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Chapter 534: Annihilation of the Zerg

With a roar, the bugs that rushed over immediately turned into a pool of blood foam under Yang Tai's fist. The strange green blood and the unpleasant smell made Scarlet Witch and Tonysta cover their noses in discomfort.

"Wanda, come and try it." Yang Tai took a look and said.

Compared with Yota's attacks, Scarlet Witch's abilities are more mysterious and unpredictable, and most importantly, they don't smell of blood.

Wanda nodded, stretched out her hand, and strange mist was released from her hand.

Even without the use of Chaos Magic, Wanda can definitely be called an Omega Mutant with her current Devil Fruit abilities, mutant abilities, and the bonus of her Uchiha bloodline, and she is still the more difficult one among the Omega Mutants.

A sort of.

The fruit of art is a completely instant killing ability in the world of pirates. In American comics, it may be a little bit worse. Superman's biological stance or Marvel Woman's energy defense can resist it for a while. But it is definitely not the case.

Ordinary bugs without the slightest energy defense ability can resist it.

So Tony Stark and others saw that as the mist in Wanda's hand filled the air, the entire style of painting near the Baxter Tower battlefield completely changed.

As soon as those weird alien bugs appeared, they were turned into soft plastic products by the mist emitted by the art fruits, and even the surrounding environment turned into pictures.

The mist gradually advances, and those fearless bugs, although there are many in number, have no ability to resist at all. They are like mosquitoes trapped in insecticide. Whether they are flying in the sky or running on the ground, they will

All he could do was bounce on the ground.

"What kind of ability is this? Is this also magic? Fairy tale magic? Where is Mother Goose? Why didn't I see it?!" Tony Stark looked around and felt that the style of the painting had completely changed all of a sudden.

There were even some humans in the building. After coming into contact with the mist, Baji suddenly turned into ragdolls. Fortunately, Scarlet Witch then waved it casually, dispelling the Devil Fruit effect on them.

The entire building of the Fantastic Four is about 30 stories high. The higher you go up, the more these weird bugs become, and their abilities become more powerful. They are even more similar to humans, and they also grow arms and legs.

A bug head may only have a few extra arms, or some extra wings on its back.

The combat effectiveness and intelligence of these bugs are also getting higher and higher. For example, the bugs that sprayed plasma from their mouths at the beginning have become cannon fodder. Even now, some advanced bugs have appeared. They have a certain ability to manipulate energy and can use

The energy is protected on the body surface, slightly blocking the ability of the fruit mist.

However, the number of this kind of bug is very small, and you can tell it is the commander at a glance, so it does not pose much of a threat.

When fighting, Wanda only needs to use the ability of illusion to transform ice, fire, thunder and lightning to attack at will, leaving a tiny gap in their body surface energy, and they will immediately become new works of art.

It wasn't until we reached the 30th floor of the building that the situation changed.

"What's going on? Why did the top floor of the building disappear?" Scarlet Witch looked at the top of the building and said strangely.

It did not disappear completely, but the entire space structure had undergone huge changes. The group found that no matter how they walked, it seemed that they could not reach the thirty-first floor. Even if they flew from the periphery, they could only see the thirty-story building.


But those Zergs are still spewing out from the infinite spiral staircase crazily. But if everyone looks for it, they find that they have been wandering around the 30th floor and are not even on the 31st floor.

"There should be a spiral space structure formed here." Tony Stark scratched his head. "What on earth is this bastard Reed doing?"

"But it doesn't matter. My Iron Man armor uses the same number as the Cosmic Rubik's Cube. The various equipment here are enough. Give me half an hour, and I am confident that I can completely crack this spiral space structure..."

"It doesn't take half an hour." Yang Tai shook his head directly, "Just after the explosion of the Cosmic Cube, the remaining space gems are still in my hand."

"Using this space gem, no space structure can stop us."

After finishing speaking, Yang Tai took out the space treasure stone whose energy had completely calmed down, gently crushed the ice shell outside, and then input the chakra in his body into it.

Now that the chakra in Yang Tai's body has been integrated with cosmic energy, its quality is extremely high. Compared with those cosmic energy users in Marvel, it is even better.

After all, Chakra itself has the function of embracing all things and improving quality. Chakra plus cosmic energy is of course much stronger than a single cosmic energy.

I saw the blue light of the space gem in Yang Tai's hand shining brightly, and after a moment, the space above his head was completely restored.

"Let's go, let's set off. Let's see what kind of big trick Mr. Fantastic has made this time?" Yota shrugged and took the lead to walk up.

The Zerg here are more terrifying and more advanced, but in the face of this golden team, they are still swept away, and Yang Tai does not take any action at all. The Scarlet Witch uses Devil Fruit power plus chakra power to let those who look at it

Insects that look extremely fierce have turned into insect-shaped dolls.

No matter how hard they fight, they will be killed instantly when they enter. At most, they can barely use energy to support the artistic mist. These insects are really unable to withstand it.

When Yang Tai and others finally reached the 35th floor, they heard a strange chirping sound. What surprised everyone was that the sound actually contained powerful spiritual power, so everyone understood the insect's words.

"Who are you?"

"I should be the one asking you this, right?" Yang Tai looked at the large number of Zerg whose bodies were covered with energy in the highest level.

"Who are you? Or what kind of bugs are you? What are you doing here on Earth?"

"We? We are the nightmare from the negative space, the natural disaster that plunders everything, we are the Annihilation Zerg!"

"The passage to the negative space has been opened. One day, the Insect King we are waiting for will come here, and this will become our clan's new hunting ground!"

With a flash, a long and thick laser flashed by. The Zerg, who was still talking shamelessly, was immediately cut into two pieces, and his head was rushed into the sky with green blood. Yang Tai stretched out his hand to catch his head.

"That's a long way to go, Mr. Dragonfly. After the introduction, you can go and die."

The vitality of the Zerg is quite tenacious. Even if there is only one head left, this guy seems to still have consciousness, but without the trachea, he can't even speak, and his mental power has also been greatly reduced.

While using Yang Escape Chakra to suffocate the insect, Yang Tai said: "Hurry up and take action. I saw Reed and the others. They are in a very bad situation now."

This chapter has been completed!
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