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Chapter 256 Understanding

Chapter 256 Understanding

However, even if Brooke recovered his physical body, it would not be easy to deal with Baroque Studio. What's more, he was in a hurry to see the whale Rab, so in the end he gave Princess Vivi a clear path.

, let him come to Yang Tai for help.

In Brooke's view, although Yang Tai has a slightly utilitarian personality, he has a pretty good personality. He will still help if he can help.

What's more, he knows that Yota has been collecting Devil Fruits. There are many Devil Fruit users in the entire Baroque Studio. It's okay if he doesn't run into them. Yota may not go out of his way to embarrass them, but if

If it really happened, Yang Tai wouldn't mind putting away this windfall.

I have to say that Brooke was really right this time. After meeting Princess Weiwei, Yang Tai had already decided to intervene in this matter.

The reason why he asked Princess Weiwei where she got her information was just to satisfy her curiosity. In fact, no matter what, as long as the people from Baroque Studio dared to come over, he would dare to take their devil fruits.

Drain them all.

"Okay, since it was Brooke who introduced it to you, I'll tell you the trouble you encountered later." Yang Tai said.

"But for now, let's deal with the trouble you brought floating in the sky first."

As he spoke, Yang Tai raised his head and saw a woman holding a parasol floating in the sky.

"Wow, hahaha, you actually dare to shelter the traitor from our Baroque Studio. Little brother, are you still very brave?"

In the sky, a fashionably dressed girl smiled.

"Be careful, Mr. Yang Tai, that is a senior agent from Baroque Studio, miss Valentine's Day!" Princess Weiwei immediately reminded Yang Tai.

Yota rolled his eyes, "What kind of stinky fish and shrimps are they? If you dare to talk to me like this, you are the only one who has the courage! All things are inspired by heaven!"

With a whoosh, Miss Valentine was attracted by Wanxiang Tian. Before she could react and adjust her weight, Yang Tai grabbed her neck directly.

The fashionable beauty had a confused expression on her face. She felt Yang Tai's arm clamping around her throat and immediately began to increase her weight.

Then there was a clicking sound, and miss Valentine's Day foamed at her mouth. Instead of breaking free from Yang Tai's arm, she broke her cervical vertebrae...

Yota rolled his eyes: "Are you here to be funny? This is the first time I've seen someone commit suicide in such a novel way?"

While talking to Yang Tai, a black energy rolled up in his hand, and he used the Swallowing Fruit and the Transformation Fruit at the same time. Then he threw Miss Valentine on the deck.

miss Valentine's Day touched his neck with a look of horror on his face. It took him a long time to react. "I, I'm fine, I'm still alive!"

But when she raised her head, she saw that Yota was holding a Devil Fruit in his hand, which was the same light fruit she had eaten before!

Although the difference between Qingpiaopiao fruit and Piaopiao fruit is just one word, the difference between the two can be regarded as worlds apart.

The fluttering fruit can easily raise the island, while the fluttering fruit can only control its own weight, and it can only be adjusted in kilograms.

In fact, Yota has also seen the top fruit of the light and fluttering fruit, which is the ton-pressed fruit, and can adjust his weight in units of tons.

Although the light and fluffy fruit has no effect on Yang Tai, Yang Tai still collected it. The money picked up on the road, no matter how much, is an unexpected fortune~~

"Isn't that my Devil Fruit?" Miss Valentine said in surprise, and then she wanted to activate the fruit's power, but she felt that the power of the Devil Fruit in her body, which was originally like arms and fingers, disappeared without a trace.

"With this ability, you are the predator Yota! The super pirate with a bounty of 1 billion!" Miss Valentine screamed out in surprise, and then her first reaction was to cover her chest tightly.

, the whole person shrank into a ball.

Yang Tai: "..."

You can’t get over this hurdle, right?

Regarding Miss Valentine, who regarded herself as a sex demon, Yang Tai could only roll his eyes helplessly, and then glanced at Charlotte Brynn.

Charlotte Breen saw what Yang Tai meant at a glance, nodded, walked to Miss Valentine's Day with a chuckle, stretched out her hand, grabbed her head, and pulled Miss gently.

The memory of Valentine's Day was brought out.

After a few checks, Charlotte Brynn put the memory back into Miss Valentine's head, and then said: "This guy is indeed an agent named Baroque Studio."

Afterwards, Charlotte Brynn sorted out the collected information and introduced:

"Everyone in Baroque Studio does not use their real names and is all referred to by code names."

"Most chief conductors have a partner of the opposite sex. The male code name is Mr + number. The smaller the number, the stronger the performance. The female code name is Miss + date/holiday combination."

"The goal declared by the leaders of the working society is to annex Alabasta and establish an ideal kingdom."

"Building an ideal kingdom? This sounds a bit like those revolutionary armies." Violet said with a frown.

"But looking at the actions and style of these guys, there is always a feeling that makes me sick. It reminds me of those guys from the Don Quixote family."

"Don't discredit the domestic revolutionary army." Yota rolled his eyes and said. "The revolutionary army will not overthrow the country for no reason. They will only lend a helping hand to the people who are in deep suffering... At least it has not deteriorated yet."

Then, Yang Tai's eyes looked at Princess Vivi and Camlet: "So, your enemies are these people from the Baroque Studio?"

Princess Weiwei gritted her teeth: "Yes, we suspect that Alabasta's drought for many years may have been caused by Baroque Studio's use of dancing fans."

"Now the entire Alabasta is on the verge of collapse because of the lack of rain."

At this point, Princess Weiwei had tears in her eyes: "Please help save Alabasta. Even if you use me as a reward..."

"Your Highness, wuwuwu, how could you make such a sacrifice?" Camlet's eyes were filled with lasagna tears, looking heartbroken.

Yota: That's enough for you guys. It hurts your heart over and over again, right?

Just when Yang Tai was about to explode with anger, he suddenly heard a rumbling sound, and saw a series of explosions on Princess Weiwei's ship, and many members of the escort team were running around in panic.

Yang Tai stretched out his hand and manipulated the gravity to pull these people to the Qinglong. Then he saw Princess Weiwei's ship slowly breaking into two pieces and sinking.

This chapter has been completed!
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