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Chapter 429 Mobilization

"Well, Qin Wanda and Pietro were only controlled at that time. Now they have recovered and are not your enemies."

After listening to Yota's words, the two Phoenix girls nodded at the same time and withdrew the power of the Phoenix. Seeing this, the Scarlet Witch also withdrew the power of chaos from her body.

Wolverine, who had just been squeezed by the two momentums and could hardly breathe, took a long breath. He lit a cigarette for himself to calm down his shock.

"This world is so crazy. Why are the most powerful mutants all women?" He muttered in a low voice. Yota, who had amazing ears, smiled at him and said to him, wait until you see Mr. Fantastic's son in the future.

You will know that the most powerful ones are not women, but children.

"Logan, Kevin, the professor will be very happy to know that you are here. The little naughty boy has been thinking of you all the time." Jean Gray said to the two of them, and then began to lead the way for them.

"By the way, Logan, have you got your memory back?"

Logan took a puff of the cigar in his mouth and said angrily: "I got it back...although it's not an interesting memory."

After hearing this, Jean Gray was very sensible and did not ask further questions. At this moment, everyone saw Storm pushing a wheelchair and Professor X was sitting on it.

"Welcome, welcome everyone." Professor X smiled, especially on the faces of Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch.

These two are also mutants, and they are of extremely high levels.

Needless to say, Scarlet Witch. A proper Omega, or even a mutant with super-Omega level potential, like the Phoenix Girl, can be called the God of Mutants if she fully realizes her potential.

Although Quicksilver is far inferior to his elder sister, he can definitely be regarded as the top-level Alpha mutant, especially his ability is super speed, which is much stronger than ordinary abilities.

If only these two could be recruited to X Academy..., the bald man is already thinking about good things in his head.

However, Yang Tai quickly interrupted Professor

Feeling that there was no malice in Yang Tai's energy, it was just a mental force that conveyed information. Professor X closed his eyes and quickly digested all the information contained in that mental energy.

Then his face completely fell.

"Are these news true?" Professor X opened his eyes and said with a wry smile.

"It's absolutely true, otherwise we wouldn't come to you." Yang Tai said. "You should know how stubborn the military and secret services are, and you can let them come to matters other than mutant things.

Asking the X-Men, it can be said that they definitely have no other cards."

"What's going on?" Phoenix Girl frowned and asked. Storm Girl also had a confused expression on her face.

"Hey, gather all the X-Men, including the reserve members, Qin." Professor X gave the order helplessly, and Qin nodded slightly.

In just a moment, all the X-Men had gathered, including those reserve members from the last battle with Apocalypse.

Although those reserve members were just maintaining order on the periphery at that time. At that time, most of the powerful mutants under Apocalypse were fighting near the pyramid, and the rest were a group of miscellaneous fish with neither strength nor loyalty.

No matter how you say it, it can be regarded as experiencing an actual battle.

After experiencing actual combat, you will naturally make progress, and today's reserve X-Men look pretty decent.

The original X-Men were actually Phoenix, Beast, Professor X, Cyclops, Storm, and Wolverine.

The Beast basically does some clerical work, and Professor

There are only three Phoenix girls.

The number of the second-generation X-Men is not too large. They include Colossus, Phantom Cat, Iceman, Pyro, Flicker, Rugrats, etc., as well as a few guys whose names Yota can't even name.

However, most of these people are actually of no use in this crisis. Among these people, only Phoenix Girl and Professor X can be of some help.

Maybe Professor

Yang Tai has already told Professor X all about his plan, including the requirements for the military. Professor

Seeing that everyone was almost here, Yota coughed and began to tell the X-Men the whole story. Then, as expected, the X-Men below got upset.

"What's going on? The end of the world? The end of the world is coming so soon?"

"No, Apocalypse only wants to rule the world, and now here comes another planet devourer who wants to eat the entire earth like a jelly bean?"

"Really or not, the aliens coming to the earth... doesn't seem too outrageous?"

When they were almost done talking, Professor


"But those American bureaucrats will not die. They are about to leave the solar system in a spaceship." Wolverine muttered softly to the side.


Yota rolled his eyes and had to say that Professor

Using power to control senior Aramco officials will cause panic, but using money to control senior Aramco officials will not make irresponsible remarks.

In fact, if the X-Men really develop, the future will be very promising. Using the abilities of mutants, the entire X Academy actually has a lot of black technology, and it will definitely not be a problem to develop into a huge technology group.

It's just that they were suppressed by other vested interests through their identity as mutants, so these black technologies have always been used by the X-Men for their own use.

If you change your mind and bottom line and are more flexible, it will not be difficult to use these technologies to develop a second Stark Group.

This chapter has been completed!
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