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Chapter 376 Magnetic Field Radiation

The X-Men turned around and ran away. Yota thought for a moment, then used the camouflage technique and followed behind a group of them.

It's not far or close to the Statue of Liberty. If you have a car, you can get there in just a few minutes. But without a car, it would probably take you half an hour to walk on your own legs.

Although the X-Men were running forward, they hurriedly and slowly failed to catch up. Yang Tai felt a strange magnetic field slowly shrouding down from the sky. He even faintly heard the cry of a girl.


When he raised his head, he saw a strange-looking metal instrument on the torch of the Statue of Liberty. At this moment, the instrument was rotating and emitting a strong magnetic field. There was a girl tied to the instrument, who should be that one.

A mutant called Rugrats.

Yang Tai can clearly feel that the vitality of the little naughty body is declining, as if the instrument is extracting his life and converting it into a magnetic field.

"Little naughty! Bastard!" Wolverine yelled as he ran out of breath, but he didn't have any long-range attack capabilities, so he could only shout slowly here.

Cyclops pressed his quartz glasses hesitantly. He did not dare to directly attack the instrument that bound the little naughty boy, for fear that the instrument would explode and kill the little naughty boy.

As for attacking the Statue of Liberty...that's the Statue of Liberty, Ami's symbol of freedom!

Don't look at the fact that in some big movies, the Statue of Liberty has fallen down hundreds of times. If he used a laser to destroy the Statue of Liberty, X Academy would probably be in big trouble.

At this moment of hesitation, the magnetic field spreads wider and wider.

Yota, who was following them, didn't care about these people. It seemed that they would not be able to make it this time. He showed his body directly and asked: "What is the ability of that little naughty person? Why did Magneto arrest her?"

The heart of the machine?”

Several X-Men were startled by Yota, and Storm was the first to react. She didn’t ask why Yota was following them invisibly, and explained directly: “The little naughty boy has the super power to absorb other people’s abilities.

By contacting her, she can directly absorb the opponent's ability."

"It's just that these abilities are temporary and can only be possessed for a short period of time! Magneto wants to use her ability to transfer his own abilities to Naughty in a short time, and use Naughty as the core to start the machine!"

Yota was stunned for a moment, "I know, it turns out to be a Rakshasa girl!"

Yota has never seen this X-Men movie, and he doesn't know the nickname Rugrats, but after hearing about this ability, he immediately thought of the famous Rakshasa in the X-Men.

This can be regarded as a super perverted mutant, with a huge range of combat power. At its peak, it absorbed almost all the powers of the X-Men and Avengers, and was strong enough to defeat the Celestials.

When I was weak...the one who is howling on the machine now is an example.

The X-Men and others didn't know what Rakshasa Girl meant, and Yota didn't explain it to them anymore, but just slapped the ground casually.

There was a rumbling sound, and the ground lifted higher and higher, and actually flew directly up.

Originally, Magneto installed his instrument at the highest point of the Statue of Liberty because he wanted to use the magnetic field to radiate from the highest point to the bottom, and the area would become larger and larger, so that it could cover all the leaders holding multinational summits nearby.

in it.

Yangtai saw that you wanted to occupy the high ground, didn't you? OK, I'll let you go! I'll lift you to an altitude of several thousand meters, and I'll see if you can cover everyone with your magnetic field!

In fact, she can't expand the magnetic field to this extent even if she covers her ass and squeezes the little naughty dry!

When the earthquake first started, Magneto didn't know what was going on and thought the X-Men were planning to overturn the entire Statue of Liberty.

He quickly used his magnetism to stabilize the Statue of Liberty, and then he felt that the Statue of Liberty was getting higher and higher. The entire land near the Statue of Liberty actually floated directly into the sky and turned into a floating island!

At this time, Lao Wan was really anxious. Regardless of the fact that he had just been sucked by the little naughty boy and was still in a weak state, he immediately controlled the Statue of Liberty and flew towards the Summit of Nations.

Wolverine, Cyclops and others looked at the sky with speechless expressions on their faces. Among the three of them, Storm was the only one who could use the power of the strong wind to fly. The others were really worried down there.

Cyclops had never dared to attack the Statue of Liberty directly, and now he was even more afraid. Jean Gray's psychic ability was useless in the face of this big scene. Not to mention Wolverine, he couldn't jump no matter how hard he jumped.

Go to the Statue of Liberty.

So Storm stirred up strong winds and flew directly into the sky. She chopped down several members of Magneto's Brotherhood.

In fact, in terms of pure ability, Magneto's gang of crooks can't beat the X-Men in a head-on battle.

The Toad Man, who has similar abilities to a Toad, the Saber-toothed Tiger without the Adamantium alloy frame, and a Magic Girl who is only suitable for spying and not suitable for direct combat, there are quite a lot of people. Facing the completely real Storm, we can only

Being hung and beaten.

Even Lao Wan, because he had just been sucked in by the little naughty boy and wanted to control the Statue of Liberty, he had no fighting power at all.

He watched his three men being called by Storm one by one, and one of them was struck down by a thunderbolt. The saber-toothed tiger was a bit more tenacious. After he got up, he was struck twice by Storm. Lao Wan was also a bachelor.

He gritted his teeth, pressed his hands on the machine, and instantly unleashed all his abilities. His hair, which originally looked just mixed with gray, instantly turned white, and his whole person looked dozens of years older.

There was just a roaring sound, and a strong magnetic field light wave swept across. The entire machine was completely overloaded and paralyzed, but at the same time, a strong magnetic field also swept across the entire summit venue in an instant!

I didn’t expect Magneto to have such a skill. Youta was also a little confused. This guy really fought hard for his life. In just a moment, under Yota’s chakra induction, most of this guy’s life force was lost. I guess.

He can only live for another year or two.

Yota is still here and is shocked that Magneto is so cruel to him. Several X-Men are completely despairing.

The magnetic field swept across the entire summit, and the entire multinational summit venue was in chaos.

After being radiated by the magnetic field, these people had different reactions. Some people were dizzy, some fainted directly, and some also felt unwell. They did not know that Magneto wanted to transform themselves into mutants.

, I just thought that I had suffered some kind of nuclear radiation attack.

Of course, to a certain extent, their idea is correct.

This chapter has been completed!
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