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Chapter 347 Chaos

Apokolips' demon-like modulation technology actually has many different levels, but if you want to use higher-level demon-like modulation, the materials themselves must be better.

Demon-like creatures made from ordinary death row inmates have a layer of bone carapace on their bodies. Except for vital parts such as eyes, they can completely defend against small-caliber firearms. Their strength and speed are no less than those of a modified person like Captain America.

It also has the ability to fly.

It's just that he doesn't have much brains, and fights entirely by instinct. The advantage is that he is not afraid of death, but the disadvantage is that he cannot perform any high-precision tasks.

These demonoids are useless, but their combat effectiveness is indeed very impressive. If they are put together, if they are more than ten or twenty, they will be able to fight even a tank.

But if it is useful... the money spent to prepare demon-like creatures is not much cheaper than aircraft and tanks, and there are also moral hazard and public opinion factors. In this case, why not just use aircraft and tanks?

Normally speaking, even if there are tens of thousands of superhumans like Captain America, they will definitely not be able to withstand a large frontal force like planes and tanks.

The real role of these superhumans should be in special operations, operations behind enemy lines, or some high-precision tasks. However, the shortcoming of demonoids having no brains means that they are destined to be unable to perform such tasks.

Despite this, General Ross was quite pleasantly surprised when he saw this result - it's still progress, right? It's better than those junk-degraded super soldier serums that rely solely on luck.

After hearing what Yang Tai said that more advanced materials were needed to create more powerful and intelligent demonoids, this guy had already begun to contact his connections in the military to get some special materials.

Anyway, according to Yota, there are no restrictions on demon-like modulation technology. No matter how strong a guy is, he can be captured and turned into a demon-like creature.

General Ross, who had just walked out of the biochemical laboratory, was thinking about the future when he heard a loud noise from the physics laboratory not far away.


"The Hulk jumped out, roaring to the sky, with such terrifying and barbaric momentum that the general Ross took two steps back in fright.

"Didn't you say that there will be no accidents with demon-like modulation? What is going on... hmm? Isn't that an energy ray laboratory?" General Ross shouted first, and then he felt something was wrong.

Why did a biochemical monster pop out of the physics laboratory over there?

However, this guy is also tough. Apart from taking two steps back at the beginning, he immediately calmed down. No matter what ghosts and monsters he was, he first took out a few bodyguards around him, took out his gun, and fired a shot.

There was only a crackling sound, and sparks flew from the Hulk's body, and then nothing happened, not even a scratch on his skin.

However, General Ross's act of committing suicide finally attracted the Hulk's attention.


"With a wild roar, the Hulk suddenly jumped up and jumped in front of General Ross and others. The air flow from his body directly knocked General Ross and several of his bodyguards to the ground.

Stretching out his hand, Hulk grabbed General Ross's collar and put his big face in front of General Ross.

"Get out of here, you damn monster!" General Ross roared angrily, took out his pistol, pointed it at Hulk's eyes, and green blood suddenly spattered.

A scream and such a blow to the eye completely caused the Hulk, who already had a bad personality, to lose his last trace of calmness. He reached out and lifted up General Ross and threw it to the ground. General Ross fell to the ground and spewed blood from his mouth.

I don't know how many bones above and below were broken.

"I'm sorry! General Ross won't be killed by the Hulk just like that, right?" Yang Tai, who had been observing the outside with a domineering look, was a little surprised in his heart.

But he just made a beep, and if he died, he would die. Anyway, General Ross didn't seem to have done anything good.

At that time, Bruce Banner will probably be a bit confused. After killing his father-in-law, his girlfriend will definitely be blown away... Oh, after turning into the Hulk, it seems that he will not be able to have sex with his girlfriend? Then

It's okay.

After throwing General Ross, the Hulk seemed to calm down, or Bruce Banner's subconscious was suddenly stimulated by the Hulk throwing his father-in-law. He did not continue to do anything, and just jumped a few times and ran away.

Without a trace.

The military guards around General Ross quickly got up to check on their superiors.

Yang Tai, who had been observing all of this with his sense of knowledge and domineering, didn't care so much. He first left a clone, and then the whole person instantly disappeared.

After the Hulk made a big fuss, he jumped out of the experimental base. Fortunately, as a research base for super soldiers, it was located in a relatively remote place. Apart from some soldiers on the periphery, there were no ordinary residents.

After the Hulk came out, all the soldiers on the periphery were dumbfounded. However, because General Ross's life and death were uncertain, no one gave them an order, or the order had not yet been sent, and these soldiers did not know whether to attack or not.


Although the super soldier project is extremely confidential, because they often transport some death row prisoners, these soldiers actually have some idea of ​​what the experimental base is doing.

And in the Marvel world, these soldiers are much more accepting of this kind of thing than in the real world.

Either there was something wrong with the experiment, or some mad scientist created another monster. It's not like we haven't encountered it before.

They have long been used to things like Captain America and Weapon X.

"Tom, should we shoot?" a junior officer asked. "What if one of the experimental subjects is killed?"

"Of course we fired, and the experimental subjects were killed. It's none of our business. It's the scientists who didn't take care of themselves. But if trouble is caused, it will definitely be found on our heads." The officer named Tom said nothing.

, raised his gun and fired at the Hulk.

The Hulk, who was still a little dazed at first, felt a tingling and itching sensation on his body and immediately turned his attention.

The Hulk's eye was shot by General Ross and was almost not blown out. However, his recovery power is also very abnormal. The wound has been healed long ago, but the green blood is covering half of his cheek, making his

The big face that was already full of violence looked even more ferocious.

"Mom, Fake! Carrying bullets with your own body? What the hell did those mad scientists do again?" The officer named Tom took a breath of cold air, "Jerry, hurry up and let your men use heavy firepower!"

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