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Chapter 671 Super Saint Cloth

Although he has obtained countless high-grade materials, the God of Fire has encountered another problem: many of these materials only exist theoretically. Regarding their properties, even the number one craftsman in the world of Olympus has

I can't guarantee that I can fully understand it.

That's okay. As the God of Forging, he is naturally extremely talented in this area. As long as he explores a few more times, he can completely understand the true function of those materials.

But when it came to actual processing, he encountered another problem. The temperature and strength required to process many materials were incredible. Although Hephaestus was the God of Fire and Craftsman in Olympus, he actually

It can’t be processed either!

There are even some top-notch materials, such as gems compressed from the core of a river system. Its ultra-high temperature and energy rays can cause damage to the god of craftsmen just by contact, let alone processing by him.


Fortunately, if the God of Craftsmen can't do it, it doesn't mean that Yang Tai can't do it. With Yang Tai's strength, if he can learn the craftsmanship of this God of Craftsmen, he can naturally process these materials.

And Yang Tai's learning progress is indeed surprising. He himself possesses super wisdom. He had absorbed many insights from the sacred clothes of Hephaestus before, and now he has completely awakened his own small universe of God. Even if Hephaestus

Festus learned a vast amount in his life, but it only took him a few months.

In the vast void, a sphere with an incredibly high temperature was emitting immeasurable terrifying energy. At the top of the sphere, Yang Tai's face was slightly solemn, and he stretched out his hand.

This sphere, which was formed by condensing and compressing the cores of countless yellow stars, began to roll and boil. A pool of golden liquid flowed out of it, reflecting the golden and red eyes of the sun.

He connected the dots with his hands and distributed the golden melt to spread out, forming liquids of different sizes. After the temperature retreated slightly, these materials were shaped into firmware of different shapes.

The shoulder armor, breastplate, helmet, battle skirt, and wings. The newly formed armor only has an outline, and the detailed parts are blurred. There are only dots of light like tiny suns, and the murderous intent is completely invisible. It is like a mortal object.

Yota swung the giant hammer that he had strengthened with his domineering force and chakra, causing the helmet to slam down, rising and falling lightly, hitting it again and again.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang————

As the huge hammer flew up and down, afterimages continued to appear in the hot air, and the surrounding void matter seemed unable to withstand this terrifying pressure. It was like a rising cloud of mist that vaporized, urging the suit to quickly transition from prototype to finished product.


The sweet percussion shook the world, and along with some unknown rhythm, caused the entire dark world to resonate and tremble together.

Yes, Yang Tai created his own exclusive holy clothes this time in the dark space. With the control of the dark space, he can greatly optimize the manufacturing process of the holy clothes.

The most important thing is that Yang Tai cannot guarantee whether the energy of the Holy Cloth will leak out when he is making the Holy Cloth. Considering that the total mass of this Holy Cloth is almost comparable to that of two or three galaxies, casually

If there is a slight leakage of energy such as temperature or gravity, Olympus, or even the entire earth, will explode directly.

Golden light burst out, and the entire holy robe was finally completely formed. Yang Tai looked at the holy robe floating in the air with a satisfied expression. The energy flowing inside the holy robe and its mass were cleverly offset, making its weight and ordinary

There is no difference between the metal holy garments.

The most important thing is that the various high temperatures, radiation, and gravity that originally existed due to its ultra-high mass are cleverly transformed into the internal energy of the holy cloth. Firstly, the vitality of the holy cloth is increased. Secondly, Yang Tai does not have to worry.

He returned to the earth and directly crushed the earth, destroying mankind.

The golden holy clothes shone in the air for a moment, then turned into armor plates and attached themselves to Yang Tai's body. Yang Tai's momentum immediately surged, and the entire dark space began to tremble continuously.

You must know that during this period of time, Yangtai, with the help of Apollo's "enthusiasm", was almost equivalent to one hundred thousand more years of sunshine. However, after it finally reached a limit, no matter how strong Apollo's solar energy was,

There is no way to make Yang Tai progress.

Even so, Yang Tai's strength has also reached a terrifying level. Super vision can see through the timeline of the past and future. With a super brain, he can calculate almost all kinds of future trends.

The hands are no different.

As for power, Yang Tai didn't dare to test it at all. He was afraid that if he used all his strength, he could really shatter the entire universe. To a certain extent, Yang Tai's power was no longer purely physical, but something closer.

It’s about the rules.

Yang Tai even felt that if he was given enough energy and matter, he could completely recreate the Big Bang and create a multiverse with one punch!

After putting on the Holy Clothes, Yang Tai's feeling was not that he felt it, but that he was convinced that he absolutely had the power to destroy the world and reopen the world. For him, it was just a matter of collecting energy and matter.

For example, in today's Saint Seiya world, if he wants to, he can use the gravity of the Dark Fruit to reunite the matter of the entire universe into one, becoming a cosmic egg, or even a cosmic singularity. Then he can punch it down.

Reopen a new universe.

It's just that this kind of reopened universe, simple and crude aside, actually has nothing to do with him - it doesn't mean that you smashed your fists and let the universe take shape. This universe has nothing to do with you. If you want to be Pangu, it doesn't mean that

Anyone can do it!

"Unless it's in a dark space... If I recreate a universe here, I can become the God of Creation...,"

Even if he creates the universe, Yang Tai doesn't know if it will be of any help to him. Are he planning to tame creatures in the universe and then absorb chakra? How many years will it take?

But no matter what, this is Yang Tai's only direction now.

"It's a pity that the world I traveled through doesn't have elements of Eastern fantasy. Otherwise, I could try to learn how to open up the world. With my physique changed like this, I probably won't be able to practice the system of cultivating immortals. What's more, I myself can't

It’s not material for cultivating immortals.”

As a modern person with normal outlook on life, Yang Tai cannot understand the immortal cultivator who counts years in retreat. If he really wants to do that kind of retreat, he doesn't think he can achieve any magical skills, he only thinks that he can

It will become a neurosis.

This chapter has been completed!
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