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Chapter 381 Change

Looking at the list and various information written by the old prophet, Tianqi couldn't help but smile.

"There are already so many mutants in this world! And these superpowers! It's really surprising."

"Mind control ability. And the ability to manipulate magnetic fields. It seems that I have found a new goal."

Apocalypse had a smile on his face. Apocalypse had been looking forward to this ability of mind control for a long time. It could be said to be a real killer weapon against ordinary people.

Although he also has psychic abilities, they are just ordinary telepathy and cannot directly brainwash people. Otherwise, he would not have been deceived by his ordinary followers for thousands of years.

At this time, he became interested in Professor X's psychic ability. With this ability, wouldn't it be easy for him to rule the world?

However, the X-Men under Professor

Find your own Knight of the Apocalypse first.

Now Apocalypse also knows a lot of information. The old prophet's ability has been increased to the limit by him in one breath. In addition, he is on the verge of death. This is when his ability is at its strongest, almost overwhelming most of the powerful people in the Marvel world.

They are all listed.

Although he doesn't know about things like the Phoenix Force yet, one Omega-level mutant alone is enough to make him fearful.

Apocalypse thought for a while. If he wanted to find more elite mutants, Magneto's Brotherhood was undoubtedly a good choice.

In addition, you can also go to the X-Men academy and maybe find mutants that you can take under your wing.

But for now, let's gather all the mutants in Egypt.

The current situation in the world has done Apocalypse a big favor. Almost all the mutants in Egypt have been captured by the military. The weak ones are almost dead, while the strong ones have been sent to the laboratory. There is no need for Apocalypse at all.

No matter what he mobilizes, he doesn't need to search hard. He can just follow the clues and capture those powerful mutants.

If it were Amei, Europe, Maozi, Rabbit Country, etc. that have deep foundations, many strong men, and a lot of black technology, Apocalypse might not be able to deal with it. What kind of rubbish is Egypt? With a wave of your hand, those armies will become

It turned into dust.

In just one week, the situation in Egypt has completely changed. The mutants who were originally yelled at by everyone became the real rulers. Those mutants who were imprisoned in the laboratory, after being rescued by Apocalypse, accepted

Strengthened, barely waiting for Tianqi to take action, the Egyptian army was defeated.

After Egypt brought out all kinds of aircraft, tanks and heavy firepower, Apocalypse turned their army into dust with a wave of his hand. Then, all Egyptians became honest.

Even the capital Cairo was turned directly into a huge pyramid by Apocalypse, and Apocalypse also announced that he would establish an order in which mutants would rule the world.

Pushing the time forward a week, the X-Men and a group of people discussed for a long time, but no result was reached. Magneto said that he ran to surrender, hoping to save the remaining mutants, but Professor ** persuaded him to stop.


The old professor is not a fool. In the current situation, if he continues to follow his moderate strategy, the mutants may be annihilated right around the corner.

However, Magneto is also broken now. He is shaking when he walks, and he doesn't look like he can hold up the backbone of the Brotherhood.

A group of mutants held meetings in the academy, but the result of their discussions was inconclusive. In the final analysis, these mutants are not leaders, and the strength of their mutant abilities has little to do with their own leadership abilities.


It's clear that we want to kill mutants.

Lao Wan, who originally had some leadership skills and rebellious spirit, completely collapsed and looked like he was dying all day long.

Yota felt that the leaders he met were all unreliable. The ninjas in the Naruto world were stupid enough. The world government in the Pirate world was even more broken. Now look at these mutants.

It's also quite bad.

At this time, no matter what choice you make, it is better than wasting time here. Can't the problem be solved by procrastinating?

Soon, Yang Tai was slapped in the face. The problem was indeed not solved, but huge changes also occurred. The apocalypse that emerged in Egypt suddenly attracted 90% of the world's attention.

Now the atmosphere in the entire academy has finally improved a little. At least, most of the troops who were always looking around outside the academy have left.

However, Yota is very clear that the current situation is only temporary. He has not watched the first X-Men, but he has indeed watched X-Men: Apocalypse. Knowing that the oldest mutant will soon

Then I will bring my idea to X College.

But what surprised him a little was that it didn't seem to be the case in the original work, right? Magneto at that time was not the boss of the brotherhood, and Professor X didn't seem to be bald, or even as old as he is now.

Although he doesn't understand it, Yang Tai is still quite interested in Apocalypse's superpowers, but he just doesn't know if he can transplant the X gene into his body.

Yota's body's carrying capacity has now reached a limit, and he has begun to prepare to completely eliminate the blood of his Otsutsuki clan.

In fact, the bloodline of the Otsutsuki clan now only has strong resilience and chakra capacity, as well as the ability to manipulate gravity and time and space.

To be honest, although these abilities are good, the most fundamental part of Yota's body is his chakra ability. The remaining bloodline abilities are not impossible to crack and imitate in the ninja world that is developing faster and faster today.


If he could convert these bloodline secret techniques into ninjutsu, he would not need to retain the bloodline of the so-called Otsutsuki clan at all.

Even if his chakra will drop significantly due to this, it is definitely worth it. With his current growth in body, even if he eliminates the blood of the Otsutsuki clan, his chakra is estimated to be several times stronger than that of the average Otsutsuki clan.

, still in a blood-stained trap.

As long as chakra is cultivated to the point of blood-stained snare, even if it reaches the limit, no matter how much the amount of chakra increases after that, it will only be an accumulation of quantity, and there will be no qualitative change.

This chapter has been completed!
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