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Chapter 655 The Saint Seiya Takes the Initiative

The sound of the blast channel sounded again, and the Golden Saint, the Bronze Four, and the fully armed Athena walked out together. The group of people simultaneously burst out into their own small universe, and the underworld soldiers who rushed into the sanctuary seemed to have been attacked.

Like a blow to the head, he fell to the ground with a crash.

Aludiba from the Taurus Palace glanced at the majestic goddess Athena who was walking in the front, and consciously walked around to the back, standing with a group of golden brothers and nobles, and also joined the ranks of the explosion of the small universe.

With the blessing of Goddess Athena's divine microcosm, more than a dozen seventh-sense pinnacle microcosms swept across the entire sanctuary and even shocked the entire planet. At this moment, the presence of the entire sanctuary was amplified by those fighters who had ignited the microcosms.

In his eyes, it was strengthened beyond measure.

The three giants of the underworld, some powerful underworld warriors, Pandora... Countless people's eyes were looking at the Holy Domain at this moment, secretly shocked by the profound foundation of the Holy Domain.

In addition, there were Queen Hilda and the God Warriors who were studying the statue of Odin that had completely tilted overnight. Several sea warriors who were following Julian around the world all looked up towards the sanctuary.

Sea Witch Suitlan sighed: "This generation of Sanctuary is ridiculously strong! Even the reincarnated character of Athena is full of aggression."

Queen Hiluda was also looking at the Sanctuary. She was not so emotional. The entire Nordic Asgard was wiped out by a golden saint. Today's Nordic Asgard's impression of the Sanctuary cannot be overstated. She just

Some worried, murmuring: "Is it a new jihad?"

The two gods of death and sleep in the underworld also looked a little ugly: "This generation of Athena seems to be completely different from the past!"

Generally speaking, in the past, the underworld was very aggressive. In the beginning, the sanctuary always showed a conservative attitude, and Athena would not appear immediately.

However, this time, Athena actually led her Saints into battle! Without any sign of weakness!

The underworld warriors in the Taurus Palace were cleared away in an instant. The group of people walked towards the Aries Palace without hesitation. Many of the underworld warriors who were suppressed by the Athena universe fell unconscious on the roadside, and were then killed by the sky in the sky.

Basic weapons and laser weapons have been cleared away.

Saints have their own pride and will not attack unconscious people who have no power to resist. In fact, most sea warriors and underworld warriors also have this kind of pride, but they are automatically killed by the defense system of the saint.

Saint Seiyas will not be pretentious enough to save people.

Those who can stay awake under the pressure of Athena's small universe of God mixed with dozens of seven-sense or even eight-sense microcosms are at least out of the rank of miscellaneous soldiers and have touched the edge of the seventh sense. Among those who are currently attacking the sanctuary

, such people can only be counted on five fingers in total, and they are currently evacuating desperately.

No one is a fool. Not being afraid of death and meaninglessly sending death are two different concepts.

This is just a test attack. Who would have thought that the Holy Land would have such a reaction? The Underworld has not yet made any plans to launch a general attack. As the vanguard, facing the Holy Land with the entire army dispatched, it is better not to die.

The only two people left here were Saga and Shion, but after sensing this small universe, they stopped taking action. They just looked at the group of people walking towards here with bright eyes.

Especially Shion, after seeing Kido Saori wearing the Holy Cloth of Athena, the expressions on his face were colorful and very beautiful.

Standing next to him, there were cracks in the underworld clothes on his beaten body. Saga, whose head was full of blood, said with some dissatisfaction: "Didn't you tell me that the secret of Athena's holy clothes? No one in the entire sanctuary knows about it except you."

What is going on now? I feel like our resurrection is a joke."

"Okay, could it be that Tong Hu guessed something?" Shi Ang said with a bitter look on his face, "Look at it more openly. At least this one-day trip to the Holy Land will allow you to teach your younger brother!"

Saga sneered at this. Garen's strength can now be said to be not inferior to him. How can he teach someone? On the contrary, it's Shiang. The battle with Mu is an obvious teaching bureau. It's up to you to teach your apprentice.


At this moment, Kido Saori has brought a large group of golden saints and his own little strong bodyguards to the Aries Palace. Garen and Mr. Mu stood behind Kido Saori very consciously, and their aura suddenly became stronger.


Kido Saori glanced at Shion and Saga, and asked: "Pope, Saga, I believe you are not people who will succumb to Hades, why do you want to join the ranks of the Hades?"

Shion sighed helplessly, and knelt down directly on the ground with Saga: "Please forgive our offense, goddess, I just..., I just want to bring you some information!"

"Information!?" All the Gold Saints were a little surprised, but considering that Shion once served as the Pope of the entire Holy Domain and knew some secrets that ordinary Gold Saints didn't know, it was completely normal.

In other words, because of the pope's premature death, there were many intelligence gaps in the entire sanctuary. Obviously, Shion's resurrection was intended to make up for this.

"It's just that I didn't expect that, Goddess Athena, you would have resurrected the sacred robe." Shion then said with a grimace.

Kido Saori glanced at Yota. Yota knew about the plot, but Kido Saori didn't.

In her eyes, Yota infers that the statue of Athena is the saint's cloak through the victory cane in the hand of the goddess Athena, and the shield is the shield of the holy cloak.

"But there is some other information, I'm afraid you are not clear about it." Shiang raised his head and said: "There are a lot of barriers in the underworld. If you want to enter the underworld directly, you will have to awaken the eighth sense. Or there is another one.

The method is to use divine blood to render the holy clothes."

"Only the holy clothes dyed with divine blood can allow the saints to continue fighting in the underworld. And they can ignore the suppression of the small universe by the Hades barrier."

After hearing these words, everyone understood Shion's painstaking efforts. To put it bluntly, it was Saga's fault that the Pope was killed in advance. As a result, many things were not passed down.

After saying these words, Shion and Saga took a look at the sky. They came out of the underworld. In fact, they could only be resurrected for 12 hours. However, the fighting time was too fast. They had just arrived in the sanctuary and it was less than half an hour.

, all the Underworld Warriors were killed, so they still have life.

It is impossible to go back to the underworld again, and the gods in the underworld will not leave such big holes. It is estimated that as soon as the news of the betrayal comes, the two of them will be finished.

This chapter has been completed!
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