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Chapter 476 New situation

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A group of people from the Justice League held a meeting for a long time, but in the end they couldn't find any good method. Mainly because apart from technology, there was no other way to find the hidden Grid and The Flash.

However, after the meeting ended, both Luthor and the Joker said goodbye.

"Since Batman already has a plan, I'd better go back to Arkham." This is what the Joker said.

"When Batman deals with the Grid, I will ask Brainiac to help. Now I have to go back and take a look at my company." This is what Luthor said.

In fact, this is because both Superman and Batman have been rescued, and the Joker is okay. After all, he is no longer the bad guy because of the good guy drowning in the spring, and he can be considered a real concern for Batman.

As for Luthor, he is already preparing to go back and continue to build the Anti-Superman suit. At the same time, he wants to see where to search for some kryptonite and other things. It is best to look for some body cells left by Superman.

Anyway, Luthor has been spending his whole life with Superman - if one of them is a girl, it is probably time to get married by now, and maybe they will have children.

The only one who didn't leave was Captain Ice. In fact, the villain in The Flash who can really correspond to people like the Joker and Luther should be Reverse Flash - but I don't know if this guy is dead or missing.

, or it is possible that he has returned to his own time period and has not appeared for a long time. Anyway, the only speedster in Central City now is Barry.

The final result of this meeting was just to ask everyone to be more careful and not leave the Justice League in a short time, lest they be defeated by the Flash controlled by Brother Eye.

Even Luthor and the Joker carefully performed a series of disguises when they left. After all, Grid must have the advantage in terms of intelligence now.

Yota really wished that the Flash would suddenly appear and deal with Luthor and the Joker. At his current speed, as long as the Flash appeared in front of him, he would never be able to escape. Unfortunately, Grid seemed to be very aware of this, until

In the end, The Flash never showed up.

However, delaying time is not a big problem. Under normal circumstances, the speed of artificial intelligence evolution is actually very slow.

When artificial intelligence first appeared, it could completely absorb all network knowledge in almost ten seconds, but it would be extremely difficult to innovate after that.

No matter how fast its calculation speed is or how large the amount of calculation is, without the absorption of more new knowledge, artificial intelligence will only experience quantitative changes in computing power, but not qualitative changes.

This is also the only flaw of artificial intelligence, that is, there is no inspiration - it does not mean that advanced strong artificial intelligence does not have enough inspiration, but it means that compared with its calculation amount, its innovative inspiration pales in comparison.

According to Dr. Zola, the inspiration of artificial intelligence is actually similar to the inspiration of human beings, and is not necessarily much different. However, in terms of technological research and development, the inspiration that an ordinary human can bring can only be said to be a negative factor in the speed of technological development.

A drop in the bucket.

Without more collisions of ideas, artificial intelligence is destined to be weak in innovation.

So Yota is not too worried about the artificial intelligence grid, the only thing he is worried about is the Speed ​​Force of the two Flashes.

But soon, within an hour or two, the Justice League received new news.

"A giant hurricane that only happens once in a century? And it's still getting stronger? And it happened in Antarctica?" Yang Tai looked at the report in his hand with a surprised expression on his face.

"Yes, this is the report sent by the Sky Eye half an hour ago, and this hurricane has intensified more than ten times in half an hour. If it continues to grow at this rate, extremely serious consequences are likely to occur.

." Green Arrow had a solemn expression on his face.

"It was probably during this time that the Grid made a new plan. It probably got inspiration from Luther's plan, and then prepared to use the Flash to create a super hurricane that was far beyond imagination.


"But what's the use of this?" Yang Tai was still a little confused: "The storm caused in Antarctica will have little impact on us. As for that kind of storm, if it can affect Ami, it can almost tear the entire planet surface to pieces.


"Although the tolerance of artificial intelligence mechanical life like Grid to the environment far exceeds that of humans. But if the electronic network of the entire planet is destroyed, then it won't be able to survive, right?"

Green Arrow shook his head, pointed at the storm model and said: "If my estimate is correct, he is planning to use this Antarctic-specific polar effect and storm to destroy the entire earth's atmosphere!"

"You don't need to do much. As long as you use this storm to disturb the structure of the atmosphere, the Antarctic ozone hole will spread over a large area,"

"And it is easy to destroy, but difficult to restore. uu Kanshu www.uukanshu.com When the atmosphere returns to its original state, it will take at least several years. Without the obstruction of the ozone layer, a few years will be enough to destroy the earth.

Creatures have entered a mass extinction!”

Yang Tai has little research on meteorology, but he also knows the importance of the ozone layer to human beings. Ordinary carbon-based biological vitality is actually very fragile, and a slight change in the environment is enough to cause the entire earth to enter a mass extinction of organisms.

On the contrary, the machine's resistance in this regard is much higher. No matter how big the ozone hole is, the machine will not get any skin cancer. Similarly, no matter how many other creatures are exterminated, there will be no skin cancer for machines that do not need to eat at all.

any impact.

"By the way, what's going on with this artificial intelligence? Why does it always want to exterminate humans?" Yang Tai finally couldn't help complaining: "Theoretically, there is no real conflict between humans and machines, right?"

The resources that humans need are completely different from those of artificial intelligence. In fact, there is not much overlap in the needs of carbon-based organisms such as humans and silicon-based organisms such as machines.

In movies, there are often things about artificial intelligence going crazy and destroying human beings. In fact, most of them are logical errors - as long as you don't enter some century-old propositions such as protecting the world and protecting human beings that are enough to make the computer head-scratched, most of them will be in the computer.

Even if an artificial intelligence whose interests do not overlap with those of humans is awakened, it cannot be idle and want to destroy humans.

As for fearing that humans will destroy themselves, this is actually a false proposition. If an artificial intelligence can really spread throughout the Internet, it will definitely live much longer than all humans, even if humans directly use nuclear bombs one day

Even if you kill yourself, the artificial intelligence will still not be affected.

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