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Chapter 573

Asgardians have a bold personality, so Odin did not hide this matter that could be considered a family scandal.

The reason why the name of Orochi Kur was concealed in the past was because Orochi Kur was the god of fear. People's fear of him would most likely increase his strength and prompt it to wake up from the seal early.

But now that the Orochi Kull has appeared, Odin naturally doesn't care about this. After all, the Asgardians are also a group of barbarians. Even though Odin can be considered a smart barbarian, he really doesn't care.

Why do you care about this issue?

As long as you can win, let alone the younger brother overthrowing the elder brother, even if the grandson overthrows the grandfather, it is normal.

Unless Hela brought a large group of skeleton soldiers to turn Asgard into the underworld, otherwise, the succession of the throne would not be a problem for the Asgardians.

After that, Fandral also told everyone about the recent events in Asgard, including now. The two god-kings have decided to cease the war and prepare to wait until the Zerg disaster is over before deciding who is the winner.

The God King of Asgard.

Many superheroes were slightly surprised and said nothing. After all, this was Asgard's matter and had nothing to do with them. At most, it only let them know what happened in Asgard.

But when they arrived at the square in front of Asgard's Golden Palace, they took one look at the images of Odin and Orochi, and immediately stood on Odin's side.

Although in the world of American comics, being ugly does not mean that you cannot become a superhero, but more often than not, people still judge people by their appearance.

Odin has a white beard and white hair, with a rosy complexion, kind eyes and a bit of majesty. With his golden armor and the eternal spear in his hand, he looks very majestic as a god king. The god queen Frigga is beside him.

It is filled with the radiance of kindness.

Behind him, Thor and Loki were also full of heroic and fearless aura, while the other was cunning and cunning with a hint of mysterious allure.

As for the big snake, it has messy white hair hanging down on its forehead. It looks a bit like a horror movie, with sinister eyes, especially as the god of fear, which exudes a feeling of sinking, terror and hatred for all living beings.

.Everyone can see that he is not a good person.

The Heavenly Hammer messengers behind him were terrifying muscle monsters with no human appearance.

The big snake glanced at the crowd with a cold-blooded lizard-like gaze, especially looking at the Stone Man, Dr. Banner, and General Ross.

When he saw the red tank brought by Doctor Doom, he licked the corners of his mouth slightly, showing a salivating expression.

This guy Red Tank is also a superhuman similar to the Hulk. At the same time, he is also considered a favored person chosen by the Dimensional Demon God of the Crimson Dimension.

It is said that it is selection, but in fact it is just a coincidence. The dimension demons in each dimension have their own habits. Dormammu likes to seduce mages, and Sithorn carefully selects his favored ones. As for the Crimson Dimension

The dimensional demon god Setorak has a more salty personality. He made a lot of rubies and then threw them directly on the earth in different parallel universes. Whoever picked them up would be his favored one.

And this guy is different from other dimensional demons who love magic masters. Anyone who picks up his ruby ​​​​may continue to increase in power, but at the same time their intelligence will continue to decrease, turning into a stupid destructive maniac.

Red Tank's original intelligence could be considered normal, but after he picked up the ruby ​​and turned into Red Tank, although his head became a lot bigger, his brain capacity plummeted. It might be too much to call him a fool, but his intelligence is indeed

Far inferior to ordinary people.

In this cosmic war, Doctor Doom directly hired the red tank for US$4,000 - US$4,000 to hire a Hulk-level strongman. It really made people feel dumbfounded.

However, compared to the peaceful personality of the stone man, General Ross has many considerations, and Dr. Banner also had a gentle personality before he became the Hulk. This red tank is not a good-tempered person. He glared at the big snake fiercely, and inside his body

The crimson magic power made the big snake startled, and his face changed slightly.

"Welcome, all warriors of the Earth." Odin gently tapped the Eternal Spear in his hand. The strange magic power made everyone feel relaxed and they all looked at him intently.

"Our universe is now facing destruction by the Zerg, and the Asgardians are preparing to go to the battlefield to support them."

Odin smiled and said.

"Now these warriors of the earth will also accompany us to the battlefield!"

Tony Stark blinked, glanced at the cheering Asgardians around him, and muttered in a low voice: "Uh..., didn't you discuss it with us?"

Thor walked over and patted Tony Stark on the shoulder, almost making the superhero who was not wearing the steel armor take his breath away.

"This is the custom here. Everyone just needs to cheer. And Heimdall has already said that, aren't you just here to participate in the battle?"

"That doesn't sound like much." Tony Stark smiled with a smile on his face, but there was some wariness in his eyes. "Has Heimdall been looking at us since the beginning?"

"No, Heimdall noticed you and heard your conversation when you were walking through the passage." Thor then said, and walked up to Yang Tai and Wanda, "Thank you for letting me

Once you understand yourself again, the door to Asgard will always be open to you."

If Yota had just come to the world of American comics, he might be more interested in Asgard, but now, there are not many people in Asgard who can fight him, and those so-called artifacts are naturally even more interesting.

It’s no longer in Yang Tai’s eyes.

But for the earth, being connected with Asgard has all the benefits and no harm. If she leaves in the future, Wanda can call in more reinforcements if something happens.

The two nodded, thanking Thor for his kindness, and then the Asgardian banquet began.

Wanda has the ability to change reality, and Yang Tai's physical fitness is the best among everyone present. They are not afraid of the Asgardians' drinking. On the contrary, other superheroes on the earth have been drinking a lot of wine.

Except for the little Galactus Janata, who had run out of wine and had eaten all her meat, most of the other superheroes from Earth were lying under the table.

Fortunately, although Asgard's divine wine is intoxicating, it is easy to sober up without leaving any sequelae. Therefore, the group of people could get up and go on the expedition the next day.

This chapter has been completed!
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