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Chapter 100 I have done a good job for Asgard, I have shed blood for Asgard, I want to see my mother

Heimdall is the god of light, the god of dawn, the god of guardianship, the god of gatekeepers, and one of the twelve righteous gods of the Asi clan.

As the guardian of Asgard, he guards the city's gates to keep any intruders away. He is one of Odin's most trusted servants.

He has a loyal and courageous character, is responsible for guarding the Rainbow Bridge, and possesses the Eye of Heimdall, which can perceive all things, and is used to observe all things.

Standing in front of the Rainbow Bridge.

He was wearing a golden armor and looked particularly powerful and domineering.

Wearing a helmet with long horns, the Horn of Galar is actually used to warn Asgard of an invasion.

The weapon in his hand is a large sword named Hofend made of Uru metal.

But he also has the Rainbow Bridge Sword Bultsteel, which is used to open the Rainbow Bridge.

The two sides confront each other.

The atmosphere was tense for a while.

"give it to me!"

Loki wanted to show off his persuasiveness as the God of Trickery. He stopped Thor and stepped forward:

"Morning, Heimdall..."

But before Loki could finish speaking, Heimdall interrupted mercilessly:

"Do you think you can hide it from me?"

Loki was stunned: "You must have done something wrong..."

"That's enough!" Thor was grumpy and stepped forward and said, "Heimdall, can you let us pass?"

"No enemy can escape my eyes, even to this day."

What Heimdall was talking about was the Frost Giants sneaking into Odin's treasury. This was undoubtedly a shame for him:

"I want to know what's going on?"

Thor: "Then don't tell anyone where we are going until we come back, do you understand?"

Heimdall: "Understood."

Thor led the way forward.

Loki was left stunned.

When Volstagg passed by, he touched Loki and said jokingly:

"What's wrong? Your tongue is knotted?"

Loki also took a step forward, but before leaving, he looked at Heimdall very doubtfully. This was very unreasonable - you know, Heimdall is famous for being the most loyal to Odin in the fairy palace.

How could a loyal servant be willing to disobey Odin's order and let Thor go to Jotunheim just because of Thor's straightforward words?

Is it the shame he feels because of the invasion of the Frost Giants? That's not quite right, Heimdall's loyalty to Odin is definitely above his own honor and disgrace.

Or is this old guy just a stickler for hard work and not soft? You have to scare him to get him to do things?

Loki couldn't understand, shook his head, and followed Thor and the others.

Loki had already thought of the actual reason, but ignored it because it was too simple - Heimdall has indeed always been Odin's most loyal servant!

Thor and others stood at the port of the Rainbow Bridge.

Heimdall inserted the sword of the Rainbow Bridge, Bultesteel, into the hub that opened the Rainbow Bridge, and the amazing energy gradually opened and operated.

A long energy bridge runs through the starry sky, connecting Asgard and Jotunheim.

"I warn you!" Heimdall said: "As a gatekeeper, I will abide by my oath to protect the kingdom. If your return threatens the safety of Asgard, the Rainbow Bridge will not be opened for you, and you will be left behind.

Waiting to die in the cold desert of Jotunheim."

Volstagg: "Couldn't you just keep the bridge open for us?"

Heimdall: "Always turning it on will release all the energy of the Bifrost and destroy the entire Jotunheim including you."

——The Rainbow Bridge is definitely an important reason for Asgard to be the Lord of the Nine Realms, as it has the ability to destroy other worlds at any time.

Thor was full of confidence: "I'm not planning to die today!"

"No one wants to die!"

Heimdall truly opened the Rainbow Bridge.

Thor, Loki and others were immediately drawn into the energy of the Rainbow Bridge and transported to Jotunheim at the other end.

Just between breaths.

Thor, Loki and others were teleported to a frozen desert.

Jotunheim is where the Frost Giants live. The Frost Giants are the enemies of the gods. They are tall, brutal and powerful, and have a terrifying appearance.

Thor had only heard about Jotunheim's harsh environment before, but he had never been there.

This time comes.

He saw everything in front of him was desolate, dark, cold, and completely different from Asgard.

"We shouldn't have come!"

Hogan said with some regret.

The environment here is so harsh that it even exceeds their imagination, and they are unfamiliar with the place...

"Let's go!"

Thor was also a little weak, but his pride as the crown prince of Asgard did not allow him to back down, and the blood debt of the Asgard guards also prevented him from backing down.


Thor took the lead, taking Loki Sif and others, and prepared to go to the Frost Giant city to question the Frost Giant King Laufey.

On the dark and cold road, strange sounds sounded in their ears from time to time.

Everyone couldn't help but be a little wary.

The cold wind howled.

Sif: "Where are they?"

Thor sneered: "Hiding, a common tactic of cowards."


Thor and the others arrived in front of the building.

"Did you come all this way to die? Asgardians."

A hoarse voice came from the darkness.

"I am Thor Odinson!"

Thor looked around at the building in front of him with a somewhat condescending attitude.

"We know who you are!"

Thor asked directly: "How did your people enter Asgard?"

Asgard is the Lord of the Nine Realms, and he is the crown prince of Asgard. Facing the Jotunheim Frost Giants who were defeated by Odin and still surrendered to Asgard, Thor did not feel that he needed to be polite.

Laufey, the king of the frost giants, was hiding in the darkness, with a pair of blood-red eyes that were a little cold: "The House of Odin is full of traitors!"

"Don't slander my father's name with lies!"

Thor held up the Meow Hammer and roared angrily.

"Your father is an executioner and a thief!" Laufey stood up angrily, standing on the ice sculpture, looking down at Thor: "Why are you here? Do you expect war? Do you long for it? You are just a man who wants to prove

A little boy who is an adult!!”

As they spoke, frost giants appeared from all directions around Tor and the others.

These frost giants were three to four meters tall, with icy blue skin and red eyes, looking at Thor Loki and others fiercely.

However, Thor was still focused on confronting Laufey and was furious:

"'Ben' boy is sick of your taunts!"

However, Sif and others have already felt the danger.

Jotunheim is the home of the Frost Giants. Here, their combat effectiveness will be greatly increased. Looking at the long frost blades in the hands of those Frost Giants, they are cold and sharp, making people feel frightened.

"Thor, think twice before you act!"

Loki quickly persuaded Thor:

"Look around, we are outnumbered!"

Thor replied to Loki very impatiently:

"Remember your place, brother!"

"You have no idea what your actions will lead to?" Laufey stared at Thor and said, "But I know, get out of Jotunheim before I change my mind!"

It is impossible for Laufey to kill Thor in Jotunheim, because in that case, Odin would have to use the Bifrost to completely destroy Jotunheim.

But his patience has its limits, and he can't always endure the provocations of a little brat like Thor.

"We will accept your generous suggestion." Loki pulled Thor respectfully, and then pulled Thor back: "Let's go, brother!"

Thor looked at Laufey and then at the surrounding Frost Giants. Even though he was very angry, he still had some sense and did not dare to fight the Frost Giants on behalf of Asgard easily.

In the end, he could only prepare to return to Asgard under the pull of Loki.

However, Thor just turned around.

Laufei made another taunt:

"Go home, little princess!"

Loki held his forehead: "Oh, damn!"

With Thor's temper, especially when he is suppressing his anger, it would be strange not to fall out when others say he is a woman!


Thor smiled instead of being angry, raised the Meow Hammer in his hand, and hit Laufey who was caught off guard with the hammer, knocking Laufey away and hitting the frost wall hard.

To be honest, Laufei really didn't expect that the big fool in front of him would actually dare to attack him in Jotunheim.

When Thor moved like this, the Frost Giants surrounding them saw their leader being beaten, so what else could they say?

Swarm up!

Sif and the three warriors of Asgard immediately took out their weapons to face the enemy.

The Frost Giants may not be as good as Sif and the Three Warriors of Asgard in one-on-one combat, but this is Jotunheim. The Frost Giants are endless and can kill Sif and four of them.

Thor showed off his might and used the Meow Hammer to hit a frost giant with one strike.

"Weak, too weak, at least give me a little challenge!"

Thor smashed a frost giant to pieces with a hammer, and taunted Laufey who stood up again.

Ever since.

Laufey waved his hand gently.

A group of elite frost giants jumped down from the city wall.

Head straight for Thor.

These elite frost giants are larger than ordinary frost giants and have more powerful auras.

An elite frost giant punched the ground, and the extended frost formed an ice barrier, knocking the unsuspecting Thor back several steps.


The elite frost giant roars.

Thor stood opposite him and roared back.

The two sides rushed towards each other.

Thor held up the Meow Hammer and struck it with one hammer.


The elite frost giant grabbed his wrist first.

A headbutt hit Thor's head.

Thor's head was a little dizzy, but it wasn't a big problem. He sneered and was about to...


A fist hit Thor's face.

The frost giant's powerful power directly knocked Thor away.

Even Thor was like this when facing an elite frost giant, and Sif was also at a disadvantage when facing an elite frost giant.

On the other hand, Loki, truly the god of trickery, relied on his phantom clone to trick an elite frost giant into falling off a cliff.

Volstagg fought with a frost giant, and was held by a frost giant's wrist. His skin was immediately eroded by frost, and it felt like his arm was being put into magma.

He shouted: "Don't let them touch you!"

Just when Volstagg reminded me.

Loki happened to be fighting a frost giant and was caught by the wrist.

As a result, Loki's wrist was quickly eroded by the frost and turned into ice blue.

However, Loki did not feel frostbite, but felt extremely comfortable.

He looked at his arm, his eyes widened in disbelief, as if he had realized something.

The Frost Giant who grabbed his arm looked into Loki's eyes, seemed to understand something, and stopped attacking Loki.

But Loki's eyes were fierce the next moment, and he stabbed the frost giant through the heart with a knife.

Thor can still manage to survive with the help of Meowth Hammer and the powerful body of the Æsir.

But Fandral was accidentally pierced by the Frost Giant's ice stab spell.


Sif and Volstagg quickly stepped forward to help Fandral and reminded Thor of their current situation.

"We have to go!"

Loki also shouted at Thor.

"Then let's go!"

Thor hit a meow hammer and knocked away a frost giant. He glanced at Laufey who was standing on top unwillingly, and then prepared to retreat with Sif and others.

Laufei stretched out his hand and pressed it on his mechanism, and the power of frost spread rapidly.

to a huge ice sculpture.

The ice quickly fell off, revealing a huge, horrifying frost beast inside.


The voice of the giant frost beast made the sky seem to tremble.

Sif and others looked over.

The frost giant's toes were even bigger than their entire body.


Sif, Volstagg, and Hogan protected Fandral and fled quickly.

A frost behemoth of that magnitude was completely beyond their ability to deal with.

But the giant frost beast is behind it, chasing after it.

"Heimdall, open the Rainbow Bridge!"

Thor roared.

no respond.

Everyone seemed to remember that Heimdall had said before that he would not open the Rainbow Bridge for them if they brought danger back to Asgard.

Several people felt a little desperate.

You're not really going to die here today, are you?

The Rainbow Bridge has not opened, but the Frost Behemoth has already arrived.

crucial moment.

It was Thor who stood in front of everyone.

He raised the Meow Hammer in his hand, and in an instant, dark clouds gathered in the sky, and terrifying thunder flashed.

The next second.

Thor swung his hammer down.

The thunder and lightning in the sky turned into a bright light and fell on the frost beast.


The frost giant fell down with smoke rising from its body.

Thor and the others gathered together, back to back.

However, the danger is not far away.

Countless frost giants were surrounding him in a dense crowd.

"Damn it!"

Thor gritted his teeth.

If Heimdall doesn't open the Rainbow Bridge, they will really die here today.

The frost giant rushed over.



The Rainbow Bridge opened, and colorful energy enveloped Thor and the others.

In the glow of the Rainbow Bridge.

A sound of neighing horse hoofs appeared.

Riding on a black pegasus and holding the eternal spear Gungnir, the heavily armed Odin appeared in Jotunheim.

"Father, let's destroy them together!"

When Thor saw Odin, he was like a bullied child seeing his parents.

"Shut up!"

Odin gave Thor a basin of cold water.

Laufei relied on frost spells to build a high platform and came to Odin.

He put on a slightly joking smile:

"Father of the gods...you look tired!"

Among the nine realms, the lifespan of the Asir clan is not a big secret. Even the strongest god-king of the Asir clan only has a lifespan of more than five thousand years, and Odin is already very close to this lifespan.

Odin: "Lauffy, let's stop it!"

Laufei: "Your son started it!"

"That's right." Odin said: "This is just a little boy's nonsense. Don't make a fuss about it. You and I can settle this and don't cause further killings."

"This has gone beyond diplomacy, Father of the Gods." Laufey: "He will get what he wants - war, and death!"

The Frost Giants, as the defeated ones, have surrendered to Odin for thousands of years, how could they not want to stand up?

Odin is approaching the end of his lifespan.

How can we keep the Frost Giant from getting ready to move?

"Oh well!"

Odin said with a calm expression.

As Odin, who conquered the nine realms and built Asgard through blood and fire, how could he be afraid of war?

next moment.

Laufey held a frost blade and slashed at Odin.

Cut down on Odin's eternal spear Gungnir.


Gungnir, the Eternal Spear, burst out with violent power and blasted Laufey away an unknown distance.

Even the surrounding Frost Giants trembled at the power of Gungnir, the Eternal Spear.

After Odin once again demonstrated his great power.

The Rainbow Bridge opened again, sending Odin, Thor and others back again.

Laufei stood up and looked at the darkening sky again, a sneer gradually appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Return to Asgard.

"Do you know what you did? What you provoked?"

Odin looked at Thor and said in a stern tone.

Thor is still not convinced: "I am defending my home!"

"You can't even protect your own friends, so why should you protect this kingdom?"

"If you are afraid of action, the kingdom will perish, so why defend it?" Thor said:

"The frost giants must learn to fear me as they once feared you!"

"This is pride and arrogance, not leadership!" Odin said: "You have forgotten everything I once taught you. The patience of a warrior..."

Thor actually interrupted Odin's words and spoke up: "While you are waiting and enduring, the people of the nine kingdoms are laughing at us! The old road is dead, and you have seen the decline of Asgard.

But all he does is talk nonsense..."

Odin was like an angry lion: "You are a vain, greedy, cruel child!"

Thor roared: "You are a stupid old man!"

Odin stared at Thor: "You are right, I am indeed a stupid old man. I was stupid enough to think that you were ready to take over this country..."

"Thor Odinson, you have disobeyed the king's clear instructions. Due to your arrogance and stupidity, the peaceful kingdom and innocent creatures will face the horror and tragedy of war. You are unworthy of the kingdom and unworthy of your title.

You are ashamed of...the person you betrayed who loves you!"

"Now, I want to take back your ability!"

Odin stretched out his hand and the Meowth Hammer, Thor's beloved one, flew back into Odin's hand:

"In the name of my father and my grandfather, I, Odin, the father of the gods, banish you from Asgard!"

Odin swung the Meow Hammer, and the powerful thunder hit Thor himself, throwing him into the Bifrost.

Thor panicked in his heart: I have done meritorious service for Asgard, I have shed blood for Asgard, you can't do this to me, I want to see my mother!

Amway Treasure House.

Thor, who was eating at the same table with Bai Ye, Aunt Mei, and Parker, eating the fragrant big bones stewed by Aunt Mei, suddenly made a move, as if he sensed something.

He looked at the sky in confusion, then took out the Thor's Hammer he carried behind his back and looked at it...

What's going on? Why did I suddenly sense that there was an extra Thor's hammer in the world?

This chapter has been completed!
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