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Chapter 567

Although the Annihilation Zerg has an absolute advantage on the overall battlefield, on the vast and endless interstellar battlefield, there are also some local areas where countries in the universe currently have a slight upper hand.

A brilliant ray of light came and went among the Zerg. Wherever it went, countless Zerg died one after another like ants poured by boiling water. Although the green insect tide came in waves, there was no sign of retreating.

.But the brilliant light does not feel tired at all, and it is constantly fighting in the sea of ​​​​insects.

The Zerg warships didn't care about the issue of accidental damage. They aimed at the figure in the light and fired energy cannons that covered thousands of kilometers, directly attacking a large number of bugs and that person together.

After a while, the strong light disappeared, the Zerg race turned into ashes, and the figure that emitted brilliant light also became much darker.

However, the insect sea was still boundless. After a short rest, the figure attacked the boundless insect wave again.

"Master Doujian, please hold on!" Under the cover of Doujian, everyone in the battleships that were constantly attacking the Zerg were praying. It is precisely because of the existence of Doujian that today's Shi'ar Empire fleet

, so it didn’t completely collapse.

This swordfighter is one of the four famous supermen in the Marvel universe. Although he is the last among the four supermen in terms of strength, his fighting ability is also extraordinary.

Unlike other messy supermen, the power of sword fighting does not come from the radiation of the sun, nor from some cosmic energy, or unknown space, but from one's own self-confidence.

When your confidence is high, sword fighting can bring out 1000% of your combat effectiveness. When your confidence is low, you can just barely stay on the side of the first-line heroes.

Not only fighting swords, but also in the Kree fleet, Ronan the Accuser and Captain Marvel are also working hard to resist the insect tide. Even though Captain Marvel has had many grievances with the Kree, at this juncture, the two sides are still fighting against each other.

It is to put aside the past grudges and fight against the bugs together.

Xandar's Nova Legion, the Skrulls' Super Skrull Warriors, the Starhawk Warriors among the Predators, and even the Obsidian Generals from the Black Order all appeared on this battlefield.

After all, even Thanos only wants to kill half of the population. Whether he wants to please Death or wants to give birth control to the universe, he is not so crazy as to want the entire universe to be exterminated.

As for why Thanos himself did not appear on this battlefield? Because he was already preparing to find a big killer that could completely end this battle!

In a desolate temple ruins, Star-Lord, who is known as the best treasure hunter and is famous for his dancing and clue analysis among the predators, is carefully searching for traces of the cosmic spirit ball with the Purple Potato Spirit, which may allow

After seeing it in the parallel world, he would think that this was just a dream, right?

"Well, this should be a relic left by the Moswa Dynasty. It is said that the cosmic spirit ball with infinite power was enshrined by this dynasty. It seems that we are about to find it..."

The domineering purple potato spirit stretched out his hand to push away Star-Lord's body, "No need, I have already felt the wave..., the first gem is right there!"

"Hopefully there's enough time... before we get eaten by those bugs!"


A protracted battle finally ended, not because the two sides had a winner, but because they encountered a more terrifying threat.

Yota has never been clear about what happened in Asgard, and took it for granted that things would continue as in the original novel, but he didn't know that the plot had already gone to his grandma's house.

Because of Yota's reasons, the X-Men were unable to catch up with Magneto in time, which ultimately led to the fate of all the leaders of the countries who were holding the multi-nation summit at that time.

It is precisely because of this that the conflict between humans and mutants exploded, followed by the appearance of Apocalypse and the final battle between the X-Men and Apocalypse.

During that time, rumors were flying all over the earth. Many people thought that World War III or the end of the world was coming. Just for the survival of the apocalypse, Ami excavated one in almost every household.

This intense fear also awakened a long-sleeping god in Asgard, namely Odin's brother, the serpent Kur.

Orochi is the former God King of Asgard, and his deity is the "God of Fear", possessing the ability to extract power directly from fear.

It can be seen from the ability that this god's style cannot be very serious. In fact, this is indeed the case. This god of fear is enough to even make the warlike Asgardians call it cruel.

Imagine what his rule would be like.

With the support of the Asgardians at the time, Odin defeated the Orochi and became the God King of Asgard. However, Odin could not kill the Orochi because there was an ancient prophecy that only the God of Thunder could kill the Orochi. At the same time,

Thor himself will also perish in that war.

Of course Odin didn't want Thor and the Orochi to die together, so Odin sealed the Orochi on the earth to prevent the Orochi from meeting Thor. But because of this, when severe fear arose in the hearts of people on earth, the power of the Orochi would become stronger.

This also allowed him to break free from the seal.

Subsequently, Orochi has been silently absorbing fear and becoming stronger. The reason why he did not cause trouble when he was on Earth was firstly because his strength had not recovered at that time, and secondly because he was frightened by Thor.


Yes, Orochi was frightened by Thor. You know, the prophecies of Asgard are not only known to Odin, but Kull, who also served as the king of gods, naturally also knew it.

Seeing Thor appear on the earth, Orochi was reluctant to take action, fearing that he and Thor, who had not recovered now, would die together.

So, the big snake changed his mind, and the prophecy said that I will die together with Thor, which means that no one can kill me except Thor.

What else is there to say! Taking advantage of Thor, the God of Thunder, to come to Earth, he went to launch a sneak attack on Asgard. As long as he occupied the Rainbow Bridge and cut off Thor's return path, wouldn't he be the leader of the entire Asgard?


This is also the reason why Thor, the God of Thunder, shouted there for a long time, but in the end there was no result. At that time, the Rainbow Bridge was already occupied by the big snake.

Just like Hela had a large group of skeleton soldiers under her when she appeared on the stage, Orochi Kull, as the former God King, was naturally not alone. He also had many soldiers under his control who were controlled by his fear power. At that time, almost all of Asgard was attacked.

It's become such a mess that there's no time to pick up Thor!

This chapter has been completed!
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