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Chapter 560 Mr. M

"It's really insidious." Yang Tai complained, looking at the tiny black spots on his body. That was the damage done to him by those laser transmitters, which slightly scorched his skin. With a pinch, black

White and tender skin is exposed under the epidermis.

As for those laser transmitters, he smashed them one by one with his flying finger gun. Although the laser transmitters had strong penetrating and lethality, they were too precise and fragile, and were easily destroyed by Yang Tai.


Wanda next to Yang Tai looked in shock. Just now, her ability to change had been suppressed, and she couldn't even sense the magic power of chaos. If Yang Tai hadn't acted quickly, maybe the Scarlet Witch would have been captured.

These lasers are done.

Obviously, this trap was arranged with very bad intentions. It was specifically aimed at the mutants who came to rescue the leeches when their abilities were suppressed, and then attacked with laser beams. In this case, few mutants could survive.

Of course, almost means there are exceptions, not to mention Yota himself. Some perverted mutants can also escape these traps, such as the one in front of me.

Yang Tai looked at a corner of the room with some surprise on his face, and saw a skinny little old man wearing suspenders and a hat.

This should be a seemingly ordinary little old man, but appearing here is anything but ordinary. If it weren't for the laser attack just now, even Yang Tai wouldn't have seen clearly this guy who has been invisible here.

"Mr. M! Are you okay?" The nervous and frightened little boy, Leech, looked at the skinny old man and asked.

The skinny old man smiled: "Don't worry, kid, I'm still fine."

As he spoke, the skinny old man turned to look at Yang Tai, "What a strange genetic form. You should be considered half a mutant, right?"

There was a somewhat fearful expression on Yang Tai's face. Apart from Apocalypse, this should be the second Omega mutant he had seen, and it might even be a Super Omega Mutant.

Before the laser attack, Yang Tai really didn't see this guy at all. But after he showed up, Yang Tai could feel the incredibly strong energy erupting from this guy, even when Yang Tai

Under his super vision, his own material structure is completely different from that of normal humans. It is closer to the so-called neutron star.

"Are you also a mutant?... No, should I say you are really a mutant? I have never seen a mutant as strong as you."

Mr. M clicked the hat on his head. "Ah, if it's true, I am indeed a normal mutant. I just live longer and have more abilities than ordinary mutants."

After hearing these Versailles words, Yota was speechless. Although he had known for a long time that the upper limit of mutants was very high, this was the first time he saw such a terrifying mutant that was almost perverted.

"So Mr. M, are you here for this little guy Jimmy?"

Mr. M smiled and nodded, "I think this little guy and I have some fate. After he awakened the X gene, he lived with me in a mutant town."

"Then the little guy suddenly disappeared. It took me a lot of effort to find him here."

Mr. M, this old man, is a bit like the sweeping monk in Jin Yong's works. He usually lives by himself in a small town. He has lived for most of his life without leaving any reputation outside. With his ability as an Omega mutant, this is not a big deal.

The easy thing can only be said about this old gentleman, who is truly indifferent to fame and fortune, like a hermit.

Yang Tai didn't know that there was such a character in Marvel, nor did he know what kind of abilities he had. He could only be sure that this old man was so strong that he was abnormally strong. Anyway, the so-called Apocalypse could never defeat this old man.

After all, mutants have all kinds of strange abilities, but most of them have their own flaws, such as their weak bodies, single combat methods, etc.

But some mutants can have abilities ranging from one to ten thousand, covering everything. In the original work, Magneto developed the power of the magnetic field to the point where he can control wormholes, which already feels a bit like that.

Mr. M's own atomic arrangement is completely different from that of normal humans, and he has amazing energy in his body. He is obviously one of those monsters with unparalleled abilities and perfect development.

"So are you going to take Jimmy back?" Yota asked again.

The old man nodded and shook his head: "I originally wanted to rescue Jimmy, but if I take him back to the town where I originally lived, the problem may be more complicated."

"After all, Jimmy's ability is too important to go unnoticed. And the people in my town are all mutants. If they are discovered by the authorities, I'm afraid their lives will be even more difficult."

"Besides..., Jimmy is the only young man in the town. We have a bunch of old men living in the town, so there is no problem. A young man like Jimmy should come out more often."

Yota couldn't help but glance at Mr. M. In his opinion, a strong man of this level, not to mention very domineering and self-centered, would generally not be able to hold back such a breath.

And this old gentleman feels like an ordinary old man. He is still troubled by the official oppression of mutants, instead of going directly to the Department of Defense and the Pentagon to rip off the heads of those generals.

Anyway, Yang Tai would definitely not be able to do such a frustrating thing.

"So sir, why did you come to Jimmy?" At this time, Mr. M looked at Yang Tai and asked.

Yang Tai didn't hesitate and told him about the current situation of the earth. After listening to this, the old man frowned: "It's really a troublesome thing... When will the safety of the universe need us mutants?"

Went to rescue.”

Yota shrugged: "There is no way. Rather than saving the universe, it is better to save ourselves. Old sir, will you participate? I think with your fighting power, you should be able to help a lot."

Mr. M shook his head: "Forget it, I am already so old, why do I have to fight? I have never fought in my life!"

Yota was noncommittal about Mr. M's words. No matter how you look at it, this old man is a real hidden figure. Ordinary mutants don't have such terrifying body density, and most mutants don't even have any energy in their bodies.

Even if this old man doesn't have mutant cells, he probably can fight Captain Marvel due to his physical fitness. Who would believe him when he says he can't fight? Yota doesn't believe it anyway.

But everyone had said so, and Yang Tai didn't think he could persuade the old man to go to the battlefield.

This chapter has been completed!
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