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Chapter 426 Cooperation

"Reed installed a sensing device on the bomb. As long as it senses a huge amount of cosmic energy, it will automatically explode." Banner frowned and said.

"This kind of plan is too crude." Yang Tai was speechless. The planet devourer's spaceship is equivalent to the size of a planet. Who knows where it will explode.

After all, Galactus' spaceship also has an energy siphon device, so he's not the only one with a powerful energy response. He may be injured, so it's not easy to kill him.

"There is no other way now..." Bruce Banner said with a frown.

Yota didn't tell Bruce Banner about his plan to escape from the parallel world. Wanda and Pietro had no worries and no parents. Naturally, they could just pat their butts and leave at will. Bruce Banner still has people in this world.

There are a lot of concerns, at least he still has a girlfriend Betty, so naturally he can't just leave.

Naturally, he would not persuade him to say anything. Anyway, Yang Tai himself would not leave until the last moment.

The plow has long been full of energy, and the time it takes to directly jump to the parallel world is much faster than his own system. Even when the battle situation is the most dangerous, Yang Tai is confident to lead people to escape.

"Let's go, let me see if I can add to your plan... I hope it won't be counterproductive."

As he spoke, Yota contacted Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver at the same time. A red light flashed instantly, and Scarlet Witch appeared in front of him with Quicksilver and Jessica Jones.

Ever since Yota proposed using the ability to modify probability for teleportation, Scarlet Witch quickly developed this teleportation ability and could even teleport other people.

"Banner, think about the destination we are going to in your mind. Wanda, read the picture in Banner's brain, and then take us there."

Yota directly explained the situation to the three of them. Wanda and Pietro were quite excited. In any case, they are also two people who can become superheroes in the future. As for the escape plan that Yota proposed at the beginning, it depends on the situation.

, in fact, it is definitely not very willing.

It's just that the two of them are very self-aware. The strength of the two of them really doesn't have much effect against Galactus.

Now that they have another chance, the two naturally decide to try to see if they can save the world - at least have a sense of participation?

Jessica Jones, on the other hand, has a look on her face like "Who am I, where am I, and what am I going to do? The end of the world, and all the magic, all of which have confused this poor woman's head."

This person was not a front-line character before, and he knew very little about the dark side of the world. He simply had an adventure and was ready to become a superhero as soon as his brain got excited.

Then within a few days of working, she became Zi Ren's hot weapon... With such experience and brains, we can't expect her to perform better.

The light flashed slightly, and Banner, who had just flashed the image of the current experimental base in his mind, had already appeared in a huge experimental base.

Turning his head, he found that Yangtai and the other four people had come here with him, and he couldn't help showing a look of surprise on his face.

He just had such an idea in his head, and everyone appeared here at the same time. This ability is a bit too scary!

While thinking about it, Banner also instinctively stayed away from the Scarlet Witch. People with psychic powers were not very popular there, let alone those with other powerful abilities.

Especially Banner himself, once he is stimulated by something, he will turn into the Hulk, and people with psychic abilities will have greater restraint on him... On the contrary, he is a pure Hulk, because he is extremely angry and does not take mind control at all.

Yang Tai glanced at the huge experimental base and saw the suspended silver skateboard in the middle.

"Silver Glider's skateboard... where is Silver Glider himself?"

Yota looked around at the group of people who were studying the skateboard. To his surprise, he not only saw Reed, but also several other scientists. Not only Tony Stark, but also Doctor Doom came.


"I remember that guy Doom, didn't he have a big holiday with the Fantastic Four? Why is this guy here too?"

"In this case, who cares? Didn't you see that the military doesn't even arrest me now?" Dr. Banner said with a wry smile.

"That's true." Yang Tai nodded thoughtfully. Villains like this who have brains and belong to the order camp usually join forces with superheroes if they encounter the end of the world.

After all, those people want to rule the world, not destroy it.

Of course, cooperation is cooperation, and it is impossible to expect both parties to work wholeheartedly and without reservation. When Reed was explaining something, Doctor Doom would make sarcastic comments from time to time.

On the other side, Tony Stark almost got into a fight with a gray-haired old man.

"Who is that old man? It seems that Tony Stark is so angry that he is about to take action!" Yota asked in surprise.

"That's Dr. Hank Pym." Bruce Banner looked helpless. "It is said that he and Stark's father have already had a feud."

"Even this old guy was pulled over! I remember that he had a very serious quarrel with the government and the military because of the Pym particles, right?" Yota said with some surprise.

The name Hank Pym is not too famous yet, but his invention of Pym particles is a famous super black technology in the entire Marvel. It is blacker than the nano-suit and new element reactor invented by Iron Man.

How many times.

Yang Tai even had some doubts about whether Pym particles would work in other universes.

The ability of Pym particles to grow or shrink at will, and the various changes in their mass have been involved in the pocket universe and quantum space. These can only be regarded as specialties of the American comic universe. In other worlds, they are really difficult to use.


"No matter how tense the fight is, he is still from Earth. No matter how bad the relationship is, he doesn't want to perish with the entire Earth." As he said that, a soldier with a serious face came over. Yang Tai was a little surprised to find that this guy was actually a Red Giant.


"Hello, this is Mr. Kevin, my name is Ross, and I am the officer temporarily in charge of this earth defense plan."

Yota shook hands with this guy. Ross obviously had doubts about Yota's identity. After all, Bruce Banner only had a few friends. Suddenly a new one appeared. He was probably the one who rescued Bruce Banner in the first place.

The shadow man.

Of course, no matter how imaginative Ross was, he would never have imagined that the initial giant potion was developed by Yota. He thought the scientist had died at the base.

But now these problems can be considered later. The primary problem now is the big guys coming from outer space.

This chapter has been completed!
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