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Chapter 111 Rune Rune

"Thor of Midgard?"

Thor glanced at Bai Ye.

Without Thor's hammer, he would no longer be able to use the power of Thor.

Therefore, the thunder ball in Bai Ye's hand, which contained powerful thunder power, made Thor a little envious.

It would be great if he could use the power of Thor so freely.

Bai Ye saw Thor's envy and smiled:

"In the future, you should be able to break away from Mjolnir and use the power of Thor freely. After all, the tradition of your Odin family is that the older you get, the stronger you will become. In the end, your body will not be able to withstand your huge divine power.

, will enter a state of death.”

People in the Odin family all have a weird tradition - "There is a price to gain power!"

In Norse mythology, Odin once hung himself upside down on the World Tree for nine days and nine nights without eating anything.

In the end, Odin sacrificed one of his eyes and realized true wisdom in death.

This is the price for his almighty power.

If Thor wanted to awaken the power of the God of Thunder, he would have to have his father Odin die and Odin's power begin to transfer, and at the cost of sacrificing one of his own eyes, and then being beaten up by the Hulk, probably

You can begin to awaken and slowly master the power of runes.

"It's impossible."

Thor shook his head.

"Okay, let's get to the point." Colson interrupted: "Mr. Thor, your brother just used magic to hypnotize me, and then had a conversation with you, right?"

Although the history of the Odin family is also important information, at present, the most important thing is to deal with the immediate threat.

"I, I am no longer the God of Thunder."

Thor looked at his hands dejectedly and said:

"Because of my recklessness, arrogance, and ignorance, I created a predicament for Asgard to fall into war, and I refused to repent and contradicted my father. Therefore, my father deprived me of my divine power and demoted me to Midgard.


"Loki came to me to tell me that because of my reckless impulse, Jotunheim declared war on Asgard. In order to avoid war and prevent the long-lasting peaceful people of Asgard from suddenly falling into war, Asgard

Germany had to agree to Jotunheim in exchange for banishing me... Moreover, my father, whose lifespan was about to reach its limit and was in an unstable state, also passed away because of my injuries and the pressure of the war."

"I made a big mistake. I may spend the rest of my life as an ordinary person in Midgard."

Coulson was not allowed to cross-examine him in detail.

Thor took everything out on a pallet.

Perhaps, with a lot of things bottled up in his heart, he couldn't help but feel the desire to talk out his feelings at this time.

It should be that you want to vent your emotions, resonate emotionally, and seek comfort.


Colson opened his mouth, but in the end he could only say this.

He also didn't expect that Odin, known as the King of the Gods and the Lord of the Nine Realms, would be so angry that his own son would kill him?

In fact, everyone has a rebellious period, and sometimes they go against their parents, and Colson is no exception.

Only when you grow up will you realize how stupid, naive and immature your original actions were.

"But that's not right!" Coulson thought for a while and said, "Loki is the god of trickery and mischief in legend. Can what he says be true?"

Thor was stunned.

He really didn't seem to have thought about the possibility of Loki cheating on him.

Thor thought for a moment:

"Loki likes to fool around with small things, but he wouldn't lie to me about such a big thing, right?"

"That's not certain!" Colson said: "You have already said that your father is approaching the limit of his lifespan. In other words, Asgard has reached the stage of seizing the legitimate heir. If you are killed,

, then Loki will naturally become the new king of Asgard."

"I won't allow you to insult Loki like this, he is my brother!"

Hearing what Colson said, Thor suddenly became excited and looked at Colson with blood-red eyes. He looked like he wanted to rush up and beat up Colson, the coquettish bitch who had alienated their brother's relationship.

"Loki just likes to play pranks, but he is definitely not the despicable villain you say!"

Colson was shocked:

"OK, I get it, calm down, calm down!"

He also didn't expect that he just told the most probable guess, but it made Thor so emotional.

This guy...could he be a brother-in-law?

"Loki will not lie to me..."

Thor said to himself.

Bai Ye: "That's not certain!"

Thor suddenly raised his head and stared at Bai Ye:

"You also want to say that Loki probably deceived me because of the throne?"

"That's not true." Bai Ye said: "Maybe you can think about it from another angle. Maybe Loki is just telling a white lie? The Frost Giants are about to go to war with Asgard, and your father Odin entered Odin's Sleep.

, then in such a large-scale war, many people are in danger of dying. And your brother Loki, in order to protect you and prevent you from participating in this battle, deliberately lied to you, right?"

Thor thought for a moment, and his eyes suddenly became brighter and brighter: "Ah, yes, yes."

"It must be like this. Loki usually just likes to mess around, but at critical moments, he always helps me, so it must be the same this time."

Bai Ye curled his lips.

This fool really believes it!

Loki helped him, probably also helping him go further and further on the road to angering Odin.

If it wasn't for Loki's instigation, how could you have thought of trying to venture into Jotunheim alone?

But let’s just follow what this idiot says, otherwise he will really fall out.

Thor clenched his fists: "It's just that he used the wrong method this time. I am not a person who is greedy for life and afraid of death. I will definitely find a way to participate in the war. Forgive me for the sins I have committed in the past!"

"And your father Odin should really be alive. I have evidence." Bai Ye said: "You said it yourself, your power was sealed by the God King Odin, so you can no longer pick up Thor's hammer.

.If your father dies, how can the power of prohibition still exist?"

Thor thought for a while, yes, Thor's hammer is a weapon he has used since birth, and has been used for thousands of years, but this time he was deprived of the qualification to hold it by Odin's seal. If Odin fell,

Then the power of Odin on the hammer should also disappear, and he should be able to lift Mjolnir.

At this time, his father Odin most likely fell into Odin's Sleep rather than died.

"Sure enough, these are Loki's good intentions."

Thor was so excited that he burst into tears and couldn't help himself:

"I will definitely not let him down!!"

Walk out of the interrogation room.

Colson scratched his head and asked very puzzledly:

"Are you sure this person is Thor?"

Thor gave Coulson the feeling that he was too unreliable, too incompetent, and had no political IQ at all.

Can a person like this also become a king and the lord of the nine realms?

If the earth is ruled by such people, there will probably be an uprising sooner or later!

Bai Ye shrugged and said: "Sometimes you have to admit that all roads lead to Rome, but some people are born in Rome!"

"Perhaps when you work very hard to make money to fill your stomach, others will inherit a few gold mountains when you are born."

"So, sometimes, no matter how well others live and have a high status, when it comes to IQ, they may be far behind you."

"If he was not Thor, how could Loki come to talk to him, and how could you disappear for a few minutes?"

Coulson almost understood in his heart that Thor was indeed Thor, the God of Thunder. However, Thor's low IQ made him speechless.

He was casually coaxed by Bai Ye, but he didn't even realize it, and he even thanked Bai Ye in return.

This is so fucking outrageous.

"That Loki was probably trying to fight for the throne, and led him to Jotunheim, causing him to make a big mistake, right?"

Coulson began to review the situation in his mind.

The information from Thor's mouth and the information filled in by Bai Ye gave him a rough understanding of the matter.

Loki is definitely not the good boy Thor thinks he is.

A person who cannot lift Mjolnir in one attempt, and then tries to kill Bai Ye and Thor who can mention Mjolnir. Such a person has a dark mentality. How could he think of sacrificing himself for others and replacing the human form of Thor to sacrifice for forgiveness?


It must be because the humanoid Thor was so stupid that Loki was fooled around.

Bai Ye nodded: "It should be right."

Coulson asked again: "So Odin, the King of Gods, is really not dead?"

Even if he thought on his heels, he knew that if Odin, the Lord of the Nine Realms, fell, it would be such a big event.

As a nominal vassal state of Asgard, the Earth may also face many risks that it has never had before.

Before the earth has entered the interstellar age, it is best not to cause too much turbulence in the situation in the nearby star field and to maintain the status quo.

"Of course, otherwise do you think I was lying to him the whole time?" Bai Ye said: "When I raised Thor's hammer, I felt the power of the rune."

Odin is the god of knowledge. He has a strong desire to pursue knowledge. The wisdom obtained by Odin by sacrificing his own eyes is the rune. As long as the rune is carved on wood, stone, metal or

With any material, you can gain infinite power.

"If Odin dies, the runes will become ineffective unless someone else from the Odin family sacrifices his eyes and hangs himself on the World Tree for nine days and nine nights..."

Colson asked curiously:

"Mr. Bai Ye, how come you know so much about the Odin family?"

Bai Ye: "Isn't this because a Thor came to my house, so I checked the relevant information."

"Can you tell me more about it?"

Coulson became interested.

The information Bai Ye casually said contained many contents that even SHIELD could not search.

"Okay, it's not a big deal anyway."

Bai Ye chatted with Coulson about the history of the Odin family.

The first nine realms gave birth to the earliest life - "Odembula".

Odembula is a "cow" who feeds on the "salt" on the ice. It is such a "cow god" who eventually gave birth to the "two brothers" - "Buli", the ancestor of the Asa clan.

","Ymir", the ancestor of the frost giants.

"Buli" is the first "god" in the entire "Nine Realms", but he and the two brothers Ymir are not "in harmony". In the end, Buli is killed by Ymir, and the gods and the frost giants form a ""

"A bloody feud". But before Bulli was defeated, he already had his own son - the second-generation god "Boll".

In the era of "Bol", the battle to "unify the nine realms" began. The infinitely powerful "Bol" was "invincible" on the battlefield and almost wiped out the "Frost Giants". But in the end, due to the

Falling into the giant's "trick", he was attacked and turned into an "ice sculpture". Only by finding a more powerful "magician" can Boll recover, and the important task of "finding the mage" fell to Boll.

Son - "Odin".

Odin looked at his father who had turned into an "ice sculpture" with mixed emotions. He deeply loved the land of "Asgard" and without any hesitation, he directly announced his "ascension to the throne".

In this way, "Odin" took over the throne of "Boll" and led the "Asgard Gods" to unify the "Nine Realms", and Bol slowly disappeared with the wind in the Frost Kingdom.


After Coulson finished lamenting Odin and Bol's loving father and filial piety, he asked again:

"Asgard is obviously a kingdom, so except for the Odin family, how did the other subjects come here?"

Bai Ye: "In fact, the original nine realms were not actually connected, and it was not until the emergence of the earth that the World Tree sprouted. In the end, the World Tree connected the nine realms and gave birth to the Asgardian gods.

.In other words, the bloodline of Odin is different from that of other people in Asgard. Only the Odin family is the great god of Odembra, and the other subjects are all born from the World Tree.


"This difference determines that the Odin family's bloodline is different from that of ordinary Asgardians. This purest bloodline of the gods also determines that the Odin family is destined to be the most powerful divine family in Asgard."

Coulson: "So Odin is the strongest and invincible being in the nine realms?"

Bai Ye said: "No, if you want to say that the strongest in the Nine Realms, it should be Surtur, the ruler of the Fire Kingdom Muspelheim. Long before Odin became the God King, the then God King Bol also admitted that he

He really did not have the strength to compete with Surtur, who possessed the eternal fire. So, he sent his three sons, Wei, Fei and Odin, to Muspelheim to steal the eternal fire to weaken Surtur.


"Unexpectedly, they were discovered by Surtur during the retreat, and the lives of the three brothers were hanging by a thread. In the end, the two brothers Wei Li and Fei risked their lives to resist Surtur, and before they died, they passed all their power to Odin. In the end,

Odin defeated Surtur and took away the Eternal Fire. In other words, Odin added a positive buff to himself and a negative buff to Surtur, and then defeated Surtur. If Su

If Ertel takes back the eternal fire and ignites the Sword of Twilight, he will be even more powerful than Odin."

This chapter has been completed!
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