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Chapter 604 Burning Out

Looking at the holy robe that was accidentally repaired by Yang Tai, Mr. Mu frowned with a distressed expression on his face.

The Holy Cloth has been repaired and become stronger, which is indeed a good thing. But if it is too strong, it is not a good thing.

An overly powerful Saint Cloth will hinder the improvement of Saint Seiya's strength. Think about the original work. Seiya put on the Sagittarius Golden Saint Cloth and defeated Leo Aiolia without even realizing the seventh sense.

As a Cancer Gold Saint, Dismasco, after taking off the Golden Saint Cloth, could not even defeat the Purple Dragon who was also not wearing the Saint Cloth - this was almost the only one in the 12th Palace battle who did not win. Let's face it, the Golden Saint was beaten to the ground without fighting to the point of almost dying together.

To a large extent, while the overly powerful Holy Cloth increased the combat effectiveness of the Saints, this sudden increase in combat effectiveness was like a castle in the air, leaving the Saints with an unstable foundation and making it difficult to make further progress.

Looking at the entire plot of Saint Seiya, we can find that the holy clothes of the Bronze Five are gradually strengthening. The ordinary holy clothes, the enhanced version of the holy clothes before the 12th Palace War, and Poseidon The Golden Blood Saint Cloth before the war in winter, and the Divine Blood Saint Cloth before the war with Pluto. The strengthening of the Saint Cloth is basically synchronized with their strength.

This time, Yang Tai strengthened the Pegasus Saint Cloth to the point where it is close to the Divine Blood Saint Cloth. It can be said that it is much easier for the Seiya wearing this holy cloth to penetrate the entire Death Queen Island and the Silver Saint Seiya. But if What should I do if I bump into the Golden Saint in the future?

After worrying for a long time, Mr. Mu couldn't think of a solution. He raised his head and glanced at Yang Tai. Mr. Mu simply said: "Yang Tai, you have strengthened this holy robe too much. Now there is only a bronze holy robe. It has far exceeded the strength of the Silver Saint Cloth and even approached the strength of the Gold Saint Cloth. This is an impact on the rules of the entire Holy Domain."

"Is there any way you can reduce the strength of this holy garment?"

Yang Tai completely scorned the so-called rules of the sanctuary. There were so many messy rules in the sanctuary, but in fact there were very few that he really cared about.

For example, once a female saint's face is seen, they will either kill the other person or marry the other person. But in fact, there are not many cases where the mask is broken on the battlefield. It's okay if the enemy sees it. Anyway If you have to fight to the death, what will you do if your comrades see you? How about a civil war first?

Only a woman like Sarna, who has stayed in the Sanctuary for too long and has no brains at all, would believe this. In fact, I don’t even know how many years ago it was in the old almanac.

There are also the so-called 12 houses of the zodiac, and silly rules such as death for trespassers may have had some effect in the past, but now, they only highlight that there is something wrong with the minds of the people who stipulated them.

For example, in the first Aries Palace, there were no individuals. Does this rule have any meaning now?

What's more, even if Mr. Mu himself is a semi-fugitive from the sanctuary, it would be really weird for him to care about these rules.

After thinking about it in his mind, Yang Tai also vaguely understood this guy's worry. He was afraid that the too powerful holy clothes would delay Seiya's growth.

As a disciple of the original Pope, Mr. Mu may not know the various secrets of the Holy War much less than Tong Hu sitting on the Wulao Peak. He may not even be able to name Seiya, but he must know the Pegasus Saint. importance.

Thinking of this, Yang Tai frowned slightly, stretched out his hand, and the black breath immediately sucked in the entire holy robe.

Let’s take a look at all the saints from ancient times to the present. Among them, Pegasus is definitely the most beautiful boy in every era.

Among the previous owners of Pegasus, none of them have a small universe that is lower than the seventh sense. Most of them are in the realm of the eighth sense. Their strength and quality are enough to defeat the 12 Golden Saints.

After all, most of the Golden Saints have seven senses, and those with eight senses are elites. Unlike Pegasus, as long as they are fully developed, they are masters who can fight with gods.

It is natural to imagine the strong foundation of such a holy cloth. Just the divine blood of Athena has been absorbed countless times by the Pegasus holy cloth. Any ordinary person, even if he has not awakened the small universe, has never done it.

Regardless of any training, even if your talent is extremely poor, as long as you can obtain all the insights contained in this holy cloth, you will immediately have a small universe with the pinnacle of the eighth sense!

Of course, whether you will be overwhelmed by the exploding small universe is another matter. A physical body that has not undergone any training may not be able to withstand the terrifying growth of the small universe.

Mr. Mu looked at Yang Tai with sharp eyes, only to find that the Aries Saint Cloth on Yang Tai gradually disappeared without a trace. What appeared on his body was an extremely complicated Pegasus Saint Cloth with astonishing brilliance!

The terrifying small universe continued to reverberate, making Mr. Mu take two steps back with surprise on his face. "This is - the sacred cloth mode of the Pegasus Holy Cloth!"

The Holy Cloth is actually not a mode in which the Holy Cloth of the Saint can be permanently maintained. This mode will consume a large amount of the power of the Holy Cloth itself, giving the Saint the power to rival or even harm the gods in a short period of time!

But after the violent burning of the small universe, the energy of the holy cloth turned into the holy cloth will also be burned out, becoming some kind of unpredictable accumulation, increasing the foundation and spirituality of the holy cloth, allowing the holy cloth to achieve what it can achieve in the future.

The ultimate height will be higher, but it will also return the holy garment to its original mode.

Compared with the stability of other battle suits, the burst mode of the Holy Saint Cloth can be said to have unlimited possibilities, with as many advantages as disadvantages, but it is undeniable that this mode has indeed increased the success of previous holy wars.


After all, if bronze and silver can't break through their own limitations, they won't even be considered cannon fodder in the Holy War.

But for someone like Yota in front of me, who is just like eating and drinking, breaking through the highest limit of the holy clothes, is it a bit too much?

Mr. Mu looked at it for a moment, and saw that the original Pegasus Holy Clothes had almost exhausted all his power, and finally transformed back into the original Bronze Holy Clothes.

Although the strength of this bronze holy garment and the small universe have dropped back to their original state, the accumulated foundation and the activity of the small universe contained inside have been greatly improved. To a certain extent, if you wear this holy cloth for a long time, you will become

The speed is definitely much stronger than the holy clothes of other constellations, and even the golden holy clothes cannot compare with it.

There is no way, this is the advantage accumulated by the Pegasus in the past generations. To a certain extent, the Holy Cloth can also be called the real teacher of the Saint, equivalent to a weakened version of the portable grandfather.

This chapter has been completed!
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