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Chapter 593 Evolution

The power that filled his body, so powerful that it was almost explosive, soon began to transform Yang Tai's body.

The energy of chakra fruit can actually be considered mild. The Otsutsuki family has improved it for so many years and has obviously applied the energy properties of this fruit to the extreme.

However, even if you have too much gentle energy, you can't hold it back! When the energy transformed the body, Yang Tai felt that his so-called steel body seemed to be fake, and was being transformed by the energy.

Okinawa collapsed completely, was reborn, and was destroyed again.

The sound of crashing came from him, which was the sound of energy flowing in his body. The terrifying energy fluctuations continued to pass through the void, and thanks to the fact that there was no matter in this universe, if it were the earth,

Just the energy fluctuations transmitted from his body can shake the entire earth into powder.

"Ahhhhhh!" Under the severe pain, Yang Tai looked up to the sky and roared wildly. The terrifying sound even caused waves of fluctuations in the void.

Fortunately, the self-evolution ability in Yang Tai's body helped a lot this time. In this kind of destruction and rebirth, the self-evolution ability developed rapidly, and each time it evolved more perfectly than the last time. In a short period of time, it exerted

It has evolved more horribly than it has in hundreds of years.

It can be said that this ability is originally used for those guys with tenacious vitality. Every time they struggle back from the verge of death, their abilities in all aspects will be improved, which is similar to that of the little powerful Saiyans in the universe.

Dr. Scourge in the original book has been struggling for hundreds of years and can only evolve to that level. If his experience is as rough as Wolverine, he might evolve into an Omega mutant.

Under the continuous activation of the ability of self-evolution, coupled with the transformation ability of chakra itself, Yang Tai's body soon gradually accommodated these energies.

Feeling the overwhelmingly strong energy in his body and his physique that was at least dozens of times better than before, Yang Tai took a gentle breath and exhaled it casually, and the terrifying breath turned into a cosmic storm.

"I've become a lot stronger..." He stretched out his hand, and the black energy gradually spread. Originally, it could only expand into dark acupoints that were more than ten times larger than the earth. This time, it expanded to an incredible extent, and gradually began to absorb

The sacred tree has been transformed into a different space.

When Yota used the cosmic baton, he had a backup plan. The sacred tree was transformed into a different space almost like a world tree, which could become the pillar of the dark space in his body and increase the power of his dark fruit.

Under the constant absorption, the original dark space is also constantly expanding, and in the empty dark space, the earth, stars, and even the shape of the world tree gradually appear, each leaf is

A tiny world.

It's a pity that the entire dark space is still a tiny patch, with a few scattered stars, there is no way for life to truly appear.

Yang Tai also wanted to try, if life was born in his own dark space, would it die if it ran to other worlds? Now it seems that he is still far away from the realm of creating life.

It took several months, like an ant swallowing an elephant, Yang Tai finally absorbed all the alien space of the sacred tree that was almost dozens of light-years high. At the same time, the dark space in his body also expanded significantly. Now,

He also dared to falsely say that he was the master of the universe.

Fortunately, the more he swallowed, the wider the range of the dark acupoints opened. Under this exponential growth situation, Yang Tai was able to completely swallow up this alien space.

The growth of dark space does not mean much to Yang Tai now, but now his Darkness Fruit ability has really increased by countless times. With a wave of his hand, it is no longer difficult to create a real black hole.

It's just that with his current Kryptonian physique, the secret fruit is still a little behind.

If the ability of Devil Fruit is only slightly behind, then the ability of chakra,

It just suddenly skyrocketed.

To put it bluntly, the Infinite Moon Destruction that originally required a cosmic control rod can now be said to be very easy for Yang Tai. Even if the range is expanded dozens or hundreds of times, it is definitely not his limit.


The Five Elements Escape Technique is so powerful that it is almost at the level of creation. Yota can now even use chakra to bounce planets around like marbles.

If offensive ninjutsu is used with all its strength, its destructive range can even be calculated in light years! It can create incredible seas of fire, thunder pools, and storms, and maintain them almost semi-permanently, even for hundreds of millions of years.

The temperature of the fire escape is close to the core of the sun, and the ice escape is close to absolute zero. uukanshu.com www.uukanshu.com The earth escape can easily create a black hole object, and the wind escape can be formed in the universe and smash a star system to pieces

The space storm...

The chakra system has reached its current state and has once again become Yota's main combat system. It is comparable to, or even better than, Yota's superhuman physique that has undergone multiple evolutions. It is so powerful that it can be said to be incomparable.

Even the Otsutsuki clan would probably be blinded when they saw the chakra on Yota's body now!

It's so powerful, so incredibly powerful. It's like compressing a universe into the human body. Yang Tai estimated that if he ran to the void outside and self-destructed, he would probably be able to form a small universe, or in other words,


Although it is definitely impossible to form a multiverse like Marvel, and even a normal universe is probably difficult enough, there is still no problem in forming a universe close to the size of the total galaxy.

"I can't believe that the potential of the chakra system can be so strong." Yota clenched his fist. If he didn't evolve himself and allowed him to evolve into a superhuman body many times while absorbing the chakra fruit, then he would

The current physical body definitely cannot match the amount of chakra he has today.

At that time, to a certain extent, he would probably have to become like the original ninja, with strong chakra but fragile body.

But at that time, even the physical body, which was relatively fragile compared to chakra, was powerful enough to blind people.

Looking around, the entire negative space is now completely finished, except for the void space. In this universe, I am afraid that not even a single atom of matter exists anymore. Yang Tai can even feel that the entire space structure has begun to change.

Becoming extremely fragile is a sign that this universe is completely destroyed.

This chapter has been completed!
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