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Chapter 528 Looking for Magneto

After hearing what Yang Tai said, the Scarlet Witch couldn't help but smile: "I remember that in the story of The Flash, my brother, your emotional experience seemed to be quite bumpy? Hmm..., but the Crystal Princess seemed to be even more bumpy.


"Okay, sister." Quicksilver rolled his eyes hard. "In that guy's mouth, all superheroes' emotional experiences are rough enough!"

There is no way, American comic authors change a lot and frequently, and each author has his own ideas, so the CP keeps changing, which is reflected in the comics. Isn't it that everyone has experienced emotional ups and downs or even chaos?

So much so that both Quicksilver and Wanda felt that the stories told by The Flash were about to become black history.

"But speaking of it." Quicksilver frowned and looked at Scarlet Witch. "Sister, should we confirm...that matter?"

The thing that Quicksilver was talking about was naturally whether they were Magneto's children. Although in fact, these two people had a general impression of Magneto. Even if they were sure that they were really Magneto's children, they would still be confused.

Don't know what to do.

But no matter what, this is a concern for both of them, and naturally they have decided to settle it long ago.

"This...~" Scarlet Witch hesitated for a moment, and then nodded. Naturally, the sooner and more sure about this kind of thing, the better.

At this time, Yang Tai who was on the side said, "Then let me help you determine their location."

While talking, Yang Tai had already used his super vision to scan the earth. But what surprised him was that he did not find Magneto on the earth.

"Strange, where did Magneto go?" Yota murmured. There were not many places on the earth that he could not see through, except for some confidential laboratories in developed countries that were protected by magnetic fields.

Except for Wakanda, a strange alien dimension in Antarctica, and some secret organizations, no other place could block his eyes.

"Magneto is missing?" Scarlet Witch's face showed surprise, "How could this happen?"

Yang Tai touched his chin, wondering if Lao Wan capsized in the gutter and was captured for experimentation, right?

Only those confidential laboratories can truly block Yang Tai's clairvoyance.

Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver also obviously thought of this, with nervous expressions on their faces. Scarlet Witch reminded her: "What about the other members of the Brotherhood?"

Yota tilted his head. He scanned them similarly and was surprised to find that the main members of the Brotherhood that he knew were no longer on earth, or were no longer within his sight range.

He didn't think that these Brotherhood members all flew into the universe to open up the mutant empire. The most likely possibility was that they were all unlucky and were all captured by humans.

Thinking of this, Yang Tai frowned and said to Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver: "Let's go, let's go find Professor X first and let him use the electroencephalograph to investigate."

Just like if Professor

Naturally, the Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver would not object. This time, Yang Tai did not use the simple and crude method of flying with him. Instead, he stretched out his hand to draw a circle and led the group to Xavier Academy.

As soon as the group arrived at the entrance of the college, the bald Professor

Forget about Quicksilver, he's just a little stronger than ordinary people at most. Yota's superhuman bloodline doesn't strengthen the spirit much, but the chakra and domineering system in his body can strengthen the spirit too much, especially

It's because he has eaten a lot of chakra fruits now, and the quality of his chakra has improved again.

As for the Scarlet Witch, it goes without saying that the power of chaos is at the level of the multiverse. However, Wanda has not yet fully transformed her potential into strength. But even so, her mental power is not necessarily weaker than Yang Tai.

Go there.

Therefore, Yang Tai and Scarlet Witch appeared at the door of the X-Men Academy. In the professor's perception, it was as if there were two more suns at the door. So a group of three people were quickly invited in.

Walking into Xavier Academy, all the members of the X-Men actually came out. After taking a look at the Phoenix girls who were still in twin form, Yota said: "Qin, can't you fully control the Phoenix Force now?"

Jean Gray flipped her hair slightly: "Actually, I think the twins are in good condition. Of course, I do have many shortcomings in controlling the Phoenix Force."

After taking a look, in addition to the original X-Men, now reserve members like Rugrats, Phantom Cat, and Colossus, Iceman, and Pyro have also joined. Therefore, the entire X-Men

It seems to have grown a lot all of a sudden.

The group of people was relatively happy to see Yota, but they were still a little wary when they saw Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver.

In fact, it was not only because these two people were controlled and hostile to the X-Men, but the most important thing was that the Scarlet Witch's power of chaos made the X-Men feel a little scared.

On the contrary, the relationship between Phoenix Girl and Scarlet Witch is a bit like enemies and enemies.

After all, their situations are very similar, and their abilities are almost the same. No matter from which aspect, they look like mirrors, and even their favorite color is red.

Of course, Professor

The situation of ordinary mutants is bad, but the situation of billionaire mutants is not bad at all. In Ami, the biggest gap between people is neither whites and blacks, nor ordinary people and mutants, but

Rich people and poor people.

Professor X is a rich man himself, so he naturally knows this.

"Long time no see, Yota, and Wanda and Pietro. I'm so glad you can come to Xavier College."

Yang Tai smiled and looked at the now peaceful Xavier Academy, feeling a little confused.

Generally speaking, if you really want to attack mutants, the first one to be unlucky is actually not Magneto's Brotherhood, but Professor X's X-Men.

After all, the mutants of the Brotherhood are very vigilant, and all of them have experienced a lot of battles. At least they definitely dare to kill people during battles.

On the contrary, although the X-Men are more powerful, they are timid in taking action. In addition, they have a clear home base and do not roam around like the Brotherhood. Therefore, when the various villains deal with mutants, they will

Let’s start with X College.

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