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Chapter 332 Contact Superman

Superman's hometown is the Kent Farm in Kansas, where his adoptive mother Martha has always lived.

Yota definitely doesn't have a flying thunder mark that goes directly to Superman's farm, but finding the nearest flying thunder mark, coupled with the speed of him and Wonder Woman, won't waste much time.

When Yang Tai and Wonder Woman arrived, they saw an unexpected person here.

"Miss Louise Lane!? Are you here too?" Wonder Woman seemed a little surprised and asked.

Louise Lain, is that Superman's girlfriend? Silly bold reporter?

Well, let alone being a perfect vase, most of the time this person plays the role of a hindrance to Superman, which is almost equivalent to the role of a princess captured by a giant dragon.

Of course, anything is possible in the world of American comics, even the world where Louise Lane became a reporter. It can be seen that this lady still has at least some... well, a superhero mentality. She just doesn't have any superhero abilities.


In addition, her former father was a general in the U.S. military, which also gave her the mentality to dare to reveal anything.

Later, her husband became Superman. If anything happened, she would shout "Superman" to the sky, and in less than a second, a super strong man in a red cloak would come running to save her. Naturally, she was not afraid of anything.

Of course, for Yota, this matter has nothing to do with him. Louise's attention was not focused on the balcony, but looked at Wonder Woman with some vigilance.

"It turns out to be Miss Diana. Do you have something to do with Clark?"

As she spoke, Louise clearly showed some vigilance, although she was smiling.

As for why? It's very simple. As a well-informed reporter and Superman's fiancée, Louise not only knows Wonder Woman, but even knows a little bit about her.

Don’t think that Americans don’t have any ideas about matching up with each other and getting together. In fact, many principles are common to the whole world!

In Louise's view, Wonder Woman is undoubtedly one of her potential love rivals.

Of course, Wonder Woman doesn't care about this at all... Amazon is a feminist society, which is not the feminism those boxers talk about, but a real matriarchal society.

Well, if you change the status of men and women in ancient dynasties, they will basically become Amazons.

Even though Diana has lived in the human world for a short period of time and has become somewhat assimilated on the surface, in fact she still follows the Amazon way.

If it weren't for her relatively high moral bottom line, other Amazon warriors would probably have found a lot of faces!

"There is indeed something." Yota said directly, and then glanced at the two of them: "Ms. Martha, Miss Louise, do you have Superman's contact information?"

"The earth may be in crisis again."

Louise and Martha looked at each other, and then Martha complained directly: "Could there be aliens trying to invade the earth again? Or maybe human scientists have caused some trouble?"

"I remember that before Clark became Superman, the world was still very safe. I thought his appearance would make the earth safer."

Well, you have to ask those DC editors about this... The more famous the superheroes are, the more unlucky they are. Basically, the villains and the like are all created by pressing the gourd, and there is never any shortage.

There is no way, who makes Superman's comics easy to sell? They have been serialized for 80 years, with three or five opponents a year. Even after various reboots, Superman can still form an independent group when facing opponents large and small.

Fortunately, this world is closer to the movie world, otherwise, Superman's opponents would make Martha doubt her life.

"Ms. Martha, you should think so. Maybe it is because the earth is facing a disaster that Superman came into being." Yang Tai comforted him dryly, "I believe you should have his contact information.


That's for sure. Superman went to build his Castle of Solitude and didn't go directly to an alien planet. How could he leave his wife and mother alone?

In fact, if he stays for a while longer, after the reconstruction of Metropolis is completed and the incident of Doomsday is completely over, Superman will definitely come back - he has not really married Louise yet.

If it weren't for the big thing about Doomsday, he wouldn't have thought about running out to avoid the limelight. People are like this. Only when these people in Metropolis can't meet Superman will they think of the benefits of Superman.

At this time, Superman's return is expected by everyone.

It was Louise who gave him the idea for Superman to build the Castle of Solitude. As a well-known reporter throughout the United States, she is definitely good at manipulating public opinion.

"At least you should show me the evidence of the so-called disaster." Old Mrs. Martha said with some doubt.

The old lady has been a farmer in the countryside all her life. Not all farmers in the United States are large landowners. Ordinary homesteaders can also be farmers, and they account for the majority of them. Anyway, there are machines for farming now, and in ancient times, 10 people were needed.

The land to serve is definitely more than enough for one person now.

Superman's parents are ordinary yeoman farmers. Although they are simple and kind-hearted, they really don't have much knowledge and their ability to accept things is not that strong.

In addition, he was captured by Kryptonians before and was protected by agents. It can be said that he was born not to have a good impression of people who are looking for his son.

"Oh, Martha, I think you can trust them." Louise quickly introduced to the old lady, "They are indeed Clark's friends."

Although Louise has an unspeakable hostility towards Wonder Woman, she is also well-informed and has a very clear mind, knowing that they will not joke about this kind of thing.

"Okay, come with me." Martha was stunned for a moment, but for the sake of her daughter-in-law, she believed both Yang Tai and Diana.

Later, Martha took Yang Tai, Diana and others into the house and opened the cellar of their home, revealing a very sci-fi-looking machine inside, with a single crystal screen on top.

"This is the screen where Clark stayed here and had a video conversation with us... using their Kryptonian technology." When Louise started to explain, she also explained why she came here, obviously because she wanted to

Had a video call with Superman.

Although Superman's super brain has always seemed like a decoration or a setting, in fact purely in terms of brain operation speed and learning ability, Superman is guaranteed to be a step ahead of Batman and Luthor. If you really want to,

Even without superpowers, Superman can become a technological superhero.

But if you really want to play like that, 99% of Superman fans will be sent directly to prison as soon as they show up. Comic editors simply can't edit it, so in comics and movies, Superman is like

He was cut into a fool.

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