden light in his hand at will, and struck it down on the head.

"Golden Wheel Reincarnation Explosion!"

Yi Mu, who was wearing a complicated dress, had a cold gaze and reached out her hand casually. The majestic and agitated domineering domineering power moved like an arm in her hand, exerting an effect that was close to the exposure of the armed color. It was like a wall of steel. It was easy to

Blocked the Golden Wheel Reincarnation explosion.

Then, she flew up as if completely ignoring gravity and stood in front of Yang Tai.

Yang Tai's face was slightly stunned, still thinking about what kind of devil fruit it was. Im had already spoken: "Is there a new strong man in the sea? It can actually trigger my Haki warning... It seems that this time

, it’s another new era of the sea.”

"Too bad you're not Joey Boy."

Yota rolled his eyes: "Why are the people in your world so similar to my second hometown, so superstitious? Either they are the children of prophecy, or they are Joe Boy's."

"As long as my fist is hard enough and capable of hitting, no matter who I am, I can still beat you into a pig's head!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Yang Tai was already at full strength.

"Eight Gates of Dunjia, the seventh gate, open!"

"Awesome armor, Susanoo's armor!"

"Six Paths, Thunder Chakra Mode!"

At the same time, the transformation ability of Tuntun Fruit was also fully exerted. Coupled with the various blood stains in his body, the original body was blended with a large amount of compressed rare alloys, which greatly increased its toughness, and many hard materials were also blended into the bones.

The material, under the action of the corpse bone veins, forms a layer of light periosteum that wraps the whole body.

Looking at Yota, Im didn't take action first, but instead waited leisurely for Yota to increase his strength to its peak.

However, whenever Yang Tai uses a blessing mode, Im's face will become a little more serious. In the end, after Yang Tai has superimposed all his buffs, the expression on Im's face is no longer serious.

But with a bit of fanaticism.

"Very good, what you said makes sense. Regardless of whether you are Joeyboy or not, with such strength, you are already qualified to change the world."

"But the premise is that you must survive under my hands first, come and fight!"

As soon as she finished speaking, the complicated dress on Im's body was torn to pieces, revealing a simple pair of armor.

At the same time, she completely revealed her true face, a young woman who looked a little tall and thin.

This chapter has been completed!
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