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Chapter 219 Lost

Chapter 219 Lost

Several five old stars talked to each other, and one of them said, "Lord Im, hasn't he been beaten to ashes by you?"

"He shouldn't be dead...," Im said with a frown. "I did sense his aura just now. Although I don't know why it disappeared all of a sudden, I think his resurrection and retreat were all due to the use of devil fruit abilities.


"I can't leave the main body too far, and the main body was injured in that battle just now. It will take at least a few months to recover."

"In this case, I can only look at you."

As soon as he finished speaking, Im turned around and walked into the depths of Pangu City. Several of the Five Old Stars looked at each other with a look of embarrassment on their faces.

"What should I do? Is that guy really still alive?"

"With Lord Im's power, since he senses that he is still alive, he must be alive. After all, within this range, Lord Im's senses are the most sensitive."

"But...do we really have to bow to pirates??"

"There is no need to make this matter public. Let them speculate on the rumors outside. We can just communicate with the navy secretly."

"When the time comes, just say that the pirate has been killed long ago, regardless of what others say."

"Even if the plunderer is resurrected, I don't dare to come to Mary Joa again."

"Okay, let's do it!"

Naval Headquarters, Mariegio.

Sengoku looked at the information in his hands seriously. After a moment, Garp, who was picking his nose and eating snacks, and He, who had a peaceful smile on his face, walked in.

"What's the matter? Call us for an emergency meeting, Sengoku." Garp finished picking his nose and flicked it onto the head of Sengoku's pet goat.

But this time, Warring States didn't get furious. He just looked at Garp angrily and said coldly, "Please take a look at this information."

Garp scratched his head and said, "It's not like you don't know my situation. I can't even recognize all these words. It's just a blur."

Warring States rolled his eyes and swallowed back the curse words in his stomach. Even if he scolded Garp, his father-in-law, he would only look like he was not ashamed but proud.

Lieutenant General He picked up the information with a smile, and after taking a look, his face gradually became serious.

Putting down the information, Lieutenant General He looked at Warring States and asked: "Is what is said here true? The combat power of that predator is so powerful that even if we all mobilize, we can't deal with it?"

Warring States nodded silently, and finally couldn't bear it anymore and sighed.

"You may not know that when I first became the marshal of the navy, I once went to the Holy Land of Mariejoia. There I had a vague feeling of an unbelievably powerful monster!"

"As a person with the power of the Great Buddha Fruit, you also know my perception and wisdom abilities."

"That person gave me the feeling at that time that even if all the navy's highest combat forces were deployed, they would still be no match!"

"However, judging from the intelligence this time, Mary Joa suffered a big loss... which shows the combat effectiveness of that predator."

General He frowned. As a person with the Buddha Fruit ability, Warring States indeed possesses some abilities that are close to supernatural powers. Therefore, even if his perception is slightly wrong, it will not be too big.

What's more, even if the factors of the Warring States Period were not considered, the World Government actually asked the Navy to stay away from a pirate, unless there was another conspiracy. It can only be said that the strength of that pirate was so strong that the World Government knew that the Navy was definitely no match.

, it’s not even useful at all.

Otherwise, with the world government's bird-like nature, even if the navy has a slight chance of winning, they will let the navy press forward regardless of losses, and will not consider the navy's casualties at all.

Watching the discussion between Sengoku and He, especially from their tone, it seemed that there were pirates who could cause trouble in Mariejoia, and afterwards the World Government ordered the navy to stay away.

Garp, who was eating donuts, stretched out his head and looked at the information in Crane's hand. Although he claimed that he couldn't read all the words, Garp had been in the navy for so many years, so he could at least understand some of the words.

Eight, I can barely read it even after reading it.

"The Whitebeard Pirates...the looters...losses...closely monitored...no action without orders..."

"So, the World Government suspects that we can't deal with this brat named Yota?" Garp said with a surprised look on his face.

"If you read it correctly, then this is what the World Government means." Sengoku frowned and said, "There is another thing, how did this predator eat so many Devil Fruits?"

"Although there are all kinds of wonders in the sea...but this guy's Devil Fruit power is too much."

"According to the intelligence, this guy has been exposed to have the abilities of medical treatment, devouring, some kind of dark element, manipulating soil and water, powerful explosion, summoning energy armor, manipulating gravity, transforming into a dragon, and being a substitute!"

"There are many abilities that are impossible to relate to each other. They are obviously plural devil fruits."

"I just wonder how many Devil Fruits he can eat?"

Warring States frowned as he spoke, but at this time Garp raised his hand.

"That Warring States Period, you seem to have forgotten that the three generals are now... guarding that Yota in the Chambord Islands!"

Warring States' expression suddenly changed: "Hurry, call them back quickly!"

And where is Yang Tai now?

"Where am I now?" Yota sat on the ice he created using ice escape, frowning.

When he fought with Im at the beginning, Yota found the right opportunity and directly threw a time and space coordinate kunai.

With Yota's full buff strength at the time, Yota himself didn't quite know how far the coordinates were thrown, not to mention that there was Mariejoia at a height of seven or eight thousand meters, and the two of them were at an altitude of about one thousand meters.

Fight on top.

Everyone knows that when something is thrown from a higher place, the farther it will fly. As soon as Yang Tai stretched out his hand, the time-space coordinate kunai flew out at almost several times the speed of sound.

I don’t know if he flew hundreds or thousands of kilometers at that time. Anyway, by the time Yota used the time and space ninjutsu to transfer here, he had already fallen into the sea.

Fortunately, in addition to the abilities of the pirate world, he also has the chakra of the Naruto world. Otherwise, even if he has a certain ability to breathe underwater due to body transformation, and his body strength is high enough, the seawater is not suppressive.

, swimming in the water is not a good feeling either.

Relying on chakra to activate the Rinnegan, he forcibly pushed away the sea water and flew into the air. Only then did Yang Tai realize that he had arrived in an unknown sea area - anyway, he didn't see any islands around him.

Therefore, Yang Tai could only create an ice cap on the sea and temporarily settle down.

This chapter has been completed!
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